What satisfies you the most as a killer?

Pick three things you adore the most what you feel when you do them.
For me:
1° A perfect far away axe throw as a Huntress (OMG that feels good)
2° When I fully stalk a player without him noticing and then watch him panic
3° The moment you kill the annoying survivor in the match (you know, that guy who loves teabagging or using the flashlight everytime you destroy a pallet) without tunneling or camping him/her
"Game Over - 500"
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- Spirit: Grabbing a survivor off a gen without prayer beads.
- Nurse: Blink hitting a survivor on console.
- Trapper: Survivors stepping in bear traps.
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Having 4 stacks on my BBQ and a fun game.
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Killing all with Devour Hope.
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That perk is both good and bad, cause it can give you a good time or you can get the hex destroyed and get mad, lol..
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As Freddy, cocky survivors unhooking in front of my face. Everybody underestimates a Sweaterboi. Makes for easy 4ks :)
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It's exactly why i run it.
- Gets cleansed? I picked Perks that both synergise well with Devour Hope, but also perform well on their own, so it's not that big of a deal.
- Doesn't get cleansed? Mission accomplished.
I pretty much just remove the negative. (As much as possible.)
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I dunno, there’s just something magical about that ankle-cracking trap snap!
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Blood Warden plays are my new favorite!!!
Letting the 4th (sometimes 3rd and 4th) survivor go after KNOWING I have the 4k locked up.
Letting the clear "bait" run away after taunting me with clicky clicky to get the easier teammates.
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Fun game for both sides and players being respectful.
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This, I hate to say this I almost don't care who "wins," if we all get good bloodpoints and everyone seems to enjoy it I'm happy. I almost never take the 4k anymore unless the team was clearly toxic and even then I sometimes let the last go to be the better person.
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Probably killing everyone with Devour Hope.
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I'm with the mention of Trapper snaps. They are so good. One match, I had placed ONE trap, and I found someone. We chased halfway across the map and they hit the trap. :D
That one time I had just downed a Survivor, the last gen popped 1 sec later, they stood up with Adrenaline and I downed them almost instantly with NOED.
Jump scaring gen repairers with crouched Pig.
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Hitting a cross map with Billy's chainsaw and killing that one survivor who thinks they're good but really aren't.
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Sadly it’s becoming destroying depip SWF squads, especially if their intent is to bully a lower rank killer and they teabag at me and flashlight click at the start but then start to panic as I turn up the pressure and they suddenly realise they’re not up against a fresh killer they can bully and stop trying to be toxic and start panicking and struggling to survive.
Next at one in relation to that is an annoying survivor wasting so much time that they actually get EGC speared or you get bloodwarden to go off perfectly and they get trapped.i.e. had one Dwight last night decided to vault spam, but the EGC timer was almost out and I was casually breaking pallets and thought he was just trying to waste my time and leave at the last second but suddenly he got speared by the entity and I was losing it because he promptly DC’d.😂
I think it’s so satisfying because not only are they losing to clown in most of them, but it ruins their plans to bully new killers. I’m actively reducing the bully squad’s “fun” as they do to so many killers and I’d rather it’s me getting them than an actual rank 13/14 killer trying their best to rank up. I’m only low ranks as I wasn’t able to play during the event due to painfully long queues, usually at least high green to high purple. That developer update makes me so happy though, they should be getting harder killers if they’re a full team not based on a low rank buddy making a group.
Also getting 4K and a high bp score as while learning a new killer. That sense of actually getting better going from 1k to a full consistent 4K in just a few matches.
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1.) Trapping people in my bear trap (especially when I thought that trap wouldn't work)
2.) Killing that one survivor who t-bags and flashlight clicks
3.) Getting a wholesome message :D
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- When the cocky survivors T-Bag me at the exit gate get's NOED and dies when they could've left.
yea, that's about it.
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Getting a grab on a rescuing survivor.
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That feel when you hit every survivor with Legion and don't get looped into a moebius strip.
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Knowing that at the end of a difficult stressful match I will at least get more bloodpoints than someone who just sat hitting skillchecks all match...oh wait, never mind, they've "fixed" that!
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When a survivor plays peekaboo with me as GF. It is always a lot of fun!
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Getting someone just before they escape 😁
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When survivors make mistakes.
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Destroying high rank swfs. Especially if they all have flashlights and always try to go for the save.
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- Giving the last guy hatch
- GGs at the end
- Letting them farm when something bad happens during game (like someone DC or kill himself on the hook right at the start of the game)
Yes, i like when everyone has a good time.
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Killing a survivor with tombstone myers.
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Catching all 4 survivors the same time in my bear traps sounds like piranhas
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Shocking a cocky Survivor's ass into oblivion until they finally break as they realise the futility of their situation, giving up.
I know it's mean, but with how the majority of Survivors I encounter behave these days, it teaches them a good lesson.
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Hitting 4 different people with a single use of Feral Frenzy.
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Yesss, I'm stealing this one.
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Gen grabbing with Pig
Watching entire teams of Survivors rush the Basement hooks when I'm playing Insidious Leatherface <3 I don't do it anymore but my background on my PSN profile is of a juicy 4 man sacrifice in the Basement because they thought it was a good idea to rush the hooks when they had no idea what the Killer even was.
Tricking the Flashlighter into thinking they're winning but they get dominated harder than everyone else.
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I mainly play Spirit but I'd say:
-Faking Phase right after hooking a survivor and getting a grab from a nearby survivor going for the unhook (They ALWAYS get pissed xD)
-Window fakes with Spirit. Pretend to vault but actually phase the direction they were heading.
-Using Night Shroud during chases is amazing for getting survivors to run straight into your face >:D
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Being declared "merciless" and letting them know who's Boss 😆
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I had a easy Adept Legion achievement after destroying a team on Autohaven Wreckers.
Other than that, I yanked a Claudette from saving the last Survivor as Freddy, no hooks were nearby though so she wiggled off and jumped hatched right next to the now dead Survivor.
Proudest of all? Yanking someone off a gen with Myers or Insta downing someone who was on a gen, not paying attention, up close. For example, Killer Shack with Ghostface or Myers.
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Gen grabs, as any killer, are very satisfying; my latest version of that was Using rusty shackles to get someone off a gen at the very start of the match;
Coming across toxic teams with object etc trying to mess with me and mindgaming the hell out of them;
Finding some love letters on my steam profile from survivors that I killed. ( I love the camper/tunneler messages because I know I specifically go out of my way to get a new target so they have to waste some time)
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When survivors acknowledge they are at your mercy.
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I love it when i'm playing a stealthy killers and i approach a generator just as it's repaired and i just stand behind a corner and wait for the survivors to run into me. Had a game recently as the wraith where i decloaked as all 4 survivors ran around the same corner and caused a pile up. Gave the person in front a good wacking since they couldn't get by me or turn around because of the other 3 survivors
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Playing a game after waiting 3 minutes for a match.
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-Getting Devour Hope to 3-5 Stacks
-Narrowly hitting a Survivor as they jump thru a window or as they slam a pallet on me.
-Getting hit with a pallet while Spirit Fury is up.
-Cocky Survivor running around me and I T3 on them.
-Getting Blood Warden activated and watch as they try to escape and the hope drains from them when they realize they cant run out when I come for them.
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Huntress snipes and galaxy brain Traps feel amazing. Once you get into toxic games, though, the only joy that can really be felt is winning against angry people, and that makes me sad.
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Pretending to be a doctors illusion when you are really a doctor running insidious.
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im just gonna leave this here...
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1. The overly altruistic and disrespectful swf when I play Freddy. Nothing is better than having many people asleep and a next victim.
2. Tombstone taunting Survivors 1m to the exit when they do not know you have it.
3. Save the best (and often toxic) player for last. When you finally get him, carry him to the hatch and close it in his face/ mori him on it.
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LOL! Love that feeling
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This comment is underrated
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When You open a locker to reload and get a present without knowing the survivor was there, LOL.
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Watching survivors scramble to get traps off there head I am obsessed with the red light on the bottom of my screen
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Utterly MURDERING that one toxic survivor who BMs (teabags/finger points/spams flashlight clicks during chase/spams cleanse when they know I'm running TOTH/spams quick vaults when I'm not in a chase with them), and/or sandbag/YOLO unhook farms their team, and/or are toxic in postgame chat.
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Finding the hatch as cloaked wraith and then seeing the last survivor joyfully skipping towards it, blissfully unaware that I am there with my foot hovering over it.
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Watching the bullies realize they're up against someone who's back from a break instead of a low rank killer. When the t-bagging and pointing gives way to panic and death, THIS gets my briefs a little to tight (ok maybe not this satisfying but still pretty good).
Getting a hit through a pallet only to have it break with spirit fury/enduring and getting a second free hit immediately (though I dont run this combo much anymore).