The Saint (Krampus killer concept)

Necromo Member Posts: 5
edited July 2019 in Creations

Name: The Saint

Height: Tall

Movement Speed: 4.4m/s

Terror Radius: 32m 

Ability (Scourge of the Saint): The Saint enforces his will through his whip to capture and punish the sinful.

Activating this ability will begin a short channel, slightly decreasing movement speed. Once fully channeled, release the whip in a straight line damaging the first survivor hit in it's path. 

If the target survivor hit by the ability was to be downed, instead Krampus will abduct them, pulling the target towards Krampus and capturing them.

Whilst initiating the attack animation of his ability, Krampus is locked in the direction he threw the ability and is unable to move until the whole animation is complete.


(Hex) Naughty or Nice: A hex to reveal the wicked. If a survivor has not performed an action that would warrant points, their aura is revealed. Attaining points will keep your aura hidden for 20/15/10 seconds. Altruism points will increase time hidden by an additional 10 seconds.

He's making a list, and checking it twice.

Capra's Gaze: Looking at a survivor within 12/24/36 meters of you will slow actions performed by the survivor by 3/4/5%. This effect will work viewing auras.

Half-Goat, Half-Devil. His piercing gaze will always find you.

Devil's Touch: Enfeebles a victim. After being hooked, the survivor will suffer the blinded status effect until they have been unhooked.

Once you've been captured, not even hope will comfort you.

Add-on ideas

Fiendish Fingernails (Rare): Horrendously unkempt and unnatural in appearance. Successful attacks with your ability will apply the Mangled status effect.

Fractured Horn (Very Rare): Devilish origins that once belonged to Krampus. Tremendously reduce channel time of ability.

Frozen Snow-globe (Very Rare): A cold, unwanted gift. Tremendously reduce loudness of your ability.

Saint's Finger-bone (Very Rare): A token to remember him by. Tremendously increases the range of your whip. Slightly increase channel time of ability.

Saint's Skull (Ultra Rare): The skull of Nicholas. While channeling your ability your aura becomes revealed to the survivors. Successfully landing your ability will instantly capture survivors.

Diabolical Box (Ultra Rare): A mischievous gift surely to fright. Traps random chests with a jack-in-the-box, notifying Krampus that a chest has been opened.

Memento Mori: With a single hand, pins a survivor to the ground. His demonic gaze piercing with a bright yellow, leaving survivors dead by unfathomable shock.


Krampus, an old folktale across central Europe who worked alongside Saint Nicholas. While Nicholas handled with nice children, gifting them presents for their good behavior, Krampus dealt with the bad children, putting coal in their socks or worse, dragging them away from their homes to be punished. It has been this way for many many years, but Krampus had begun to feel the slightest hint of weariness.This alone was enough to concern Krampus, and looking at how easily it all seemed to be for his good counterpart, Krampus began to feel resentment towards him.

At night on the 5th of December, Krampus found Nicholas working late preparing for the gifts and festivities. Krampus waited for the opportunity to strike. It was at the darkest of hour that Saint Nicholas had fallen asleep from exhaustion and then Krampus would be rid of him finally. Creeping in with shadows, and the cold air. Krampus clasped his monstrous hand around the throat of Saint Nicholas, and to his surprise found no resistance from him. Could he too have been just as tired of all of this?

Laying still, stolen of any color and very, very cold. The Saint was dead. Krampus begun to feel what might have been remorse, but also relief as things from now on were to be very different. The cold winds rushed inwards, extinguishing all light, dark fog rolling in, encompassing and swallowing all vision. The fog itself had begun to dismantle reality around Krampus, and before he could think anything, the fog left as quick as it came. 

His surroundings vastly different, he looked downwards to where Nicholas was, and saw nothing but crumbling bones and worn garments. Perhaps he missed the old fool now. But then something called to him, ominous and powerful.

Thoughts flooded into his mind, both of command and desire. This place he was in, it wanted him to find and claim, to kill for whatever it was. Krampus adorned his old partner's clothes, adopting his title, and stepped into the rolling fog ahead.

Post edited by Necromo on


  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Krampus is an original idea, and i like your take on it! Good job 😁

  • Necromo
    Necromo Member Posts: 5

    I searched up other concepts for Krampus and they're all pretty awesome. But I just like the idea of a hook playstyle and thought he could totally fit.