there are a million threads on this topic but it seriously needs to be addressed NOW

How quick gens get done is literally killing this game its not the survivors fault with how quick gens get done and how little killers can do to stop it. I know I should probably just get good but you shouldn't have to play nurse or be a top tier rank 1 killer just for a chance to get a kill end game. This game needs more perks to slow Gens down like a perk that reduces repair speed in your terror radius or BUFF THANATOPHOBIA LIKE IT RIGHTFULLY DESERVES!!! Also please increase gen time to 100 seconds. Anyways thats all.
While I do agree that gens can go out of control if you chase a survivor for more than a minute, increasing the amount of seconds you need to repair generators is NOT the solution, my god holding M1 for 80 seconds is already painful and skill checks become a joke if you have 20+ hours in this game, what I think needs to happen is to make generators hard to repair, like whenever a killer chases you, you have to be smart and try to outsmart the killer, generators should be hard, this will make it fun for survivors instead of holding m1 for 80 seconds, the only problem is that I don’t know how they can make them hard
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I play both sides and yes its annoying but if they buffed the time it took to 100 seconds this would indirectly buff ALL perks that slow down gen progression. What I think they should really do is bring back the thana buff or just revert it to its old state its so useless as is rn. Like Freddy after rework is so beautiful when it comes to delaying the game what they need to do is add more secondary objectives similar to Freddy's style of alarm clocks, having to purposefully fail skill checks etc etc. Or make more perks that effect dull totems literally anything because im at rank 4 rn and I can get 3 early game hooks then before I know it 4 gens are already done.
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just get good you said it im at rank 2 and killers 4k most of the time, more so with ruin at least on ps4
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Gens really shouldn’t be longer. There are perks for that. That’s like survivors saying gens should be shorter. There are also perks for that. MAYBE as you complete each gen the time it takes to complete the other ones go down. Because it’s hard enough trying to escape with bad teammates and especially with 1 gen, 2 gens Or even 3 gens left. Raising the time it takes for those would be incredibly hard. Maybe with 5 gens left it takes 100 seconds and then with 1 it takes 80 seconds. 5 seconds less per gen left. Idk something like that maybe
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When there are a million threads about this, what gave you the impression that your thread is so special that it needs to be Number 1.000.001?
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Exactly I’m rank 2 too and most games they have ruin or PGTW and we don’t even get out. Idk why everybody expects to just be so good at this game. If you’re not getting a 4K change up your style because it’s you.
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That also seems fine but theres no really good perks to stop and slow gen progression except pop goes the weasel and ruin. I would say corrupt but everyone just hides when corrupt activates.
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I get 4k's if I play nurse aka a killer who can actually just teleport wherever the hell she wants. I dont expect this game to be easy but I dont wanna HAVE to run a specific build just to get more than 1 kill. I play all killers and I also play survivor but when it comes to gens this game is heavily survivor sided because there is no mandatory second objective. You can't just run what build you want and expect to get however many kills. For example I played Clown in my last match on crotus penn asylum. It was going good I got everyone hooked once before 2 gens where done and each chase didn't last too long but when I hooked a Claudette on her second hook suddenly 3 gens popped. From there it was fine I got into a chase then hooked Feng on her second hook after once again hooking a Meg, then bam the last 2 popped within 5 seconds of each other. If I had ran PGTW I would've had an easier game but I was constantly having to kick gens. This game doesn't promote making your own perk builds at all when gen rush is so relevant.
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No offense but PS4 players tend to tunnel and camp for all the kills and a lot of people don't know how to play from what I personally have experienced. Even at high ranks killers like Legion dominate.
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Because everybody should be talking about this as much as possible. Everyone knows its an issue so we should actually present this issue instead of overlooking it.
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from current state? after long discount and gf dlc
i thought every game is bonus round and feels good to play any killer now
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I mean a 120 second timer isn't to threatening. I play both sides and stealth can be a thing if you run a whole build dedicated to it lol. And im not denying the game does favor killers in a lot of ways but gens isn't one and yes I do believe survivors need lots of buffs such as Lithe needing to do more than just a speed boost, hit boxes almost guarantee every hit, Stealth play needs to be viable without running an entire build. But on the other hand killers need some buffs such as maybe a fire up buff, exit gates going back to 20 seconds to open instead of 15, Actual penalties to face camping such as bloodpoint loss, maybe instead of increasing gen time make it so regression actually has a bigger effect than 0.25 charges per second.
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so then those perks aren’t for you. Or you aren’t doing the right thing. And playing as a survivor on rank 2 or 3 I don’t wanna have to run self care, adrenaline, DS, and dead hard. But i have to. I wanna play around and go into games with those perks that give me a considerably high chance of finding something rare in a chest with that other perk for the rare addon. But I can’t because I’ll just die and lose the thing in the chest. I wanna joke around and play with a bunch of different build but for the most part I’ll just die. Killers and survivors are bound to have to use perks to win. That’s just what it is. But basing everything off of the 4/10 games where you didn’t get a 4K isn’t the right thing
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I agree killers need nerfs and the game needs a lot of changes. all this one specific thread is is about changing the gen system. But im also a rank 3 survivor and yes its annoying as hell to be forced to run DS, Borrowed, Self Care, and any exhaustion perk besides sprint burst and head on. This game needs to be changed HEAVILY.
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Maybe you just need a new game. I love the game as is. If I wanted everything changed with a game....I'd just play a different game.
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There's really no need to be rude like that, even if it's to point out an argument ad nauseum.
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If you're getting genrushed, here are a few options:
Learning map pressure
And my personal favorite,
Case closed.
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My point is you shouldn't have to play those 3 specific killers with a very specific perk just so you can avoid getting genrushed.
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Jeez I never said any of that but aight
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To be immersed all you need is spine chill and urban lmao. To be stealth is hard as hell depending on what killer you play against like Plague you can probably out stealth but a doctor? Have fun. With Nurse all you gotta do to counter her is break LOS its not that hard as people make it out to be haha.
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A sweetheart like you is rare on these forums.
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What if they made totems a more crucial part of the game. Like more killer perks like NOED so it's something you have to do every game. Obviously making gen rushing super risky.
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Well that could work but then again it might have an overall more negative impact than positive