Popular tag: TheLegion

RicardiBacardi Member Posts: 77
edited June 2019 in General Discussions

Just pointing The Legion its the only killer with lots of popular tags on threads, its more popular than Event Tag!

Most of the threads are about fixing Legion, something must be wrong on them if people complain that much, right?

Post edited by RicardiBacardi on


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2019

    oops double post

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    That together with the slower vault speed and the slower frenzy speed, is the greatest fun killer on the Legion imo. Also, since deep wounds has its own drawbacks, those things could be undone.

  • Absolutely. Their voice is ASMR on it's own, but also hitting rapidly makes you feel like a killer.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520


    Sorry for the doubleposting now, but Almo I just like to say that the whole Legion patch gave the impression, that you guys were in panic.

    Maybe that is wrong, but for me as a pre patch Legion, and also for the nerf-thread starters has it look like this.

    At the moment where it whas clear, that the Legion patch would come, they had already claim it as their victory (and then they had already shift over to nerf nurse and spirit threads, but that is another topic).

    My point is, not every survivor is like those guys. Infact I believe they are the minority. Sure, as a pre patch Legion I am maybe biased, but I have read different opinions of the Legion in my endgame chat and also in the steam forums sometimes.

    Infact, it is not uncommon today, to find in the dbd forums (here), survivors that say things like that is actual boring to play against the Legion, because she is no longer a threat anymore - compared to the most other killers.

    Not every survivor likes an easy game. I understand, why somebody thinks that when I look at the nerf threads, but there are also survivors who like to have the opposit.

    They like to have thrilling games that are actual a challenge for them. A gutted killer can't delivier that to them.

    I know, you think maybe now, that I am talking to biased, but I can show you a collage with actual 4-5 endgame-chats that speak a different language as those survivors in the nerf threads.

    Sadly, I can't show more, because as I started to make this collage, the Legion patch whas only 1-3 days away. So I had only a short time window where I could make this collage.

    But, positive survivor comments were a standard in my endgame chat. Sure sometimes I had also crybabies in there, but that was honestly not very often.

    After my experience, survivors had enjoy to play against the pre patch Legion, if she had not exploit, or use the op addons.

    So... TL:DR... I don't think, that you need to be too afraid, to undone a few things.

  • This rework is just derision in a formal way. They just had to change the most unique killer into a basic M1 killer. I would say Freddy's power is threatening and a disadvantage to the Survivors meanwhile Survivors can mend in front of Legion.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    I love legion concept, but missing and getting a long duration of a stun sucks to let survivors escape. I this already in another thread, but I hate not seeing blood, not able to reach people on time for chain attack with the speed and power gauge refill time and vault speed does not help me chases. Bad enough that survivors knows about the nerfs, have to go in circle chases to get a hit. Only thing I like about change is no longer having power gauge reduce and movement speed uped.

  • Odimm
    Odimm Member Posts: 33
    edited July 2019

    Your explanation on the things mentioned doesn't make a lot of sense since the whole point of this thread was to show you guys that there is a HUGE problem with Legion as they are today. We understand what the point of the changes was, still we all agree on the fact, that Legion is unplayable in the purple-red ranks and needs a fix asap.

    Like OP said, there surely must be a reason why the forums are full of Legion posts, right? I bet you guys STILL think that the changes you made were adequate.

    And one last thing (I know a lot of you guys already said that but I feel like we need to repeat that for our fellow balancing team) - If "counterplay" is a concern now, what about nurse? Because it's not like she counters ALL of the survivors mechanics right? Take your time with the answer as you won't find any - still we will wait for it BHVR :)

    Post edited by Odimm on
  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    a lot of people on this forum idealize pre-rework legion as being "fun" for them, not realizing that the only reason it was fun for them was that it delivered them effortless downs

    it was absolutely horrible for the game and needed to change, though i do think current legion could use some tweaking

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    At least for Legion that only use addons with a maximum of the green rank, it was not much more effortless as for any other killer.

    And also survivors have enjoy it, when I remember my endgame chats (mostly) and some survivor comments in the steam, but also here in the official dbd forums.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520
    edited July 2019

    I just hope that they wake one day up.

    We could have fun again.

    Survivors who like to have a challenge could have fun again.

    And they could making more money again. Because people who not play anymore because of the Legion patch and people that are disappointed by the difference between reality and advertising will not buy any skins^^.

    That would be a win-win-win situation behavior. Just throw that in the room...

  • DevourOfSalt
    DevourOfSalt Member Posts: 254

    There is no point in asking these devs for anything killer wise, they do not listen or care about killers.

    I understand exploits should and definitely be fix however doesn't mean u have to put killer into the dirt

  • LTheMaster
    LTheMaster Member Posts: 15

    Legion with this rework is bad and useless killer with a useless power.

    I can understand the deep wound change to avoid Micheal Jackson Strategy, but the speed nerf is bad! And to justify it you are saying that you buffed duration, but you still can't reach them genius!

    Also the miss attack reset your power is a BS, it's normal to do a mistake also maybe from a FPS problems or lags.


  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    If you want to see any response and I mean real response start going to the dbd twitter and telling them daily you want them to #FixLegion. If enough people do and it gets traction enough for people to see it. Maybe we can actually get our killer back.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    The current chase with the Legion feels, like if you are a donkey with a carrot for your head.

    You see your target, but you will nerver reach it, if it is not rank 20 (in real or in mindset) ^^. No, no. And on top of that... If you just make one wrong step, a hunter comes and shot you... It feels like that, imo.

    That is pretty unsatisfying for a killer who is advertised to be "fast" and "agile".

    I think also that they don't want to listen to us... yet. And I can understand it. They have weeks, maybe months work on the rework and then... Nobody likes it of the former Legion mains.

    I can't hold it back... They should have seen this coming...

    But it is too late for those thoughts. I hope they realize one day, that the only thing they can do right now, is to undone the patch, if they want to do something good and what is right.

  • Yeah i gave up hope on the game and now playing RE2 and F13. I don't think anybody cares about 1 person. Let alone Legion the game being balanced around casuals is just ######### when every other game is taking advice from people who have experience and can determine balance by that experience. They had 70k players on the free weekend and now it's back to 21k average players.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    I just play and mod Skyrim/Fallout 4 in the time between and I thinking to play a little bit Battlefield 3 or 4 again. 1 shot - 1 kill, -not like in dbd with its 3 hook system^^.

    Still I wait for the undone of the patch. 1 day they will need to realize, that patches like the Legion patch make the game to boring. For killers and survivors.

    All those new threads in the dbd forums about boring gameplay, second objectives and so on - that is just a symptom, because they have make the game too easy for the survivors imo.

    Sooner or later they have to face this and then we can only hope for this game, that they turn the tables and coming to the right conclusions.

  • Yep, its only a matter of time before a new competitor rises and the people instantly switch to that game. Only reason this game is still alive is because of the streamers youtubers and that there is technically no competitor, because F13 has a bad reputation yet it is a great game (got it yesterday and im loving it even when i die), and Last Year is still not updated to Steam nor have gotten any update from the devs since like 2 weeks ago (just a pinned comment saying nothing new about the update but there's progress and that it's very big in discord server)

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    I just got into Total War: Warhammer 2. Micromanaging vampire pirate armies happened to be a more rewarding and fun experience than slogging through Legion games. I'm at a place where I sort of need another break. I've slid into green ranks on survivor without even trying to and got bored. Played for the first time in like a week or so tonight just to get some dailys out of the queue. Pretty much stopped after that.

  • SenpaiLobo
    SenpaiLobo Member Posts: 1

    Guess I'm buying Friday the 13th..... Seems like devs couldn't care less about their game or their players voices in the forums. It's really a damn shame. Thought this game was way better dued to more killers and challenging playstyles, but it's not worth it if devs only nerf newer killers while many of them were much stronger than Legion. Smh #fixlegion

  • Started doing it today. Nice picture change btw I'm gonna do that too.