Ghost face viable?

I was just curious to know everyone else's thoughts on GF after the recent changes. I'm ps4 and played roughly 5 games with him at rank 3 and most went pretty well. 3k was the worst I did.

It seems way easier to sneak up on survivors without that weird audio cue and patrolling hooks while looking for the next victim to stalk is quite good. It can be hard to use his power with all 4 alive still especially if their playing altruistic, but it gets you a first hit easier than wraith if they break you out.

Hes not top tier but do you think hes viable at red ranks. For me viable is getting atkeast 2 kills and the other 2 on death hook. I play too nice tho from what I've been told lol


  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118
  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    With the sound gone I've been using surveillance and discord to my advantage. Very easy to sneak to a gen you know they are on and get a nice stop to lean and stalk. Leaning is crucial, once they realize I'm there the only option is to run. Too late to break my power

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    Yeah I think you may be right. But I wanted someone else to play at red ranks besides Billy and spirit. Right now they are the only 2 that stand a chance besides nurse, but shes ass on console and I dont wanna waste the blood points or tine on her lol

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    depend of your definition of viable, I would personaly consider him mid/low-mid tier

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited June 2019
  • iamAlpha800
    iamAlpha800 Member Posts: 136

    Michael? He's strong at red ranks. I play him there all the time.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Yeah I wanted more killers to play as well. Before the nerf he was almost there, but not quite. Some small buffs would have got him there. Now that he's nerfed he would need a lot to get there.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Killers either need mobility or map wide gen pressure to survive at purple and red ranks. Otherwise they get genrushed into oblivion.

    Ruin is a (necessary) band-aid for 80-85% of the Killers in this game who don't have any of those. If they lose Ruin, they might as well DC.

    Billy has immense speed and instadowns, you can't beat him without a vault or window.

    Nurse, while not possessing as much mobility as Billy, can end loops extremely quickly. And she can still move much quicker than other Killers. Plus she can teleport up and down entire floors.

    Spirit has mobility and insane mindgame potential, which is what makes her top tier.

    Every other Killer is very dependent on Ruin, add-ons or perks. Pig has SOME gen pressure with her RBTs but still not enough mobility.

    The devs just don't know how to balance new killers, plain and simple. It's why the original killers are still the best in the game. With the exception of Spirit, the ONE time they did something right.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Original Killers are the best?

    Lol Trapper and Wraith can't hear you from the bottom of the tier list bro

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316
  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Huntress is arguably better than Billy, and Hag is also pretty top tier in the right hands.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    as viable as trapper

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Huntress is not better than Billy by a LONG shot (pun) on anything other than PC, and Billy possesses superior mobility. Huntress is slow and does not have map-wide gen pressure.

    Hag can be completely destroyed by either paying attention or Urban. You are either extremely new, a rank 20, or a Survivor main if you think Hag or Huntress is ANYWHERE near Billy or Nurse.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    I wouldn't say Hag or Huntress is as viable as Trapper, they're above that, but they're nowhere NEAR top tier with how weak or hard-countered they are.

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    I would say maybe if you have 3k+ hours and know the game like the back of your hand, even then until the either add a 2 tier system to his stalk and remove the reveal as long as third person camera is there then no.

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354

    At least with Trapper against the Red Ranks my Bear Traps couldn't be sniped by hiding behind a wall/LoS and looking at it. Maybe that's how I've been able to actually do something with old Trapsy compared to old 'stealth-boi' GhostFace.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    viable? - yes.

    top tier killer? - no.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    TBH all killers CAN be viable at red ranks, the problem comes from the fact that you have too run a meta build in order too stand a chance. Nurse, Billy, and Spirit are top tier because they don't NEED addons too succeed. I main Freddy and do pretty well except SWF groups, but I have too run meta perks in order too succeed though, which gets boring. Ghostface IMO is viable, but not top tier.

  • FishFry247
    FishFry247 Member Posts: 696

    I've made it to rank 1 this season with huntress, but I have been playing him at red ranks and he only seems to work with things like spirit fury and enduring, and even then it only works once on a good survivor and sometimes even survivors drops pallets because they can read you have enduring. He just below Myers imo

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    I haven't played a ton but I committed so him since release with no exceptions and crawled my way to rank five. I was a PIP away last week from being close to where I am now but I went on a losing streak and down 3 ranks. I'm going to stick with it until I either get to 1 or I blow a gasket in my head and start foaming out the mouth. Or just rank reset ... If I start to lose my mind I've got about 30 ebony moris saved up 😋

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    @JESUS_CHRIST I tried this but gave in at rank 3 and went on a mori spree with Spirit.

  • PickCollins
    PickCollins Member Posts: 495

    Dude Hag is widely considered one of the best killers in the game bc of her map pressure. A good Hag is hard to come by, but a good one can literally put the entire map on lockdown and defend gens.

    Now pulling that off is difficult, but doing it is possible and very impactful

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    Lmao yeah ok buddy. Saying Huntress isn't good on console is literally just because you have bad aim. I get it's easier to aim on PC, but dont fool yourself dude. And besides, you literally admitted she's better, whether it be on PC or not. So you really shouldnt have even made this point.

    Huntress can end chases long before Billy ever can. He might have pressure, but he still gets looped. The chainsaw is borderline useless while being looped.

    And Hag is widely considered one of the best Killers in the game by plenty of top tier Killer players.

    Im definitely not new mate. I've been a Rank 1 players since the game came out. Don't project your own skills onto me.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    Except some people make it a point to follow behind Trapper just to disarm all of his traps. I do this quite often, because he's useless with no traps.

    Wait till you get a competent SWF squad that actually calls out trap locations.

  • Redcum
    Redcum Member Posts: 261

    He is above Trapper, I consider him to be the same tier as Myers. Not top tier but decent.

  • Exa1ib3r
    Exa1ib3r Member Posts: 86


  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    He's viable, he just requires a lot of skill and game sense. If you use him like Myers you're going to lose but most killers can't understand that. He's actually super versatile and his power gives him a variety of options and uses.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    huntress's problem is that she's too map dependent, and the maps currently being released are 1. enormous and 2. full of junk and tiles that she struggles to throw over

    this means she can't typically go for long shots, and more importantly that she can't spread map pressure well against people who are focused on objectives

    she's also loop dependent; yeah she can throw over some loops, but other loops she pretty much just has to run through, and throwing down pallets early is very frustrating for a huntress player

    billy is also map dependent, just less so, and even on newer maps he can spread pressure just by being able to get around the map quickly

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144

    Billy has pretty difficult times on a few maps, but his chainsaw can be outplayed at close range with body hugs and 360s, part of the reason they got rid of his ability to 360 himself. Sure it's a gamble, but there is a way around it.

    Not to mention he struggles more than Huntress at loops, since his chainsaw really doesn't help against Survivors continue the loop without throwing the pallet. Only down narrow corridors are Survivors really forced to throw it, and even then, it's pretty much a free stun every time.

    Imo, pressure isn't really worth it if you can't kill anything due to RNG pallet placements and windows not working in your favor.

    I'll also note that the Depip squad tied with a Huntress player, but I'm not sure their results against Billy players. Of course the Huntress was a big name streamer, but we all know it takes the best Killers in the game to even stand a chance against optimal Survivor play.

  • KrazyAce13
    KrazyAce13 Member Posts: 330

    The thing is is she has 2 major hard counters flashlights and crouching which keeps her high mid tier to low high tier.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316
    edited June 2019

    Did you just ignore the parts where I said Hag gets destroyed by Urban and paying attention to your surroundings?

    EDIT: These forums are absolute garbage, my post got immediately submitted the moment I pressed enter to space out my reply and then I got literally redirected to another topic and I couldn't return to this one without checking my notifications. This site is extremely slow and I think it's because of some form of "long-running script" according to my computer.

    Anyways, you are new if you think Hag is top-tier. She gets destroyed by good Survivors the moment they know it's a Hag. Her traps will never go off because of Urban and Survivors predicting where your traps are and she would need add-ons to stand a chance. She gets genrushed without Ruin because her mobility is based off Survivor mistakes.

    Billy is not reliant on this, he can saw sprint whenever he wants. Nurse can Blink at will, she doesn't need Survivors looking at her or something to Blink. Spirit doesn't need Survivors looking at her to use her power to get around everywhere. And she doesn't need people running either, she can listen for them.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316
    edited June 2019

    Have you... not played Huntress on console?

    To argue that you "just have bad aim" when it's extremely difficult to aim on console... you have to be playing with potato Survivors.

    I admitted she was better? WHEN? I don't see me praising her at all, just pointing out her weaknesses.

    Billy's saw catches people out in the open and still gives him mobility to patrol gens. His saw can break pallets faster and can be used for mindgames at pallets. His saw can STILL be used to catch people during loops if Billy reads them right.

    Huntress gets destroyed by buildings and indoor maps and if she isn't on Autohaven or a map with loops that don't have walls, she can be mind-gamed and beaten.

    Huntress is high mid-tier on PC, bad on console. It's that simple.

    "Hag is one of the best Killers in the game" Oh my GOD, you cannot be serious. Does Hag beat Nurse and Billy too? 🤣

    Who are these "top-tier players"? Show me them. Right now.

    And no, you're not. You're rank 1 because you use NOED, you tunnel, or you use Ruin or cheese builds. It's that simple.

    Or you're just a liar. :)

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Hag doesn't get destroyed by urban if you're using her traps aggressively, in chases or in preparation of a chase, or putting them in unpredictable locations. If the survivors are creeping around everywhere out of fear of setting off a trap they'll be slower than if they were running everywhere as they often do. In a chase she can completely shut down a loop with one trap and has huge mindgame potential. Knowing where the trap is outside of a chase helps but in a chase that information doesn't help nearly as much.

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354

    Likewise, wait till you get a competent SWF squad that actually loops and stares at GF behind walls. Or don't if you want to keep Rank 1.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    Oh no, she still gets destroyed. Her traps can be very noticeable at times, especially on The Game.

    You also cannot use them in chases, Survivors will watch you put them down and move away because they know you're stuck in that animation while they sprint to a new loop.

    Survivors also know how to preemptively trigger your traps mid chase so they become useless or make you teleport to them, wasting time because the trap is right there and you're wasting time going through the warp animation instead of doing a lunge.

    "If the survivors are creeping around everywhere out of fear of setting off a trap they'll be slower than if they were running everywhere as they often do." Does this stop them from rushing gens? No, no it doesn't.

    Her mobility is also extremely reliant on Survivor mistakes.

    "In a chase she can completely shut down a loop with one trap and has huge mindgame potential." Which would never happen because the Survivor can see the trap ahead of time and make it redundant. Or set it off by abusing the wider radius behind walls and pallets so you can't do anything if you warp to the trap.

    "Knowing where the trap is outside of a chase helps but in a chase that information doesn't help nearly as much."

    This is not Trapper. This is Hag.

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    I've been using him more like a hit and run style. Actually stalk and leave em lol

    I try and get the first person 90-99 stalked then go find the next and do the same, try and push them into an unfavorable position and pop your power and insta down. And the add on that replenishes his power faster feels like a must have honestly

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Really sounds like you just have a poor grasp of hag, which isn't surprising cause that's the reason she's heavily underrated. Sure a survivor will run to the next loop when they see you put a trap down but if you're zoning them you can limit the loops they can go to. You're also cutting off a loop almost immediately instead of letting them loop you before moving on. Set a trap on one side of a pallet, if they run away, congratulations you denied this loop and forced them away. This loop is also now unsafe for future chases. If they did not run, chase them around the loop and force them through the pallet, triggering the trap. Now it's a mindgame, you can predict them to run and teleport across the pallet, or you can predict them to vault and stay there to grab them. You can play similar around vaults. You can also put traps in grass on a lot of maps to better hide them or outright make them impossible to see.

    With regards to them triggering traps through walls in a chase, this may shock you but when they set off a trap you don't have to teleport.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,450

    With regards to them triggering traps through walls in a chase, this may shock you but when they set off a trap you don't have to teleport.

    It's always fun when a survivor drops a pallet, triggers a trap, expects me to teleport so they go back over the pallet and I grab them instead of teleporting

  • Fictionalname
    Fictionalname Member Posts: 121

    As viable as myers and wraith, meaning no. Not viable if you wanna rank up past 10.

  • weirdkid5
    weirdkid5 Member Posts: 2,144
    edited June 2019

    Turn your sensitivity up then? I don't have issues playing Huntress on console. Sounds like you're blaming the game for your lack of skill.

    Lol Billy doesn't catch people out in the open with his saw if they pay attention. You aren't guaranteed to hit someone at farther than mid range.

    Billy gets destroyed at loops homie. Sorry. But he does. And if the Survivor times it right, you can stun Billy mid charge and punish him for choosing to chainsaw. There is nothing to "read."

    Billy also gets destroyed on indoor maps lol

    I would recommend watching Tru3Talent. He's pretty much gotten to Rank 1 with all Killers and he shows Hag is pretty good. Most long time forum players will tell you she is pretty good.

    Also didn't Hag get like, one of the highest kill counts at high ranks during one statistic viewing? Someone correct me if I'm wrong

    Lmao check my steam account then. I have Rank 1 killer. Even if I did choose to use NOED, tunnel, or cheese builds, that's completely within the confines of the game as long as gen rush, instaheals, and looping exist. Just fyi, I do nor chose to use NOED nor do I tunnel if I find someone else first, and I stream all of my matches so I have nothing to lie about lol

    Also I mostly play Survivor, so I know how easily Billy can be outplayed if you know what to do correctly.

    Hilarious how you ad hominem someone when they disagree with you by questioning their skills.

    I've learned to not take forum users like you seriously. You guys tend to get pretty irate at some point. I just let nature take its course at that point.