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Mediocre Killers

There are a lot of Killers in this game that need buffs. However while some of them like Legion and Leatherface are getting a lot of requests for buffs, there are other Killers that are not quite as controversial that still need a lot of help.

Killers like the Wraith, Trapper, Clown, Doctor ect.

Killers that we've forgotten about because there are more interesting alternatives.

These Killers don't stick out or aren't necessarily the worst ones, so we don't mention it and thus the devs likely aren't going to give them any love any time soon.

They all do need some love even if there are worse Killers. But they are also the least likely to be changed because of their mediocrity status. I'm not saying they must be reworked, but all of these Killers need buffs to be less addon-dependent, less luck dependent and more in control of their success like the top or even high tiers are.


  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited July 2019

    As a Wraith main, I feel like his cloak should do more.

    Maybe something like rendering other objects invisible... things like gens that aren’t being worked on and pallets, (temporarily) I don’t know if this would make him too OP I just really feel like his main power doesn’t shine during endgame. You cloak to try to catch up to someone but are too slow to get a down.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857
    edited July 2019

    I've been asking for the devs to look into Doctor for a year now. >.<

    He's got a pretty decent kit, but he's very weak in engagements. Because he needs an addon to even use his powers in a chase. Similar to how the Pig was before she got a mini-update.

    He only needs 5-10% more range so that he'll be able to use the shocks in more areas other than just super unsafe pallets. Then adjust the addons from there accordingly.

    I would also hope that they take a look into Clown after they're done with the Leatherface update and the Nurse/Billy addon rework. As others have been saying for years the Clown with no mobility, no game slows and pressure tool makes him very prone to just getting gen rushed.

    After those four then they can honestly update or rework any other killer they feel like if they believe they have to.

    Hope the Plague's buff is soon tho.

  • deadbyhitbox
    deadbyhitbox Member Posts: 1,117

    Makes me wonder why they haven't done this yet. It's such a simple solution that would make him decently good, but still have good counter play.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Wraith just needs one of two things really.

    1. Make him completely invisible so survivors cannot see him period when cloaked. Nothing worse then being spotted while your supposedly invisible.


    2. Don't make him slow down when un-cloaking, let him continue at normal pace to make the hit and nerf the burst. A good survivor will always evade and Dodge his burst hit after un-cloak.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I would like to ptb a clown buff ;

    Hitting a survivor with the bottle will cause the gas to last (a little) longer and creates a chem trail as they run.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I want to test a 15% slow also reducing pallet vault speeds. Since that would also help with the new freddy.

  • Girawott
    Girawott Member Posts: 2

    Before July's rank reset, Legion is at a fine spot to be honest, at least in my opinion. I got up to rank 1 and mainly maintained that spot before the rank reset using Legion. I usually run the etched ruler + mural sketch and have an easy time getting 3-4 kills, I don't know if rank 1 PS4 survivors are different compared to rank 1 PC survivors, but yeah I think Legion's fine right now

  • TKTK
    TKTK Member Posts: 943

    From what i see people say Legion is just a m1 killer, there power is just boring the way it works and doesnt do anything else or really reward hitting all survivors with deep wounds and then the issue of how deep wounds works where it pauses in the killers terror radius which is a good thing but frenzy stabbing also doesn't do anything to the bar or reward stabbing a second time only to get a 4 second stun which the stun is another can of worms people also see as questionable cause it cant be mitigated in anyway like canceling the power early other than addons. The addons are another issue i've seen people say they are boring and dont really add much to the lethality of legion.Then we get to the speed nerf and vault changes that stacks with everything else one of the devs posted that vaulting is one of the key defenses for survivors but legion cant down survivors with feral frenzy anymore so that changes seemed unnecessary imo, it all just stacks together and paints a picture of why some ppl are frustrated with how legion is now. Personally i can do alright with legion now but they are admittedly pretty boring to use imo.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @TheGameZpro3 How can you be rank 15 when you get 4ks all the time?

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,331

    @NoShinyPony maybe he doesnt play killer often

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,225

    The biggest problem most of those killers have is that they have no way of compensating for the survivor sided maps. I think all of the mediocre killers will get a bit of an indirect buff with map reworks. I just wish they were being way more aggressive with the timeframe.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Ehh, Wraith could use SOME more, but he's not in dire need.

    If they can squeeze in a lil buff or 2, sure, but i'm fine with him not being the main focus.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Leave my Doc alone. You buff him anymore and you run a real risk of him being OP.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I agree, about 90% of the killer roster could use some buffs.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    Leatherface is definitely top priority

    Legion definitely needs some little tweaks to their power currently chaining together frenzies is good but it doesn't really have much pressure unless you're running something like sloppy butcher or thanatophobia. Also fix their add-ons.

    1) The pins are ineffective and counterintuitive

    2) Stab wounds study: is pointless now due to the deep wound change

    3) Frank's mixtape: just like the pins is ineffective and counterintuitive

    4) Fuming mixtape: sucks it has always sucked but at least before the rework when frenzy he was spammable you could have at least he used it doesn't change the fact that it was still sucked

    Amanda also need a couple of tweaks to her power and the addons need a good look over too.

    1) Mostly all the addons related to bear traps suck or are super conditional

    * Tempered timer is nice but it's useless if the trap doesn't activate before they get it off

    * the gear addons are also nice however they're based on RNG so if someone gets it off in the first box it's pointless

    *last will with the endgame change having more traps doesn't really do anything but it's alright

    Everything else related to bear traps pretty much sucks

    2) Don't even get me started on Amanda's secret. It doesn't need a buff it needs an outright rework.

    3) Amanda's letter could use a buffs as much as I really love the add-on the negatives for using it vastly outweigh the positives that you get which shouldn't be the case for an ultra rare

  • TheGameZpro3
    TheGameZpro3 Member Posts: 699
    edited July 2019

    @NoShinyPony well, with my Xbox being taken away for a while, I couldn't play for literal months. when I came back I was at a really low rank. with personal issues in the way, I only been able to reach rank 15.

  • Captain_Doomsday
    Captain_Doomsday Member Posts: 175

    Trapper is, ironically, the most mediocre. Everything about his kit is so outdated now two others are doing it better, but he's still not so bad as to be relegated to a basement or utter failure as Leatherface and Freddy are and were.

  • su11yboy
    su11yboy Member Posts: 38

    Starting from the top, Nurse needs some of her addons changed, because half of them allow bad nurses to do well, and limit a lot of counterplay. But the top tier killers aren't really broken OP by any means. But the bottom 10-12 killers all need changes. Its funny to me that none of the licensed killers are top tier (I rate Myers the highest at 7th best). Wraiths cloak speed is barely faster. He has decent addons which can make all sorts of fun builds so I'd like a small buff for him to be decent. Doctor is weird. He really isn't horrible. But I rate him bad because his base kit is #########, and he almost has no power. Buff his range, and shock charge speed a tiny bit and he would probably shoot up to at least mid tier. Trapper is also weird. He has the potential to be strong, (I've seen some strong games from him) but he can be VERY underwhelming. It also takes so much time to set the traps. If he could start with more, and set them a bit quicker he'd be stronger as well. Leather face is just garbage. Idk how to fix him, hopefully the devs know how to fix him. Ghostface should have his nerfs un-done (as it was incredibly unnecessary) I actually revealed a Ghostface once and I still don't know where he was (I clipped it, have rewatched it a million times). There was also no terror radius after he got revealed too (so he was far away). Then I think Pig and Legion are mostly fine. A lot of their addons are pretty #########, and I think they could use a bit of minor tweaks, frenzy hits should be able to down survivors (eventually even if its a lot of hits it'd be progress), and I think Pig's endgame needs some sort of tweak. Maybe make it so the traps can be set off but it slows the timer as if someone was down. I think with this DBD would be a lot closer to balance (they also need to force a secondary object that hopefully isn't just holding a button down). People could pick the killer they like and it wouldn't be impossible to win. Imagine that.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    At rank 15, any killer is viable. I've only 4'k with freddy the past few days from rank 16 to 8