10 Solutions for the EGC problem, and yes, it IS a problem



  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265


  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    Not gonna lie, but on THE GAME map they are always the furthest away and against a mobility killer like spirit u can only just open it when u immediately risk to start opening it while the killer is still on your side but heading towards the other gate. It's nearly impossible on other maps with close gates. Sometimes you can trick the killer by opening gate till one red light is on and immediately go to the other gate. But killer rarely fall for that.

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846
    edited July 2019

    Muahuaha. It could at least repair the perk left behind and slightly accelerate the opening of the gates or do something with your lights. We do not want easy escape, just something a little more fair in 1vs1.

    1vs1 situation

    While the hatch is open the end game only with 50sec until the end, however the killer can't close it.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Imagine thinking rank is a good representation of skill

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061

    I think true endgame collapse balance would be for the killer to see blips of the survivor every day 10 seconds. Once the timer starts the survivor has to survive the timer. When that timer is up, both exits open up. But killer can close them both if you don't escape in time resulting in the entity claw getting you.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    If only there was some way to stop this dastardly perk!

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846

    Doing some of these things for me would be good already. I m

    1. Gates spawn little more far and Hatch spawn far away Exit Gates
    2. Exit Gates switches lights need 40% to enable the first light
    3. Rework Left Behind to Open Gates 20/25/30% more faster.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    EGC simply exists just to put a time limit on the endgame scenario that triggered it. Just like hatch closing simply exists to prevent hatch standoffs.

    Nothing more, nothing less.

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571
    edited July 2019

    1. If you don't get your job done and don't find the hatch first, that's on you

    2. Wh- I don't even know what went through your mind to think of that one, all the survivors might as well just bring in a key and boom, every match you go in now we'll always just to be a loss for the Killer

    3. So basically bringing back the problem that was supposed to be fixed with the EGC? And it doesn't become a mechanic to push out lingering survivors more like keep in the survivors instead, what?

    4. What in the world is wrong with your brain? There is three problems with this, one is the already existing survivors bringing in keys and the amount of keys that spawn in chests with RNG, two killer can just camp the chest or patrol it, and three, it just guarantees the Survivor of getting a key and escaping

    5. Reasonable, but what the devs have said about it, it sounds like it's not possible, and unless its a billy or nurse, you still can escape (especially if you want to be cheap and bring in a key or find one)

    The EGC was meant to stop survivors from holding the game hostage, and it was meant to favor the killer, no way in shape or form that it was to favor the survivors at all, the only thing that favors the Survivor with the EGC is just how the timer slows down a little bit when someone is down or hooked. From the way you're putting your Solutions, and your arguments, you're making it sound like Survivor should have a guaranteed escape no matter what

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    People say EGC was meant to stop survivors from holding the game hostage. Maybe that was the intention, but that isn't the effect. They can still hold a game hostage, just not indefinitely and due to their predeliction for taking risks, they're actually less likely to leave until forced to. This is for the EGC scenario where survivors are winning as they have got at least one gate open, or have held the game hostage by 99%-ing the gates thereby forcing the killer to take the intended humiliation of having to open the gate themselves to start the timer.

    Then there is the other EGC scenario where the killer is winning. The fact that EGC on hatch-closing automatically powers the gates fuels a big argument against the idea of fairness for the killer. Peanits has confirmed that the issue with garaunteeing gates don't spawn close is it means most killers would have no chance to win; but this is de facto already the case. I have constantly been keeping an eye out when I play and when I watch streams for any instance where due to the gate locations, the killer is able to effectively guard both. I have to date found only 7, out of the 22. Even then it's only a chance to have a fortunate gate placement for most killers.

    Either one of the EGC scenarios favours the survivors to a degree where it's like it was designed for them; to troll when they are winning or to get multiple chances to escape yet again when they are losing. It's all work and frustration for the killer and defeats the entire purpose for why we asked to be able to close the hatch in the first-place.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    It's definitely possible, you just have to hope RNGnitity that you get some decent Exit Gate spawns. Couple that with some great timing and you should have yourself a great chance of survival. :)

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    These are all terrible solutions to a problem that is not a problem

    1) if the endgame time didn't start when Hatch was closed a survivor could very easily just hide until the killer gets bored. If you didn't know this typically happened lot before the endgame collapse if the killer managed to kill three survivors before 2 gens were completed with no Hatch the survivor would literally just hide instead of completing a last gen required to make Hatch spawn.

    2) If you do this then you would see a sharp rise in the amount of people who would immediately start Hatch camping the second they realised they weren't going to win. This is once again turn the game into a very annoying drawn out game of hide and seek.

    3) Then you are severely lessening the punishment for losing as a survivor. Solo Survivor or survive with friends the people you are with are your team. They might be potatoes or they might be carrying you whichever one doesn't really matter if the killer manages to wipe out the survivor team and remove the advantage of the numbers they have why should the final survivor be rewarded with a massive benefit.

    4) Once again I don't think you think things through. This would typically make survivors who finds this chest just play immersed and hide until endgame starts at which point they will just wait for the killer to close the hatch take the key and leave there's no skill in that. This would basically just send us back to square one where the killer had no power during in the hatch situation

    5) Once again this would not require any skill it would basically turn the game into a massive A or B choice if the killer chose the wrong exit gate then the survivor get a free escape. This will only end up punishing Killers who don't have mobility nurse hillbilly and maybe spirit will all still be powerful with this change every other killer would severely be punished. The way the system is now is fine it's RNG based if the gates spawn far away the killer has a difficult time if the gates spawn close together the survivor has a difficult time.

    What's your trying to suggest or what you're asking to be implicated is to have the survivor be able to one the one the killer which should never be the case.

    In a 1 v 1 scenario if the survivor isn't playing extremely cautiously and has a little bit of luck on their side they should lose.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    EGC is a bit frustrating. I've lost one as killer since it started. One, and only one. It is massively stacked in the killer's favor. That, and it is a tool used by some killers to be toxic for no reason. I don't teabag when I play survivor; I don't run insta-heals; I don't run DS/MoM, etc. Yet, I can't count how many times a killer will down me, engage EGC, then watch me die shaking their heads. Very childish and toxic. I'd like to see the EGC changed in order to cut both survivor and killer toxicity.

    Changes -

    • No way should the exit doors be close enough for Trapper to easily patrol. Half the time, I can usually just sit and watch with a trap in front of both doors. I can usually see both exits with little effort. This should not be happening.
    • Closing the hatch should trigger EGC, but the survivor should be able to re-open the hatch with 2-3 difficult skill checks and a timer the same as the doors.
    • If the survivor is down, and does not have perks that allow them to get back up, the game should end in 10 seconds. There should be no large window for some neglected kid to act toxic in. It does similar with the final survivor when they are hooked. If it was your first hook and you have Deliverance, you don't get a chance to use it. So do similar with EGC when in dying state for more than 10 seconds. End it.
  • SodiumIntensifies
    SodiumIntensifies Member Posts: 18
    edited July 2019

    EGS is one of the best mechanics devs have added to this game. Pre EGS was extremely boring as most survivors would just crawl around the map looking for hatch (letting their teammate die on the hook if it means they escape) Now the end game is tense for both killer and survivor since people are more likely to at least try some big brain plays. Of course there is no more hatch stand off which is worth it enough.

  • BeerboDrankins
    BeerboDrankins Member Posts: 5

    Been playing this game for years now and been at rank one on both killer and survivor solos. Sometimes you escape, and sometimes your team mates suck. And sometimes you just end up making a mistake and are too salty to admit it so instead you take to the forum to seek validation. This game isn't perfect but the end game collapse absolutely was necessary and the only thing that I would okay for a change would be a minimum distance between exit gates.

  • SaveUsY2K
    SaveUsY2K Member Posts: 43

    This is the worst list of fixes I've ever seen in my life.

  • jzinsky
    jzinsky Member Posts: 112

    Re opening the hatch sounds like a good idea.

    Reading through this I was also thinking that when the killer closes the hatch the gates are automatically powered 20% for each completed gen.

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  • OpenYoureyes
    OpenYoureyes Member Posts: 111

    After i have read the first post i had not the stomach to go on and read all the s* that will be thrown at you by killerini.

    Good luck.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Oof survivors are really pissed they aren't getting their free escapes for hiding anymore huh

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Funny how survivors want a free escape when they fail, but NOED is somehow bad.

    Not surprised by this communities double-standards anymore.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    5 more bad ideas yay.

    6) They already base faster gate opening speed it made. It made it super easy for survivor once again lead to an a or b choice for the killer

    6.5) However I'm all down for buffing wake up. It's an endgame perk and right now it's nice but too situation and is currently outclassed in it's own job by the leader boost.

    7) or you can mindgame with the light and use it to make a killer patrol on side whilst you open the other door. The change you suggested will result in boring immersed gameplay where the survivor has no risk

    8) You really don't learn. This would turn onto a drawn out hide and seek match were the survivor is too afraid to open a gate and has no pressure to do so allowing them to hide till the killer gets bored.

    9) You don't know this community do ya.

    The second some survivors notice they've lost they would suicide to deny blood points and emblems hell they already do this with disconnecting and you're seriously suggesting giving them a punishment free version for disconnecting and not expecting it to be abused.

    10) This is stupid, nothing else needs to be said.

    Well I'll give you this, out of the 5 new "solutions" you suggested, you actually made half of a good suggestion with buffing wake up, too bad it was attached to a stupid idea so I could only give ya half a point.

  • AokiiSenpaii
    AokiiSenpaii Member Posts: 91

    Actually, yea. Take a step back and look at what you Killers call "NOED"

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    If you want to have bottom-scraping standards of argument, we can all do that.

    NOED is a 'rubber-band' feature, the opposite of a 'snow-balling' feature. There are many of them in the game; survivors have most of them and they do not have the absolute counter-plays that NOED does.

    If we get rid of all rubber-banding features, that would be a huge nerf to survivors and hardly a nerf at all to killers. Of course, survivors will scream the loudest as they do about everything which they wish for and then get, because survivors do not know what they want and that's why the devs must stop listening to them.