Buffs for the doctor

wee Member Posts: 15
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

The doctor is in a bit of a weak spot and really this is due to his shock therapy being a range that is too short and madness 3 being too insignificant to really slow the game down. Here are some buffs that i think the doctor needs

make it to where he doesn't have to switch over to treatment mode to shock and he can use shock sooner

Put the moldy electrode into his power (25% more range) or keep the range and charge time but let him move faster while charging shock therapy

increase time to snap out of it in madness 3 to 16 seconds (from 12 seconds)

the doctor takes some skill but the fact is that his base power is just too reliant on addons as shock therapy range is abysmally low, madness 2 does basically nothing, and madness 3 is just too easy to get out of. These changes will make doctor better in a chase and lets him have a decent ability to slow down the game

edit: i removed and switched some numbers around since i was either wrong or someone made me realize what number value is better

Post edited by wee on


  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Yeah his shock therapy needs a rework. Madness probably. But I found he slows the game down better than a lot of other killers.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704
    edited July 2019

    just fix his bugs, make it so actions are cancelled for 3 seconds instead of 2.5 and revert the nerf so that snap out of it considered a healing action again.

    That should be alright, but maybe increase the range a bit as well, not charge time.

  • Dr_Trauts
    Dr_Trauts Member Posts: 704

    also i dont think he should slow down as much when using shock

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited July 2019

    His shock therapy needs more buffs than just increasing his movement speed. His bugs need to be fixed too (especially the one where the stun won't apply at the right time, that really hurts him).

    Also, the Moldy Electrode only increases charge time by 10%. Your first buff idea for the shock would actually end up nerfing it. The High Stimulus Electrode increases the charge time by 30% but increases the range by 75%. You'd be giving him a worse version of that. I would give him these buffs for his shock therapy (the first two are basically what you said):

    1. Increase shock therapy range by at least 25%. The current base range is ridiculously small to the point where you won't even want to use it because you'll be in M1 range. Adjust range add-ons to compensate for this buff if necessary.
    2. Increase movement while charging up the shock to at least 105%. He can lose a lot of distance from just trying to use his shocks.
    3. Remove or significantly shorten the shock delay. This is just dumb, I really don't understand why it exists in its current state. Is it to give Survivors a good chance to dodge the shock?

    As for increasing the Snap Out of It time to 20 seconds, that might be a bad idea because some Survivors will get bored just holding M1. Maybe it could be increased to around 16 seconds (same time as healing and Mending), but I'm not really sure about that.

    A couple of other buffs I would give him to bring him up to top tier are:

    1. Significantly shorten or remove the transition between switching modes.
    2. I was thinking about adding the illusionary pallets to his base kit and have the Order series of add-ons either buff them somehow (maybe make them similar to Freddy's Dream Pallets) or do something new instead (like have the illusions run towards the Survivor and swing or perform some kind of action).
    3. This one is just personal (I'm not even sure if it's true), but the illusions shouldn't spawn on a different floor than the Survivor they're tracking on multi-floored maps like The Game. It's really annoying to check one floor because of the illusion and then find nothing because the Survivor was actually on the other floor.
  • shingouki121
    shingouki121 Member Posts: 10

    As a doctor main here is my opinion

    Doctor is the only killer in the game that wants a fat terror radius as such I would increase his base terror radius to 40 meters.

    His shock treatment has too stubby a range to function as the devs tried to make it so I also believe that the moldy electrode should be base kit.

    Remove the treatment mode altogether and put all the effects into his punishment mode (the calm addon set can work like monitor and abuse). Make him a 110 speed killer but remove the slowdown from using his shock (with L2 I'm on ps4).

    The doctor clones should have collision and have there own terror radius which triggers any of the doctors or survivors terror radius perks(or at least buff the clone addon with this effect) .

    And for the love of God let snap out of it count as a healing action.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Bigger terror radius, a 4th tier of madness with tier effects altered. In 4th tier you lose the ability to interact with pallets and vaults. Shock therapy becomes a left handed ability that no longer has to be toggled.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    To counter his shocking you literally run at his face and then away when he switches to treatment. If they won't buff him at least make a quality of life change so that it covers the entire cone in front of the doctor without a dead zone right in front of him

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Ehh not to sure about that, IMO Freddy and Legion slow the game down a lot better than Doctor, getting everyone to T3 takes so long and it is almost impossible to have all 4 in T3 at the same time unless you're playing on the game map, meanwhile Freddy and Legion can apply their debuffs with one tap and is very reasonable that you'll get all 4 survivors. Doctor is just very inconsistent, maybe if he had Iridescent king in his bas kit and some add one that reduced charge time he'd be a lot better.

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164

    These are great buffs devs should try first. No longer transitioning means his static field would be active all the time and let him move faster. Bace range increase is a no-brainer, it's sucks ass right now.