Can we keep old freddy.

LancerCain Member Posts: 72
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

I really like old Freddy, he might not be this super efficient killer but he is fun to use, he was the kiler I have gotten further in the rankings with by the way.

But anyway, why not keep old freddy (Pre-Nerf) along with the new one? some people like him as well, so why not give players the choice if they want to play old or new Freddy when selecting him? the code for old Freddy is already done, so why not keep both?


  • Maybe they will give him the LEGION TREATMENT, so that the way you liked to play is stored in an addon instead.

  • LancerCain
    LancerCain Member Posts: 72

    True, but that way you can't really use it as before, you know, he would lack all his add ons, or if it were a splinter-like offering he would lose moris and such. So I would rather having 2 full killers in 1.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    They won't because their reasoning for not keeping the old Nightmare is because he has unfun mechanics on him.

    So you would have to give the Killer the option to play the old Nightmare, but you'd also have to give the Survivors the ability to not face the old Nightmare, as the devs consider him factually unfun to play as & against.

    And one other thing the devs absolutely don't want is for Survivors to be able to not face certain Killers.

    If they'd introduce it here, soon enough you'd start seeing others ask for the ability to dodge the Nurse, Hillbilly, Doctor, etc.

    And only because, to them, they're unfun.

    TL;DR - They don't want you to play a Killer that they deem unfun towards Survivors.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited July 2019

    Current Freddy is unfun for both Survivors to play against and (most) Killers to play as. Why would they keep him as is?

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Something I have realized as well. But a majority of killers can be called "unfun" to play against soooo the question is who's next?

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,616

    It's not what we deem unfun, it's what they deem unfun.

    Granted, they deem it unfun once a vast majority deems it unfun, but, apparently, that takes a LOT.

    I don't have anything against anyone liking the previous Nightmare, but i suspect they're the minority. @KillermainBTWm8

  • AnIntellectualClone
    AnIntellectualClone Member Posts: 118

    There is no going back, sadly (or fortunately). But hey, people were expecting this rework for 2 years, so its the decision of the masses.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Please no. I am finaly happy he will no longer be Joke Tier Killer.