The Nun

ThatOneGuy Member Posts: 228

I think adding the Nun from The Conjuring universe would be super cool however I'm not exactly sure what her powers would be if she was added. Would she be like the nurse and blink? Or be like the spirit and phase? Be like the plague and vomit? There's a lot of possibilities 


  • KhaineGB
    KhaineGB Member Posts: 10,623

    That's a tough one. I haven't seen the movie (really should do that) so had to do some research. I remember in one of the very early live streams they said they wanted to avoid adding obvious religious stuff (like nuns and priests).

    Given that it's a demon that can apparently possess people, i'd probably do something like a trap that shows auras within X range when triggered. Doesn't necessarily help you get there, but it's map information. Then you can have addons that increase the duration of how long the trap stays triggered, how big the range is for auras to show, etc.

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited July 2019

    @KhaineGB Speaking as a professional author and someone who also did game work, I would most definitely avoid religious stuff given the current climate.

  • BadMrFrosty
    BadMrFrosty Member Posts: 1,100
    edited July 2019

    Most religions have interesting (and sometimes utterly twisted) stories to pull from. Seems like perfect horror material, but hey, I kinda believe everything is fair game or nothing is. Doubt BVHR will take any risks though.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    The writers did a bad job at showing just what the Nun/Malek could do, she did a whole lot of everything so it's hard to pinpoint it down. Possession would be the best choice like Khaine said but I was thinking maybe Malek could summon an already possessed person, just some random Survivor not in the trial. So The Nun could maybe charge up the summon and then your POV switches to the possessed Survivor leaving behind your ''husk'' like Spirit and you can run faster as this person and have a fast attack recovery.

    The idea is that you can switch between them, leave one at a nearby loop and kind of box a Survivor in. Like Spirit the Survivor won't know which one you're actually controlling.

    So the Possessed would have a faster attack recovery and moves fast but the Nun is slower but also has an increased Lunge range which makes both very different and gives players lots of ways to play it out.

  • ThatOneGuy
    ThatOneGuy Member Posts: 228

    This is actually pretty similar to the Dream Witch from the game Identity V. Except she herself cannot attack the survivors, but what she can do is spawn in multiple minions but can only control one at a time. From what I've seen they'll spawn a minion leave it a tied up survivor and move on to another minion to try and make the other players seem like she's camping when she's controlling another minion in the map. 

  • NextKillerSpongebob
    NextKillerSpongebob Member Posts: 271

    I would just go through with the religious stuff, cause in the movie universe and the gaming universe, it's all fiction. If a couple of special people can't seem to grasp something as simple as that, then I wouldn't mind some ''controversy'' about a game in which there floating, teleporting, killers becoming invisible...