Devs will freddy's addons be changed and can the pills that hide him still work till the survivors

We hit or asleep because that would be good for people attempting the grab off gen trophy
Every single Freddy add-on is being changed in some capacity.
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I know I just hope that one doesn't get nurfed seeing as u can tweak it to not give heart beat out
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The one that keeps you from being seen would be way too broken to keep if I'm being honest
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Well as in only useful once on a survivor meaning you can get at least I grab on each of them
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You should be able to get free grabs that easily, especially considering in your scenario the killer could do it again after the survivor woke up again.
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Shouldn't, rather. Forum doesn't want to let me edit.
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Hence the one time only rule meaning it can only be used once before permanently seeing him in the dream and the flickering outside of it
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Yeah still seems pretty broken and unfair if I'm being honest.
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Wait so a one time grab that con only be used at the start of the game Is broken the second u hit somone or they enter the dream it stops working
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That's one free hookstate off each survivor just cause you used an add-on.
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Only if u find all 4 in 60 seconds and get lucky to do 4 grabs though could be tweaked to the second anyone is hurt or grabbed its done
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I thought you didn't want it nerfed.
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Just play Prayer Beads Spirit
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Not nurfed in trying to find a decent balance