Game Being Held Hostage

Alright, I am at Rank 3 right now. I am currently in a game with a glitched out Claudette, she cannot die. I have been in this game for roughly an hour. I have been streaming the entire time if you guys need proof. She won't leave and says, "I don't leave for toxic players." What do I do? She's basically put me into a situation where if I DC, I drop back a rank and lose roughly 100k BP. Does this count as a game taken hostage?
Yes, it does.
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Who can I go to for help?
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I am on Xbox, so recording is a bit of a hassle. I've been streaming on Xbox's garbage service called Mixer.
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Alright, thank you, I'll try to fill it out
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Do you have the active stream link on currently? :0
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It's on Mixer since I'm on Xbox, look up PulsarGaming360 and it should come up.
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@Pulsar you might have to dc to get their steam 64 ID which you can easily locate by plugging taking a screencap of their link when it loads or by taking their Username and plugging it into:
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Not on PC, on Xbox
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@Ember_Hunter Yes, here you go
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i doubt she'll get in trouble since she didn't decide to get glitched, she's just unwilling to dc (as are you)
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How is she holding the game hostage it's not her fault it's bugged is it? Why should she have to DC?. I had a match yesterday on xbox couldn't recover on ground or wiggle on shoulder was lame.
Is the hatch or gate open?
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I shut the hatch as she was the last one, I managed to down her right before the timer was up near a gate, I picked her up right as the timer ended, so my character dropped her, and then nothing. She says, "I won't do as what you want, you'll have to DC and lose all your points, toxic."
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Clearly she lost and should DC at that point. But you both are choosing to hold the game hostage. She is entitled to her points same as you are.
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She went to take a shower actually lol
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I started streaming the game on Twitch to get footage to give in the report, however, does anyone know a good way to screen cap Xbox messages?
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Take a picture with your phone. It doesn't let you take screenshots of messages.
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Alright, I'll do my best. Thank you!
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Found this a little late.. What was the result of the match?
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It finally ended after myself and another guy watching my stream were able to convince him to leave. It lasted about 3 and a half hours, I think.
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Yikes, and this was very early morning to me XD
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hmmm.. just pointing out something incase you see that in the future. Just leave.
You said it went on for 3.5 hours... and you didn't want to leave cause of a couple pips, and 100K.. you lost way more than that by sitting in there for 3.5 hours.
The game isn't worth it, once you see that happening cut your loses and move on.
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I think it's more the principle of things.
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Was the other player able to leave through the exit gate after they glitch out?
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In these cases a 'end-early match' option should be given to both remaining survivor(s) and killer. If both teams agree to just end match everyone should be pipped/rewarded bps as the games current status. @Peanits maybe suggest that to the dev/design team. This way neither side loses. Although, it is wrong to hold either end hostage and both cases can be seen as 'principal' knowing the game has so many bugs to try and count this would make broken matches be able to have a quick end rather than 'wait it out' mentality. This was similar to a hatch standoff which did last way too long. Then say a match like this was to occur and the killer tried to end the match peacefully and it was denied on the survivor side the survivor is holding the game hostage. It makes clear judgement.
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Nice necro because you are mad. However, I have video proof of this. Indeed, I was going to kill her, i couldn't make it to a hook in time. Perhaps, if you'd read and stop stalking people's profiles, you may be able to use that brain of yours to think.
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Nice necro because you are mad. However, I have video proof of this. Indeed, I was going to kill her, i couldn't make it to a hook in time. Perhaps, if you'd read and stop stalking people's profiles, you may be able to use that brain of yours to think.
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It was actually a known bug, but yeah, whatever helps you sleep kid.
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I think this game needs a end match voter that only the host can use and set up a vote in if they want to end the match or not.
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Wouod be great, but abused by swf. Again.
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Maybe, or just kick for inactivity.
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@Ember_Hunter When I said only the host can set up the voter I mean the killer, not the survivors.
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I just hope toxic survivors won't count it as a victory rage quit.
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Honestly, didn't expect this post to get necro'd by some dude who was stalking my profile after I told him that getting body blocked into a corner and sacrificed via EGC wasn't reportable.
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Yeah, I noticed that XD
Hopefully that Claudette was banned or learned her lesson :P
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Hopefully, but I doubt it as they said they were reporting anyway.