Fellow Killer Mains - What's your take on the Ebony Mori?

Justice Member Posts: 60

Hey all!

Xbox Killer main who is currently Rank 1 Killer this season, but I also get to red ranks as Surv most seasons (Rank 2 this season) and I wanted to throw my chip in the pot for changing the ebony mori and get your opinions on it as well. I like to think of myself as a very empathetic Killer main, in that I rarely camp or tunnel (unless deserved), I let survivors go in certain situations, and I hate using Mori offerings (namely the Ebony). I play very very much like HybridPanda who is my favorite streamer.

I don't particularly like using mori's... As I would much rather use Blood point modifiers, hook placement modifier's, black wards, or map offerings. But mostly I don't use them because I also play surv and know how much it sucks to go up against them. They are literally game changing. And while sometimes knocking out a member of a 4-man SWF evens the odds, those circumstances are a bit rare (don't get me wrong 4-mans are extremely overpowered).

I have to admit I am also a HUGE Devour Hope fan. I use it way too often since I don't use Ruin and it has won me a lot of games, and getting a DH Mori is oh so satisfying and just the best feeling (and earned honestly).

I would love to see the Ebony Mori be changed. Here are my two different thoughts:

  1. UR Mori only becomes available after at least two hooks (although this might encourage MORE camping and tunneling)
  2. Do away with it altogether and make the current Green single use Mori an Ultra Rare and change the old Yellow Mori to a Purple Very Rare mori that allows a single Mori after the gens are powered regardless of any hooks
  3. Keep mori's the way they are but guarantee at least a safety pip from the moried survivor. Maybe even a pip if they have done enough up to that point

I personally only use Mori's for kill challenges, or i'll equip one to payback a super toxic player/ team I have previously played.

Also in my opinion, I can't see how anyone objectively thinks Ebony Mori's in their current state are fair. I know there are several outs with Survs and their perks but the Ebony trumps them all honestly.

What are all of your thoughts?




  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    It's an ultra-rare perk. You grinded to get it. Survivors get ultra-rares too and run them constantly. It's fun for the killer to switch it up every now and then besides just throwing survivors on hooks 7-12 times every game...

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    I only use moris to do dailies tbh.

    It's the same reasoning behind never using instaheals as survivor for me: after you play the other side, you see how ######### these things are to go against. and I'd rather not make anyone else's experience in the game miserable.

    I do think both of these are seen rarely enough to warrant not being in the highest priority list for changes tho.

  • Justice
    Justice Member Posts: 60

    Agreed. It is just too strong in my opinion

    Grind? I have 53 Ebony Mori's on Ghostface (he's probably about level 130). Hardly a grind and hardly "ultra" rare. But that is not the point as i'm not inquiring about Mori's being removed, just the Ebony to be reworked.

    You can still "switch it up" with my changes above. Also you can still Mori using DH or Rancor

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    My idea is for the mori to activate only after you have hooked everyone at least once

  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Daily or too see the awesome Memento Mori Animations.

    This is my opinion, but I think we need more kill animations ingame.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    I play both sides but I usually only use a mori if I have a daily it's just not fun to use something that is basically a guaranteed win for you I currently have 704 ebonies though :/.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611


    Some animations are so cool. I'd love to see more in a non scummy way, especially when I'm playing Hag.

  • Alther_Primus
    Alther_Primus Member Posts: 158

    Ebonies are nice if you need a pickmeup after a harsh losing streak (like, 3 or 4 matches of getting curbed,) or if you encounter a group that earned a Mori. I don't run them super frequently and honestly if Ebonies get touched I imagine a lot more dodging will start occuring.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    I don't use them often unless I am feeling confident and especially devious. I feel they are risky to use because of the community we have, DCs.

    I know people say they are too powerful and of course you might get a safety pip, maybe. I have been the victim of many Ebony Moris myself and I never found them a problem as a Survivor, if I get caught I'm dead, I accept that. Sure I will get PISSED when the bring in an Ebony and then I get insta-saved and tunneled off hook, no one likes that and that isn't cool. But that's not the Mori, that's the community, you can have something powerful but use it sparingly and it all comes down to who uses it that way so I have nothing against it as a Survivor.

    But I do feel as a Killer you should def get at least a safety pip guarantee if you bring in an Ebony, it makes the game go by so fast and even if you go in with the intention of playing well you can still lose if the Survivors are crap and just die instantly or if they DC. That's the community again screwing you over, not the Mori.

  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I personally don't care about Moris.

    I don't face them enough that I find them a big issue to my enjoyment of the game nor do I use them often enough that I would miss them if they were removed.

    They could stay the same or vanish completely and I honestly wouldn't care either way.

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    I dislike them. They detract from emblems for both killer and survivor, basically promote disconnects in the loading screen, and frankly are used as punishments for survivors rather than rewards for the killer.

    I'd like them to only be applicable to survivors who have hit their second hook state - not second hook, second hook state, as those are marginally different but the semantics seem relevant. I'd also like both killer and survivor to not get penalized for what is supposed to be the Entity granting favour in lore, and on the survivor side moris are just discouraging. When I'm playing survivor I play with twitchers, and there's a lot of asses who will let themselves get five genned for the chance to mori a streamer.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I'd want to see them be nerfed (along with a few other things). If I do find myself using one, I personally want to at least wait until someone is on death hook to use it. That's just me, though.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    its an offering and survivors dont have neither ultra-rare offerings nor good ultra-rare addons outside of instaheals

  • Nonfunctional
    Nonfunctional Member Posts: 70

    All Monday every Monday.

    Mori Monday baaaaaaaaybeeeeeee!

  • bLk_HrT
    bLk_HrT Member Posts: 1

    Please leave it as it is ,I don't use them as often either but yes some times I have to because I did this game is so much survivor favor just name is dead by daylight .still if you made your mind to change it I request you to change game name too to survive by daylight (enough nerfing killers now ) .

  • Otwell121611
    Otwell121611 Member Posts: 22

    The ebony mori needs to remain the same. It's one of the very few things that will make almost any survivor get a little nervous. It's ultra rare so it's hardly an issue in terms of how often a survivor will see one. Even then, it can be played around easily if the team is good enough.

    I don't know if I'd call them fair. Would you call 4 purple tool boxes with great addons fair? I wouldn't. But i wouldn't call them unfair either. It's all reliant on the skill of the opponent and that's why to me moris don't need to be changed. If a swf can out play me then a mori is useless if i get no hooks. If i can out play a swf and mori them all then their great items were useless.

    The only circumstance where I'd bring an ebony is one like i listed above and in my opinion that's how it should be. I'll also make sure to run franklins demise to make sure i knock those survivors back down a peg in case they bring an offering to protect their item. Ebony moris serve their purpose well and don't need to be changed at all in my opinion.

  • LegionMain343
    LegionMain343 Member Posts: 198

    To not change em at all, and I like them very much as they are rn rightn 3:

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    Kill Dailies are still a thing?

    Man, i haven't had one of those in months!

    I'll be able to sleep if Ebony gets nerfed.

    Would really like to see Cypress become standard though.

    Devs are like: "We make you die on the Hook immediately to speed up the match that's pretty much already over."

    Cypress would go along well with that idea, though i can already hear DS users coming to say no to this. 😋

  • deeziebaby
    deeziebaby Member Posts: 31

    Out of the ten games I had last night in red ranks over half of them was killers with barely any skill running ebony Mori and killing ppl after their first hooks. Not fun and depips galore. Mori needs to only activate on death hook OR it activates if the survivors you are chasing are giving you a hard time let's say if the chasing timer goes past a certain limit you are free to murder them once you finally got them

  • su11yboy
    su11yboy Member Posts: 38
    edited July 2019

    My problem with mori's is that they're super strong, but there's also no hope of pipping as killer with a mori. I don't think they're too op since the killer has to grind for them and all, but I'll also say I've been getting LOTS of Ebonies lately (in my bloodwebs, I've seen an ebony, and then another the next level countless times). I don't usually use them except for dailies, a toxic swf, or for a trophy lol.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
    edited July 2019

    Its an ultra rare, its not like you see them very often. Besides, considering survivors get insta-blind flashlights, 2 kinds of insta-heals and a dozen second chance perks; I think we're allowed something thats quite strong. So yeah, i say they're totally fine.

    Plus if you use them, you probably arent gonna pip/safety and the mori itself takes time to use. So its not overly powerful in those regards.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    I enjoy reserving them for obviously toxic Survivor groups.

    Profile names with "nice" messages for Killers? Enjoy your Ebony. 4 Flashlights or Toolboxes? Enjoy your Ebony.

    I'm not using Ebony Mris unprovoked, but if Survivors obviously beg for it, they'll get it.

    As long as we have a toxic community, I see no harm in using them or them being unfair. A skilled Survivor can evade being Mori'd due to its preconditions. A Mori doesn't automatically mean you are done for.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I don't use Moris, Instaheals, or Adrenaline. All are bs.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I'm not too crazy about changing it and this is coming from someone who plays both sides fairly often. I hardly use a mori, but occasionally I will throw one on if I have a ritual or just want to have a little fun. The only thing I could see changing is that third option. The biggest problem I have with it on the survivor side is my pip. I don't care if you kill me. Screw it, I'll move to the next game, but I don't want to de-rank because I was tunneled for a mori kill. They should probably lower the rarity though. They are hardly ultra-rares. I find them in every other bloodweb on Billy and Myers.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270

    Ebony Mori (and Ivory Mori too) are very cheap. I got about maybe 200 of them between my killers, don't really use them, and even when I do, it's only after second hook. Yea yea SWF are evil and need to be destroyed, I get that, but the true satisfaction is when you 4K them without a crutch, which an Ebony truly is. If someone brings a key, or I suspect instaheals... maybe. But it's just too much of a gamechanger.

    On the other hand, mori animations are great. I'd go for the default ability to kill survivors after they went to struggle (and consider it +1 for "hooking actions" score too, maybe even give stack to Huntress' and activate PGTW). I'm not sure what to do with the offerings, just refund them I guess?

    Generally, I think BHVR should just do away with OP offerings and addons. They should just buff base powers of weaker killers, change addon system where you can either have a SLIGHT bonus, or an effect that changes the gameplay (like The Beast: Soot does, or some Doctor addons, old Freddy's Paint Brush and some others).

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Perfect offering for deranking as you'll not pip if you use one.

    But, I rather not use a mori outside dailys. More fun hooking.

  • Garresh
    Garresh Member Posts: 41

    If I see a full SWF stack, I throw it on. But I don't use it unless they're toxic generally. TBH, I think it should only work after 2 hooks though. It may be rare, but it unfortunately does make the game less fun for survivors.

  • Im2Shrewd
    Im2Shrewd Member Posts: 77

    Wouldn’t even be worth using then, may as well hook them at that point.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    I love them! Don't change them for the worst devs please! If those killers that still have empathy or those who like the challenge want to use them only after two hooks, fine! But don't change it for the rest of us

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Why do you want to nerf mories so badly? Survivors don't have any mercy burning Haddonfield and taking 4x balanced adrenaline and neither should you.

    Mories are fine, killer is a killer, remember? I would actually like to see a buff to ivory: if you havent use it, mori is still in your equipment.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    If i have good addons i wont take mori if i dont i will take . Tired of biased killer mains saying that killers are up in this game. Right now im trying to play without losing as a killer to shake up stats

  • Justice
    Justice Member Posts: 60

    Looking at it objectively. The equivalent for Survs would be after the first gen pops the hatch spawns and one of them automatically gets a key.

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323

    I find them unfun for both sides

  • Nea_Death_Experience
    Nea_Death_Experience Member Posts: 316

    Howdy Mike,

    I have strong feelings about this as I play both (not a killer main oops). I don't run Ebony because I never pip from it. I only run it for 4 man swf when I know they are gonna be an issue. I try tactics with this; Hook everyone twice then start to mori and Mori 1 asap, hook everyone a bit and mori the rest. This works best for pip and thus I believe this is how mori is meant to be used.

    So my ideas: Ebony mori and ivory mori only can be done if the survivor is stage 2.


    A specific number of hooks need to be completed before the mori can be done.

    Probably the most fair because as survivor I have had games where I got 600 BP because tunnelled into a mori and I had a bad start. Killers are weaker but they have the power to ruin any fun.

  • Onionthing
    Onionthing Member Posts: 469
    edited July 2019

    I also LOVE devour hope, and probably use it waaaay too often. Mori's seem counter productive to me as they don't really help me pip or farm blood points. I'm sitting on a nice stack of ebony moris on my main, which I only use on challenges or if I'm being harassed by a group (that is ... I have run into the same toxic jerk more than 3 times in a night.) Im sure there are people who love them, but for me personally Devour Hope and Rancor are more appealing because it feels like a Mortal Kombat fatality and I have to work to get more points. Maybe that will change if ever I have ALL killers and ALL survivors P3 .. but that is a Loooong way off.

  • Justice
    Justice Member Posts: 60

    I agree DH is bae. Again because it is earned (to an extent, like if you get a bad ass totem spawn then it's luck.

    But MORI's to me just aren't appealing. You basically can't pip, it feels cheap, and from the Surv side it's annoying.

    I have a sh*tlist I keep of Survs that have BMed me in or out of game. That is the only time I take a MORI aside from challenges. I would liek to see a rework.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    Ebony Moris may be COLOURED as ultra-rare. But they aren't let's not kid ourselves here.

    Also... Perk? Are you lost?

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073

    Ivory I feel is fine same with Cyprus.

    But yeah Ebony is too powerful. Don't get me wrong. It was even worse before but I hate it when I decide to play a couple survivor games to mix it up, have a "secret offering" show up, and then get tunneled into oblivion by a Leatherface who will break off whomever he's currently chasing just so he can track me down across the map and mori me. I personally never understood the point of the "4 Man One-Hook Mori Playstyle." How is that even fun to repeatedly do? What SHOULD happen is either every survivor needs to be hooked, the person needs to be death hook, or something else.

    I also feel like if the EGC is active, a killer should be able to trigger a mori to kill the last person in style irregardless of being hooked or not. Sort of like in Deathgarden when Scavengers are scrambling to leave. You want to be cocky and t-bag? Be wary of the consequences.

  • Murph203
    Murph203 Member Posts: 27

    Moris butcher bp gain so I never use them.

  • Justice
    Justice Member Posts: 60

    I like the idea of Mori's becoming available after EGC is active... A lot of Survs stick around for no reason other than to BM really.

    Also with so many good survs now 99% the doors it shouldn't be an issue.

    Good point

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    I really only use Ebony Moris when I feel like it or have a daily. I don't think they should exist as a offering either. Getting such a big reward for a simple task in the game I feel like isn't deserving. Other than that, I just use Devour Hope instead it's more fair and fun.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    I don't use them anyways, because DBD isn't a competitive game, it isn't balanced as a competitive game, and the grind is terrible. I don't care how many survivors escape, I care about my points. Memento Moriis just lower the total amount of hook points I can get.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    An Xbox killer main who plays plenty of survivor and tries to be kind to others? Are you a better version of me? Lol but fr, I see your point about mori’s. I don’t run add-ons or offerings so I rarely use them, but I’ve been on the receiving end a few times. Ultimately however (in my experience) I don’t run into them often enough for me to wholeheartedly consider reworking them. The devs put a lot of work into those animations but you want them to be seen as a viable offering, not just a different looking death hook animation yknow? Plus if you’re having a bad day and run into some jerks, it relieves some stress for me at least. Ultimately I don’t think it needs a rework, at least not above some other features, but I think it’s a good thing to note and I’m always willing to change my opinion if the argument is good enough.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I like using mori's but then again, I play Legion, so I get to see the whole thing.

    I like using them instead of the third hook, usually when I'm not using BBQ, because then it would be a waste.

    Getting 4 moris in a trial is one of the more rewarding things in the game because when you execute a mori, you give survivors even more time than with just hooking, and they get to see a death animation they may or may not have seen before. (I get seeing only one for each killer gets a little boring every once in a while. I would love to see more mori animations, but then people might use them a little too much.) So if you manage to get all four of them mori'd, it's showing your skill is definitely present.

    On top of that, they're very situational. You have to know when you need to and when you don't. Sometimes you just can't mori, since you don't have the time... etc. It changes the game into a more thought provoking one than a normal game.

    At least, that's my take on it. I hate being mori'd after being hooked right away. If I were to change them just a little bit, I'd change the ebony to have the condition that they have either been hooked twice or reached second stage first. That way people can't just eliminate someone just because they were unlucky enough to be the first hook.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    Using them imo doesn't help you pip, the satisfaction you get from the kill for me isn't worth just black pipping and essentially having the match be useless.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    You know that just makes sense. Then they can make the cypress into something else or just get rid of it entirely.

    Honestly I'm not sure why it has to be cypress. Ebony and Ivory I get, Black and White, but wood for the weakest one?


  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Boring. They cut the match way too short and UNIVERSALLY promote tunneling.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    I don't think you're the only one that thinks that. I think every killer should have a different kill animation for every survivor in the game. One that kind of shows the personality of the survivors too, like Jake wouldn't scream (since his perks are about staying quiet after all), Meg would always try to run, David and Bill might try to fight them off, etc...

  • mdlat
    mdlat Member Posts: 6

    In all honesty. I've never gotten an ebony, and not many other mori either.