PS4 Huntress hatchet hitboxes :(

OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

Throw the hatchet at the Survivor, it misses completely but blood spurts from the missed hatchet and the Survivor gets injured from a missed throw > Actually hitting the Survivor with the hatchet but they do not lose a health state and it even can pass through them.

I give all Killers a try, I love playing a bit of everyone, haven't given Hag a try, she's not my taste, but glad I can mark Huntress off as a Killer I won't play. I'll waste less time M1'ing with a 115% killer.


  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    But hey with her low terror radius often masked by the new non-directional lullaby, you can often just sneak up on survivors now and hit them point blank before they know you are there.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278


    Yeah but like why don't just play Ghostface or Myers and get free gen grabs and shots with just no terror radius and stain in general.

  • harpuia
    harpuia Member Posts: 38

    "Yes the killer have this problem that makes his ability not work sometimes, but you can maybe use him to do something other killers are excellent on doing"

    What? lol

  • Raidoku
    Raidoku Member Posts: 69

    All the killers with bs no terror radius abilities is silly Michael, Huntress, Freddy (before rework) can just get up on you and youll know cause it will be too late