Fellow Killers, what's your take on the Ebony Mori?

Justice Member Posts: 60

Hey all!

Xbox Killer main who is currently Rank 1 Killer this season, but I also get to red ranks as Surv most seasons (Rank 2 this season) and I wanted to throw my chip in the pot for changing the ebony mori and get your opinions on it as well. I like to think of myself as a very empathetic Killer main, in that I rarely camp or tunnel (unless deserved), I let survivors go in certain situations, and I hate using Mori offerings (namely the Ebony). I play very very much like HybridPanda who is my favorite streamer.

I don't particularly like using mori's... As I would much rather use Blood point modifiers, hook placement modifier's, black wards, or map offerings. But mostly I don't use them because I also play surv and know how much it sucks to go up against them. They are literally game changing. And while sometimes knocking out a member of a 4-man SWF evens the odds, those circumstances are a bit rare (don't get me wrong 4-mans are extremely overpowered).

I have to admit I am also a HUGE Devour Hope fan. I use it way too often since I don't use Ruin and it has won me a lot of games, and getting a DH Mori is oh so satisfying and just the best feeling (and earned honestly).

I would love to see the Ebony Mori be changed. Here are my two different thoughts:

  1. UR Mori only becomes available after at least two hooks (although this might encourage MORE camping and tunneling)
  2. Do away with it altogether and make the current Green single use Mori an Ultra Rare and change the old Yellow Mori to a Purple Very Rare mori that allows a single Mori after the gens are powered regardless of any hooks
  3. Keep mori's the way they are but guarantee at least a safety pip from the moried survivor. Maybe even a pip if they have done enough up to that point

I personally only use Mori's for kill challenges, or i'll equip one to payback a super toxic player/ team I have previously played.

Also in my opinion, I can't see how anyone objectively thinks Ebony Mori's in their current state are fair. I know there are several outs with Survs and their perks but the Ebony trumps them all honestly.

What are all of your thoughts?




  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Your ideas are good but if I had to choose one thing I want that would help with the ebony is problem is just make it so ebonies cannot downpip you

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    Typically I hold off on using em, although I dont see ANY problems with yellow moris at all. I typically have a rather large supply of ebony moris which I only use when my girlfriend REALLY wants to see salt in an endgame chat... For that, I grab an iri head too, lol.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    I think ebony moris might be a bit more balanced if they were reactive to what the survivors brought into the game. Initially, it starts off with the functionality of a green mori and allows you to kill one survivor. Then for survivors after that, you can kill survivors that brought a purple addon into the game after 2 hooks and kill survivors that brought an ultra rare after 1 hook.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,333

    @Dehitay This kinda runs into a problem where some of the best addons you can use arnt the purple or red ones. While this'll be useful against things like instaheals, the best toolbox is a green one with a clean rag and swivel sockets for addons, which are brown and yellow.

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600
    edited July 2019

    I use them to put certain teams in their place if I feel they have crossed a line.

    Sometimes you need to remind survivors who the power role is. If they don't like that, tough.

    Certain things like Mori's, instant heals, keys, and certain rare addins are there to give the player a cathartic release and wreck some unholy vengeance. Personally, I don't have a problem with such things existing in the game.

    I do believe the rarity should be adjusted, however. With the lower bloodpoint costs of things, I think we see the red stuff a lot more than we should be.

  • Decarcassor
    Decarcassor Member Posts: 651

    I don't like moris for the same reason I don't like insta heals or to some lesser extent, keys. They create huge unfair swings in the momentum of the game and have absolutly no downsides.

    Killer execution is a nice idea, the animation are cool (well the recent ones anyway) but I don't think memento moris was the right way to implement them. Offerings and add-ons have a lot of issues that just keep pilling up with every new chapter and the whole system should just be scrapped and redone from zero.

  • Horus
    Horus Member Posts: 850

    Great idea but i would like for some nerfs to keys or instaheals in exchange

  • StarMoral
    StarMoral Member Posts: 938

    Too easy to use for what it's worth.

    Cypress, meh.

    Ivory, good and can destabalize a team pretty quick.

    Ebony, needs another prerequisite. If the closest thing to an Ebony is a Hex Totem that can be destroyed within seconds, then I think it's a little too strong.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    Allow keys/insta heals to only be used for the person equipped with them, and I can agree with getting rid of the ebony. I'm find with green.

  • darkknight287
    darkknight287 Member Posts: 42

    I disagree entirely because the moris actually make the game fair in most cases due to the survivors being overpowered, I wouldnt say I'm a killer main exactly but I do play enough to understand that it is really annoying to play against a swf group or just good players in general that know how to loop. I love playing survivor against a mori because it makes the game more of an actual challenge rather than just being an annoying survivor that just does gens or runs the killer for a living.

  • EvilHomicide
    EvilHomicide Member Posts: 1

    I use them to remorselessly kill as many people as I possibly can. The death animation to me is a sweet reward for besting a group of skilled survivors. Closing the hatch and chasing down the last survivor during the endgame for the final mori brings me an ecstacy like no other.

  • darkknight287
    darkknight287 Member Posts: 42

    The game is perfectly fine with addons and offerings it's the killers themselves that need fixed honestly, characters like legion or leatherface far too weak to go against good players but then you get characters like nurse or spirit who are absolutely broken, especially nurse because there is practically no way to counter a good one other than being immersed and praying not to be found.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093
    edited July 2019

    I get bored using it because it's no joke too easy (to be fair though i main billy, spirit and trapper and have 1250 hours). What i've started doing is hooking everyone twice and then using the mori for the third down, not the second

    Edit: unless someone really annoys me, in which case enjoy the mori lol

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    So long as there's SWF, or Keys, or Instaheals, my Ebony Moris are always on standby.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I only use it for dailies and tbh mori dailies shoud not even be a thing.

    Ebony guarantees you kill everyone as long as you don't play like a potato. It has no place in the game.

  • RetroPancake
    RetroPancake Member Posts: 14

    Survivors can easily come back and retrieve their items after you hit them with Franklins, tunneling just waste time especially at loops, and chasing a different target allows your original target to heal themselves. Now you have to waste an extra hit on a survivor since this one is mostly likely uninjured. Then you go into the discussion on why should survivors get an easy( or easier) escape route if the Killer does a good job, talking about hatch with the key. Once the survivor is rescused from the hook they can get healed by their teammates and use instaheal at a loop so you have to hit them 3 times now before you can even mori them. Assuming you don't have an insta down ability, perk or addon. I don't belive this game will ever be balanced and no matter what the devs decide no one is going to be happy.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    I think, that mori should be built in. At least cypress.

    by built in, i mean that if survivor is dead on hook, you could mori him. That ll not affect balance (unless, you are targeting for flashlight save).

    But ebony mori, as blessing should stay and work as it does now. Bone one should do the same, but for 1 person. Thats my opinion.

    And tbh, i have 15 ebony-s stacked, and i dont want to spent them, cause they are kinda boring.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    There are people who think that Moris are balanced...

    My God,how can you be so biased and skilless?

  • Sakata
    Sakata Member Posts: 6

    With the new Ghost Face update on PC, I feel that Mori's have been more common (or is it just me)? For the first 3 days of release on Ghost Face and achieving P350, I have counted atleast 50 Eboni Mori's on my path.

    I believe Mori's are okay on certain occasions but the both parties should also know that everyone participating in the game is what makes it fun and if someone makes it unbalanced in any way there is always a way to counter it.

    That being said, if you have a bad day or just want to stream in front of a crowd who has never seen a Mori before, be my guest and use it.

    If you camp a hook with Insidious or T1 Myers, you are obviously attention driven, making the game a less of an enjoyment for others. Think of yourself like a party host, you pissed off all the guests and they don't care about the occasion anymore because you cannot follow simple etiquette or don't have a clue (ex. 4% rule).

    Mori's are mentality driven and based on the state of mind of killer and survivor, that is what decides if the Mori was understandable or not.

  • Nescau_Fernando
    Nescau_Fernando Member Posts: 44

    Current version of Ebony Mori is still broken, but I don't want BVHR to completely remove it from the game.

    My suggestions:

    Cipress mori - disable the offering, make it baseline instead.

    Ivory mori - change it from rare to very rare.

    Ebory mori - nerf it: "Grants the ability to kill two Survivors who have been hooked by your hand during the next trial".

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531
    edited July 2019

    You can't be serious. Do you know how powerful is to deny survivors their item? I won games because survivors insisted on trying to retrieve their items, and won many more because they lost precious seconds searching them or just giving them up.

    Anyone saying FD is a troll perk really need to consider dropping killer completely. There's something else other than your precious Ruin/BBQ, try it.

    The voice of truth.

  • Im2Shrewd
    Im2Shrewd Member Posts: 77

    I like Franklin’s Demise man, it can be a good time waster sometimes but it hardly “counters items” otherwise it would be a meta perk and would be used more.

    But sure, I’ll go drop killer now cause you said so.

  • NurseMainBTW
    NurseMainBTW Member Posts: 531

    "Franklin is a troll perk"

    "I like FD, It can be a good time waster"

    Pick one.

    There are other perks that deserve to be called troll perks such as Monstrous shrine or Insidious. Franklin's Demise is a blessing and it has the power to be gamechanging, it's up to you to make it work and create pressure... otherwise, just deal with the Instaheals or the Super commodious toolboxes on your own.

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    I typically have a rule only mori on death hook when you're using an ebony.

    The only time I will break this rule is if the survivor is specifically going out of their way to be toxic and annoying, I mean they really have to annoy me or if I'm being gen rushed and I kinda need to get people out of the way quickly.

    The death Hook rule just kind of benefits everybody.

    I get more blood points.

    More emblem opportunities

    The survivors don't get cheated out by being killed after first hook.

    The time it takes me to complete the mori is usually the time it would have taken me to get to hook anyway so it's not an oppressive force

  • Im2Shrewd
    Im2Shrewd Member Posts: 77
    edited July 2019

    Pick one? Lolwut? It’s a troll perk, that’s the whole point of it. They waste a little bit of time picking items but it wont work as well against SWF, they’ll just have their friend pick it up for them while you’re busy chasing.

    It’s a fun perk but hardly meta or gamechanging.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited July 2019

    Personally I think the Green Mori is perfect as it is and the Yellow Mori is kinda useless.

    The Ebony Mori is instead an unbalanced mess which I never use because it makes it really too easy. I could use the mori only after the 2nd hook, but at that point I'd rather use Devour Hope, which you have to earn and gives a nice feel just for that (plus, it's counterable).

    Do away with it altogether and make the current Green single use Mori an Ultra Rare and change the old Yellow Mori to a Purple Very Rare mori that allows a single Mori after the gens are powered regardless of any hooks

    Personally I like this suggestion.

  • Im2Shrewd
    Im2Shrewd Member Posts: 77
  • MrDardon
    MrDardon Member Posts: 3,936

    Ebony Moris, Keys and Instaheals are the most bullshit things which exist in this game.

    Cypress Moris should be basekit, Ivory Moris should have it's rarity increased and Ebony Moris should make it where you have to hook everybody once to kill one person. (Like BBQ, hook all 4 Survivors once, you can choose which Survivor you wanna kill, hook all 4 Survivors another time, you can chose one more Survivor which will let you kill a total of 2 Survivors)

    Keys: Basically make it an channel action which takes 5 seconds and if the Killer interrupts you, the channel action gets cancelled. Because the insta-escape is pretty pretty bullshit in my opinion.

    Instaheals: Nerf them to make them have the second BNP mechanic. The purple one will face you wiht 3 difficult skillchecks (first skill check will heal 33 % of the bar, second will heal another 33 % and the third will heal 34 % to make it 100 %)

    Syringe will work the same as the purple instaheal when you use it to yourself but instead when you use it on a downed Survivors it will make you face 6 skill checks (you heal the Survivor up 2 health states)

    Remove the -25 % and - 50 % charge debuff of the Instaheal addons

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    You could also make it a heal over time that is canceled if you are hit or picked up.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Mori's are BS and should be treated accordingly.

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    It needs a Nerf/rework. It's overpowered and overall just a really unfun mechanic that doesn't need to be in the game

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Don't see it too often, I tried it on a tryhard Freddy build, pre PTB Freddy. Bamboozle, Haunted Grounds, Dying Light and Discordance. I had a Ebony so I tunneled the Obsession to a DC, everyone was screwed, chained shots and mori'd all except 1, I had the no skillchecks add ons.

  • KaoMinerva
    KaoMinerva Member Posts: 451

    Mori is fine the way that it is. It was nerfed alongside BNP already!

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    So, as a killer, I hate using any ebony moris, even if the survivors was toxic to me. I think it just gives an unfair advantage that basically guarantees you will get at least a kill, and the requirement is extremely easy to obtain. Just seeing the mori gives fear, and there is no way to escape with a perfect game unless all survivors manage to never be caught. Ivory and Cypress are perfect, but ebony is a downside. It is problem to the game health, fun for the killer, but never fun with the survivor.

  • YearOfThePigNerf
    YearOfThePigNerf Member Posts: 48

    I never used them but with the amount of insta heals and BNP in my matches now I don't care anymore, use something op to fight something op.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Honestly, I'm not a fan of these ideas. That isn't to say I'm a fan of mori in their current state either. Ebony mori can be overkill and Cyprus mori can be almost useless. As offerings they take up space and generally survivors have a bad track record of respecting the mori when it is being used. As long as mori stay outside of the core gameplay loop they are always going to be viewed as something that should never happen and is both too easy to obtain.

    Mori kills would be much better off being implemented into the core gameplay. I made a thread explaining how to do that and make everyone happy with, but it gets no real replies to it.

  • Groxiverde
    Groxiverde Member Posts: 767

    Can I, as a killer main, get an advantatge when all 4 survivors bring good toolboxes with bnps/good addons? Or when 2-3 survivors escape by a key? Or when they pick haddonfield and all of them have balanced landing? Or when they are 4 swf (this is the most broken of them all)? No? So, no easy safety pip/mori nerf for survivors neither.

  • slipttees
    slipttees Member Posts: 846
    edited July 2019

    Assassin complains of DS, MoM, BT and they were nerfed. Assassins always use offering Ebony Mori against a SWF. Why mori's can not be nerfed also by the "good" of the game. Why only surviving perks need to be nerfed?

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    If only looking at moris I'd leave green and yellow as is, they're fine. Ebony though, I'd take that and make it so that you can mori one person who has previously been hooked per completed generator but only if they have been off of the hook for 60 seconds (so where D-Strike prevents a hook, the Ebony Mori's own design would prevent a tunnel kill). The gen stipulation also encourages allowing a small ammount of progress to make up for the fact that it takes one less hook to kill anyone.

    This is still worth being a iridescent offering because it's effects remain the same, but now it's less powerful than a fully stacked Devour(which should always pay off more than some random unbreakable addon given it's downsides).

    That's how I'd handle it anyway

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    Hey, if you want to make Ebony Mori's even more rare, I'm behind that.

    But I cannot get behind seeing them nerfed. Sometimes you just need to put the fear of the Entity into a team.

This discussion has been closed.