KiraElijah's Killer Tier List

NOTICE: This is post-rework Freddy.
Ghostface is behind Freddy
You think Trapper is as strong as Nurse? 🤔
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Trapper, Myers, and Clown better than Huntress? Nah.
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No. the list is descending. I believe he is weaker than her, but not by much
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.... interesting.
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Can you explain Nurse being weaker than spirit and trapper being so high? And why is Plague last?
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@Acesthetiic tbf Trapper has a 60% kill rate at R1.
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@GrootDude I like trapper, but I don’t think he’s the 4th best killer in the game. And where is that 60% kill rate coming from? Just curious if you could link me it because I love stats.
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@Acesthetiic Peanits said it in a nurse thread, I’ll hunt it down for you.
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@GrootDude Thanks so much!
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@Acesthetiic you’re welcome:)
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Nurse is in her own tier practically.
Debatable whether she's SS or just S.
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@GrootDude Ooo, I’m curious to know what the average is on how often he’s picked. Would also be nice to know the add ons, but still it’s very interesting. 60%, so just over 2 kills per game, almost 2 and a half. Pretty good for him, especially when most people have him low tier.
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@Acesthetiic I hope we get more detailed stats soon. :)
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@Acesthetiic These are just my opinions, and plague is the worst imo
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@KiraElijah Well yes I know that, but with every opinion there is a reason. How would you come up with that opinion other wise?
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Spirit is great, just not better than Nurse.
Trapper better than Hag, Myers, and Huntress? I have to laugh.
Plague is not weak, just slightly boring because of the way survivor play against her since there is no incentive to heal.
It’s your opinion though but I respectfully disagree.
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Ghostface D tier? Trapper A tier? (Hag should be in b-tier) Freddy still in D-tier? Nurse not in her deserved spot in S-tier? Whut? O.o This is quite different, but if it is what you think, go ahead...
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Trappy boi has almost as much potential as hag tho
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Trapper can be B-tier in the right hands, but average is C-tier. Though to a personal standpoint, A-tier because I can't see his traps XD (And he is the sole killer I can't juke)
Probably most accurate tier personally would be:
S-Nurse (Please don't nerf or at least just change addons)
A-Hillybilly, Spirit (Great, please don't nerf.)
B-Huntress, Freddy with pallets, Ghostface, Michael Myers, Hag, Trapper(Not bad, don't nerf please)
C- Clown, Freddy with snares, Piggy, Doctor, Plag, Wraith (These guys need buffs)
D- Legion(Needs buffs), Leatherface<------ (Now the worst killer)
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I feel insulted.
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I'm sorry :( Bubba doesn't have a chase mechanic and can easily stun him by running around close corners
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@Ember_Hunter he actually does, you just need to be careful around corners.
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Well, everyone is playing Wraith, Spirit, Trapper, Legion, and Bubba at yellow ranks (still stuck there, I know, disgraceful) and half of the Bubbas are decent at dodging corners. If he had a smaller terror radius, that could make him much better :)
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@Ember_Hunter HIGHLY disagree with hag only being B. She’s easily top 4 and arguably second best or third. Her only weakness is flashlights, but you can definitely play around them in many situations. I know SWF can hurt her, but there are strategies to counter ( 3 gen, juggling, plain out intuition, etc). I think she is barely behind Spirit and better than billy. Her skill cap is really incredible.
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I just feel like yes she is a high tier, but flashlights, low speed, and SWF destroys her. Also Urban Evasion survivors, nullifying her power. With addons and perks, she is definitely better than a perkless and addon less Hillybilly.
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You dont like new freddy? why?
I understand why some people dont like it that much but its definetely not terrible
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@Ember_Hunter Low speed doesn’t kill her at all. I already talked about SWF and flashlights. And urban evasion? nah that doesn’t her hurt. They waste time and are paranoid. She’s better than billy in general.
EDIT- Forgot to tag.
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Why I said she is a high tier killer, but everyone is entitled to their opinions XD
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@Ember_Hunter Yep, I just like debating the killers :D
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@Acesthetiic Hag is an amazing killer. She is not far off from Spirit and I’d argue she is equal to Billy. Better than Billy? Ehhh...that is a stretch but I believe her strongest add-ons are better than Billy’s strongest add-ons.
I don’t know if I always get potatoes with Hag or if she is that good but I tend to do very well with Hag despite what rank I am at?
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I've found that it entirely depends on whether the survivors are solo or not with Hag, maybe more than any other killer. I've had more 4 and 5 gen 4k games with Hag than any other killer, but I'm also susceptible to 4 outs against SWF, and it's super rare that I get 4 outed with other killers that I'm good with. She makes most solos look like potatoes.
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If all the survivors are solos, Hag will become A-tier as long as the traps are placed right.
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Interesting list you got there.
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I perform the worst with her
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Trapper is D tier, just an M1 Killer dependent on his traps which are a waste of time, Leatherface is B tier, most people find him bad cause they don't know how to play him and refuse to learn.
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@ShrekIsHot I agree about LF.
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we need more #TrapperLove in here.
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I cant take any list that doesnt put Nurse in her OWN tier seriously
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I don't agree with this list very much, nurse and spirit should swap imo
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How is Plague, a killer that has perma instadowns at worst, and long range attacks at best, the worst killer in the game?