The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Most Satisfying/Scary/Funny moments in game?

Satisfying: Mori'd Laurie in the exit gates as Myers after she had been a toxic SOB all game, she never touched a gen far as I could see, tried to get me to take ppl from lockers etc so that was very satisfying (killed eve1 else tho too)

Scary: Every damn P3 Billy chainsawing across the map like an insane Usain Bolt.

Satisfying: My first hatemail following my 1st 4k as Hag, apprently teleporting to triggered traps and downing ppl was camping lol

Scary: My first time in the Red ranks, kinda satisfying too tho.

Funny: Playing with friends SWF one friend "Anyone seen the killer"

Me" Hes right behind you!" (in scary voice)

She screams, turned out Myers WAS right behind her :D

Funny: Playing KYF, I refused to say what killer I was b4 game. in game "Ian, want to know what killer I am?"

Ian "Y yeah?"

"Look behind you!" Me as Myers scratched mirror on Lerys, his scream was so loud I thought my old headset was gonna fail.

Funny (for my teammates at least) On Gideon map, Doc chased me for a full 5 gens, missing every damn attack and I equalled my record of 8 pallet stuns in one long chase, funny for eve1 else, I was getting bored and wanted to at least touch a gen:/

Turned out is was a baby doc with one perk, that clearly did not know how to use him, I msged him after game asking if he had a chasing ritual, he told me he just hated Meg and wanted to kill me cos I used her.


  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    Funny - facing No Muther SWF squad, i guess.

    Again, funny - tbaging to a sandbaging survivor with ghostface, synchronised

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,211

    Satisfying: All gens were done, I was playing Trapper. I have been unable to hook anyone the entire game. I finally down Bill, than Tapp gets caught in a trap right next to me (at a pallet too). I slap him, then walk up the hill and hook Bill. Meg is right behind me and tries to save him. She runs away, Tapp gets free, but is no threat. As I'm chasing Meg, I briefly see Claudette making a run for Bill, now in stage 2. The door is open. I down Claudette and hook her, then Meg gets stuck in a trap (again, at a pallet). I grab her and hook her, then find Tapp and hook him (I'm not even sure Clown was out at the time of this game, so no EGC). 4k at the last possible moment.

    Funny: I don't really have one for this, so I'll just bring up the color-coded Dwights named Mario and Luigi. That made me laugh.

    Scary: It was the end of the game, and I had avoided the Killer for the entire match as Feng Min. I hear a heartbeat as I'm opening the gate. So I run away, then start walking so I stop leaving scratch marks. For a quick moment I look behind me... and there was a crouching Pig following me.

    I died.

    Scary: Unexpected DS from Jane while playing Wraith. Scared the living daylights out of me.

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    yeh that is fun. I had a game yesterday where Kate missed my GF with a pallet slam so I tbagged her, she tbagged back and nodded, assuming I wanted to farm, Spoiler: I dont farm as killer :D

  • pabloddiablo316
    pabloddiablo316 Member Posts: 84

    Good examples, tbh the most scared I tend to get is when a survivor drops out of somewhere down to me or sprints round a corner and I think its the killer, air turns all kinds of blue at that point lol

  • VolantConch1719
    VolantConch1719 Member Posts: 1,211

    Just remembered a somewhat funny one: I was chasing an injured Meg and she vaulted over a window and started tbagging me.

    I was playing Huntress. I think you can see what happened next.

  • wichael_wyers
    wichael_wyers Member Posts: 202

    I think one funny memory I have was when my friend got titled from playing survivor, so he got off to play killer. My other friend kept playing surv with me and we had a Spirit game and I was talking crap through our comms saying, "Ah haah, she doesn't even know I already left the pallet." Crap like that. I ran by a Hex and I was like, "She really thinks Haunted is gonna work this time. Mhm." I got into another chase with her and my previously tilted friend goes, "What did you say about Haunted?" and he smacked me with Devour Hope LOL.