What if the rtb time sped up little every time a generator popped would that be to strong or no

Sentry Member Posts: 124

Only by like 5 to 10 seconds


  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I don't think RBTs are the right place to put her power at right now.

    They're clearly already the strong part of her ability. They already push survivors away from generators. What should be done is buff her stealth. She needs movespeed addons while crouched, more ways to land sneak attacks and more add-ons directed to that part of her power.

    No reason she can't be a good stealth killer. It's half her power.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    @gantes rbt push the survivors WEARING the traps off gens, but if something like this was also implimented, that survivors teammates might be inclined to hold off popping more gens while someone has a helmet.

  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124


    Thats the whole point if survivor dont pop gen they cant escape therfore slowing the game down.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    @Sentry I got ya, I wasn't directing my comment at you.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I particularly think that wouldn't be a good change when you can actually make the other part of her power meaningful and make her a lot stronger in the process.

    She already delays the game.

  • miaasma
    miaasma Member Posts: 911

    the RBT is already situationally quite strong on larger maps with spread out box spawns. add on tampered timer and people's heads might explode even if they're good about searching boxes. its only issue is that it's tied to RNG, making it unreliable

    i totally agree with buffing her crouch being the correct approach to making her a more viable killer

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    it would be really cool, if your team just continues to repair generators you will suffer and your team will be at a disadvantage cuz you will die and it's gonna be a 3v1, however i think when a gen gets repaired while you already have your trap active it substracts 10 seconds, and there will be add ons to increase the penalty up to a maximum of 20 seconds

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Guys, I don't think you're considering the implications of these suggestions.

    This game has nowhere near as much stuff for survivors to do for that to be good game design.

    Cleanse totems? Eventually you run out of totems. Be chased by the killer? They can only chase one person at once.

    If anything that just gives the killer more time to tunnel the guy with the RBT. Which is poor game design.

    Forcing all survivors out of their main objective when they have nothing else to do is poor game design.

    Buff her crouch and ambush attack. Her traps already do their job.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Would still be underwhelming.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    Off topic a bit but it's incredible to me how often red ranks waste pallets, even the shack pallet. It's not uncommon for me to them to throw the shack one before a gen completed.

    Your comment made me laugh though so I wanted to comment

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    This seems like it would make for a better high-rarity add-on than for base kit.

  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124


    Please explain how they delay the game because once u reach high ranks teams they just gen rush u. With this change one u could just make it so all inactive don't not have the 5- 10 seconds added on. This would solve the tunneling problem because when Ur in a chase the traps aren't activate therefore deterring people from tunneling. It doesn't deter people from doing gens it deters them from completing them. instead players will start to ninety nine gens leave time for the killer to kick gens.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Wow because going out of your way to kick 99'd gens will REALLY help with the gen rushing

    If you guys really want Pig gaining power in all the wrong places and continuing to have a useless stealth aspect of her ability, fine. That's why the devs don't listen to us. You just get hellbent on bad ideas and lash out at anyone who point out how bad they are.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    @gantes would allow synergy with perks like Overcharge or Pop goes the weasel.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    You want the changes to help at the highest level where gen rush is a problem.

    At the highest level, you NEED Ruin, Enduring and Spirit Fury as any M1 killer. BBQ is generally too good to pass up too.

    The game needs to change a bit before you even fit Overcharge and Pop on your build.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    @gantes I never got this argument honestly since I was able to hit rank 1 and play on that lvl just fine using a Freddy without ruin, enduring or spirit fury. Also considering Ruin is cleansed so quick while PGTW cant be taken away, and were talking about a situation where survivors arnt FINISHING their gens...

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    If her strongest asset is completely controlled by RNG, I feel it does need some changes/buffs. I agree that the stealth should be better, mainly the camra should be higher so you can see past the grass.

  • BunnyTheHutt
    BunnyTheHutt Member Posts: 1,773

    bruh he was not lashing out at all. chill. Her stealth does need a buff, but this change wouldn't be that big a deal, especially when it could be ironed out too be better. How many times, honest too god, have you seen someone die too a bear trap? It's too RNG reliant too be a good gen stopper since it could take someone 1 box or 4. This change would make her a great counter too SWF and make her not have too rely on the basic M1 killer build like she has too now.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Here's the thing. It's not meant to kill people.

    It's meant to take survivors off gens, which it already does.

    If it killed people consistently, then we'd have a problem. Dying after being downed once because of RNG feels even shittier than a survivor removing their trap on their first try. That'd be ######### game design at its best.

    If anything is changed about the RBTs, it should be changing from flat RNG to a scaling chance of removing it per box. But there'd still be people complaining about survivors getting lucky, maybe even more than people complain right now.

    I think her traps are just fine. This game is full of RNG already, and there are many many worse instances of RNG than reverse bear traps. Unless the devs do a full 180 on their philosophy when it comes to randomness, their randomness shouldn't be changed. And they shouldn't be changed to kill people more often either.

    I don't understand this thread's thought process at all. Her ability has two parts: one that's already doing its job and one that's complete garbage. Why waste time, resources and the killer's power budget changing the former when you can probably make her really good by changing the latter?

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Besides, people complain A LOT about survivors having power over a killer's power. And RBTs are the part of her kit that relies the least on the killer player's skill.

  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124


    The Devs have send in there stream multiple times she is meant to stall. She cant do that because people will pop generators to quickly. The reason I say this is because the pig cant do the job she was intend to do. If you power is to slow down the game, should it be able to stop gen rushing?

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Nothing is able to stop gen rushing because of how the game works. It's not because her ability is weak.

    It still takes one person off generators until they take off the trap, which is more than any other killer does with their own ability.

    The other part of her ability should be buffed BEFORE you change the part that's actually working, period. If you start forcing survivors to run around doing nothing because they can't do the gens, it's just ######### game design.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    If people really want her trapps buffed it's better to give her 6 for all I care. Not to introduce a gimmick that ultimately promotes bad gameplay.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    Pretty much this. Theres no incentive for the survivors who DONT have traps on their heads to not just keep knocking gens out since a survivor can easily search all 4 boxes within the time given. If you gave them a penalty towards popping additional gens, it MIGHT cause these gen jockeys to hold off til their teammate is out of danger and the trap is removed. A common thing to see would be gens at 99%, sure...but kicking a 99% gen, expecially using something like PGTW, is quite useful at stalling even further. Stall the game long enough and survivor resources, such as pallets, gets scarce. It also should be noted that not every survivor will just KNOW which pallets their teammates have already used, leading to survivors running to dead zones. This is why changing targets often instead of focusing too much on a single survivor for long periods of time is quite helpful.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    IMO, I don't think the Traps do their job well enough. I get that there's an element of RNG behind it, but I think the range is a bit too wide. Sometimes the Traps can actually slow the game down effectively, and sometimes they just flop. If the Trap could have a slightly better worst-case scenario, I think that would help a fair bit. Could make it so the first Trap auto-fails, or they could make RSN2 base-kit. Something to make their stalling just a tad more consistent.

    I don't think base kit timer reductions are the way to go (not even conditional ones like this) because they don't actually make the Traps any better at stalling; they just make it more likely that Traps kill. When they don't (which will still be often since, as you said, Traps are not designed to kill), they are no better than they currently are at stalling.

    All that being said, I do agree that her ambush is poo-poo and probably needs to be buffed before the RBTs (though if I am being honest, the first thing I want to see happen to the Pig is a friggin' add-on revision because they suuuuuuck).

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    *the first Box auto-fails.

    For some reason, trying to edit my post causes the whole site to become unresponsive.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I honestly don't get why RSN2 isn't baseline yet. It's probably the only major problem with her traps, other than RNG.

    I think making the first search auto fail could be interesting. I don't know how they'd do that with the current way the boxes are programmed (for those who don't know, the game pre-selects which box holds the key for each trap) but it's an interesting idea.

    I honestly don't get how her add-ons aren't a higher priority either. The devs said some time ago that Nurse, Doctor and Bubba were the next ones on the radar, but tbh I'd say Pig should be looked into before Nurse and Doctor. Doctor has more usable addons than her. Nurse is BS, but you know what is also BS? Having add-ons that harm your game like some of the Pig ones or some that should be basekit already.

  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124


    I dont want this change to cause more rtb kills i want it to stop genrush on kill who main purpose is to slow down the game. Also, 5-10 seconds isnt that big unless they go through gens super fast.

  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124


    I see ur point its probably better off if they just put rsn2 in the base kit and then buffer he lunge. The other thing that i was thinking could cause different problems like grief, etc

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,363

    @Sentry what if instead of a flat number of seconds, it made the timer tick like 20% faster for each gen done. This would rob you of more time if they popped gens at the beginning of your timer.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611
    edited June 2019

    It's also a pubstomp change that will absolutely wreck low level survivors who don't need to be nerfed further and will do nothing against high level players.

    The more I think about this idea the more I'm convinced it's terrible.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I actually think Doctor should be looked at first, if only because it's a goddamn crime that Moldy Electrode ain't base kit. His shock range is trash without any sort of range extension.

  • Sentry
    Sentry Member Posts: 124

    What would be the new ultra rare for the pig if they put rsn2 in her base kit?

  • Adriang14
    Adriang14 Member Posts: 257