Killer Rules

Killer mains love to make this claim that survivors have a set of rules killer's should abide by, and to their credit it's true in some areas. But how is it fair to classify all survivors as being whiny and toxic, when most of us are just trying to play the game, surviving the match or not? I myself dont really care about dying, as long as I got to do more than just get chased off each hook. Sure there's entitlement in that statement but can you really blame me for just wanting to enjoy the game instead of having my experience ruined by someone who's going out of their way to ruin it?
So, I decided to list off some of the ridiculous rules killer's seem to expect survivors to abide by?
1. Despite the fact that doing gens is literally the primary and sole objective of the survivors in a trial, survivors should avoid "gen-rushing" (otherwise known as playing the game) so that the killer has a fair chance to catch and kill everyone. Ruin or not, no gens should be done so that the killer has an easier time killing everyone. Doing any gens results in camping and tunneling, the degree of which depending the amount of gens done.
2. Survivors should not use any "2nd chance" perks (D Strike, Borrowed Time,etc) or addons/items (Insta heals, Skeleton keys) because despite items having a one time use and such perks easily being countered, they put the killer at a disadvantage because you choose to use a tool given to you by the game to help you survive.
3. Opposite of the previous rule, Killers using overpowered add-on combos, Mori's and abusing exploits are totally okay because it's their objective to kill you, and so it's totally okay for them to use unbalanced means to do so.
4. Survivors should not engage in BMing, like tbagging and flicking their flashlights. But the killer nodding, targetting a specific person and tunneling them to death for laughs, insta/spam moring, face-camping, holding the survivors hostage in corners/the basement, sending their fellow killers after their targets to grief them, etc is totally fine.
5. Under no circumstances can the survivors use loops, and/or perform a juke in anyway that upsets the killer. Though looping and juking is the bread and butter of keeping the killer at a distance, it makes things frustrating for the killer. Therefore the survivors should just either stand completely still or run in a straight line.
6. Bring in mori's or tunnel/facecamp any repeat survivor you get that dared to comment on your playstyle negatively or in a constructive way. It's not your fault that playing scummy gets results, and playing skillfully uses up to much of your brain.
7. Make sure that you message each survivor individually (or in the endgame chat on PC) things like "EZ" despite for instance only getting one kill because you insidious camped as LF in the basement. That sweet 7k points you earned will sure show them! Make sure to also just call them a salty survivor any time they try to explain the issues they had in a rational way.
8. Always bring Franklin's even when there's a single flashlight in the lobby because countering them is hard.
9. Always DC when you havent killed anyone by the time the gates are powered or ruin is destroyed.
10. Always DC when getting a map you dont like because that totally wont waste any offerings or addons either side put on.
11. Bonus to Rule 10, dont bother trying to get good at maps like Haddonfiled or whatever map you struggle with because the game should just hand you killer sided maps like the Game, and not challenge you in any way.
12. If a survivor brings a set of perks that counters the killer you're playing, or does anything remotely toxic, and you happen to be streaming,they're obviously a stream sniper. Obviously.
13. Slugging is totally fun for both sides, survivors especially. Who doesnt love crawling around on the ground for several minutes until they bleed out with a whooping 1k points?
14. Make several videos trying to disprove that killers like Billy are overrated, and be extremely condescending and aggresive to anyone that disagrees with you.
15. Whine, stomp your feet and threaten to leave the game if one of your favorite killers gets even the slightest of tweaks or nerfs because the game should be balanced in favor of the killers.
He put it in his video because the survivors rulebook for killers gets mentioned more, I think he knows about the killers rulebook for survivors.
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Rule number 1 should actually be: make the game last more than just 5 f*ing minutes.
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And I like how your killer's rulebook for survivors devolved into just things killer mains do that you dont like.
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Exactly! And it was a f**cking joke! People take some things way too seriously.
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This post has some major hypocrisy in it. You say that it isn't right to classify all survivors as whiny and toxic but then go on to say that these are the made up rules killer's have for survivors. So you didn't specify some killers but you just said killers which implies in general. So it isn't okay for killers to classify all survivors in that manor but it is okay to do it to killers?
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Rules 1 and 2 aren't things killers complain about with regard to survivors. It's a plea to the devs to change it. The killer "is" the power role, and when gens are done in 3-5 minutes against any killer that's not Nurse, Spirit, or Billy, then there's obviously a problem.
Rule 3, again, Killer = Power role.
Rule 4, most killers don't resort to "dirty tactics" unless needed, also killers get punished for camping.
Rule 5, looping isn't the issue, it's the insane number of infinites that make it impossible for any M1 killer to have a chance. Hopefully the map reworks fix this.
Rule 6 is just you complaining.
Rule 7 I've rarely seen killers comment in the endgame chat with unwarranted salt. Also, this community has a lot of toxic people on both sides, unfortunately that's the territory with online games, get over it.
Rule 8 is literally you crying over a completely non meta perk, boohoo.
Rule 9 I can guarantee more survivors DC then killers.
Rule 10 perhaps if some maps like Haddonfield weren't completely busted?
Rule 11 Maps like Haddonfield aren't a matter of "git gud" they are literally busted. Only killers like Nurse or Spirit even stand a chance, yet you probably cry when up against a good nurse/spirit
Rule 12 If I'm streaming, and I play gen grab spirit, then there is a player who burns a haddonfield offering (arguably Spirit's worst map) and has iron will, quick and quiet, and Dance with me, odds are 99% they are stream sniping because the have the EXACT counter to my build.
Rule 13 literally just you complaining again, tunneling, slugging, and camping are all legit strategies, though camping arguably isn't a good one. You have loops, stealth, and teamwork, killers have the previously mentioned tactics
Rule 14 There are literally survivors that do the same kinda thing. Also Billy is overrated, is he good? yes. Is he as good as nurse/spirit? no. learn to loop.
Rule 15 again POWER ROLE. most killers are M1 killers that have no chance against a 4 man of rank 1's, no matter how good the player behind the killer is. Killers like Freddy and Legion get nerfed to the ground because salty survivors can't stand having to actually TRY in a trial.
There ya go.
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Exactly, and when it was brought up in his video the comment section had so much people getting defensive over the "Rule Book" it as if it's a big deal.