Sam and Dean Winchester Perk's idea and SUPERNATURAL DLC REQUEST

bernardo6526 Member Posts: 31
edited July 2019 in Creations

edit : guys if you liked this post, help me by sharing it. We need to make it reach to the devs. Also, dont forget to vote up

Please BHVR bring Supernatural to Dead By Daylight. You guys already done a Ash VS The Evil Dead DLC, why not a Supernatural one right? Check out my ideas :

~~Introducing new Status Effect~~

-At the Death's door:

Survivors who can suffer a mori or who will die if hooked receive this status.

In the case of Devour Hope , the status stays hidden until the first survivor is killed. After that everyone can see the status.

In the case of Ebony Mori , the status stays hidden until the second survivor is killed. After that all the survivors who've been hooked once will see this status.

This status doesn't change anything in the gameplay. It's just a visual hint.

~~Sam's Perks~~


Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability.

You have the mind of a leader. The Auras of sacrificial hooks you sabotaged are shown to you when standing within a distance of 20/30/40 meters. The sabotage progress of any sacrificial hooks can be determined by the intensity of their aura when standing within a distance of 5/10/15 meters.

"I'm ready to die. And I'm ready to watch people I love die. But I'm not ready to be your #########." - Sam Winchester

Unique to Sam Winchester until Level 30, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.

-Cautious Hunter:

Activate-able Perk.

Even when you get hurt, you can still think straigth.

When Injured, use your hunter moves and perfom a safe vault to avoid damage.

Press the Active Ability button while near a vault location to perfom the fast vault.

During the fast vault, you avoid damage.

Causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

Cautious Hunter cannot be used while Exhausted.

You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.

 "We're the freaking Winchesters." - Sam Winchester

Unique to Sam Winchester until Level 35, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.


Activate-able Perk.

Unlocks the ability to carry dying Survivors.

When not injured and near a dying survivor , press the Active Ability to pick up the Survivor. 

While carrying the survivor:

The survivor can recover while in your arms but he can't be healed.

You can't crouch , perfom vault actions, interact with items or objects.

You suffer from 40%/35%/30% movement speed debuff while running.

You suffer from 25%/20%/15% movement speed debuff while walking.

Being hurt by the killer causes you to drop the survivor.

To drop the survivor press the Active Ability again.

 "We've gotta save as many people as we can." - Sam Winchester

Unique to Sam Winchester until Level 40, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.

~~Dean's Perks~~

-Man of Action :

When a survivor is downed, you break into a sprint at 150 % your normal running speed for a maximum of 3 seconds. If you are running towards a dying Survivor, the duration of the sprint is increased by 1/2/3 seconds.

Causes the Exhausted Status Effect for 60/50/40 seconds.

Man of Action cannot be used while Exhausted.

You do not recover from Exhaustion while running.

“Saving people, hunting things, the family business.” - Dean Winchester

Unique to Dean Winchester until Level 30, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.

-Danger calls :

Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability.

You've seen a lot of deaths and know when people are in danger. 

Injured Allies' Auras are revealed to you when within 64/96/128 metres of range if they are affected by At the Death's door status. The Killer aura is shown to you while he chases this survivor.

Danger calls reveal Auras of Allies even if they are in the Killer's direct contact.

If the killer ends the chase, the aura ability towards him is interrupted.

"Sam, I got a bad feeling about this." - Dean Winchester

Unique to Dean Winchester until Level 35, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.

-Protector : 

Using whatever is at hand, you stab at the aggressor in an ultimate attempt to save your allie.

When near a Killer who is perfoming a mori or carrying a survivor who is affected by At The Death's Door status, Protector will become active.

While Protector is active, succeed a Skill Check to automatically free the survivor from the Killer's grasp and stun the Killer for 5 seconds.

If the Killer was beginning to perfom a mori, the mori is canceled but the survivor remains in dying state. However, the mori cant be used again on the dying survivor.

Succeeding or failing the Skill Check will disable Protector.

Successfully stunning the Killer will result in you becoming the Obsession.

Increases your chances of being the Obsession.

The Killer can only be obsessed with one Survivor at a time.

"Just a couple hours ago, I killed Death. I'm pretty much open for anything." - Dean Winchester

Unique to Dean Winchester until Level 40, at which point its Teachable version can then be learned and taught to the other Survivors.

About comments:

Tell me in the comments if these perks are balanced and give me suggestions

About me:

I'm a student of Computer Science and I like developing games. If BHVR could give me a job or this Supernatural DLC (if they decide to make this) it would be great. But my idea is free for the devs to use.

About Supernatural Rights:

I think it would be easy to BHVR get the rights because the Supernatural producers often listen's to the fans and the actors love playing their characters. They probably would voice them just like Bruce Campbell did with Ash.

Devs, you should really do this DLC. Supernatural has a lot of fans and matches every aspect of DBD world(Horror,monsters and other things).

About Sam And Dean Lore

Often in the show Sam and Dean are transported to other worlds when fighting monsters. This could happen again and they end up in the DBD world.

Post edited by bernardo6526 on


  • bernardo6526
    bernardo6526 Member Posts: 31

    Yess, please please BHVR

    It would be so cool playing with them right? And Thanks for the compliment! I'm glad you liked it ;)

  • newavitar
    newavitar Member Posts: 395

    Because of the nature of Moris, being able to just outright stop one and make it unusable would be too much. If you make it so it can only be used during the time that the "kill" bar is being filled, that would be more plausible. want another DS in the game? Really? We shouldn't have had the first one at all. How it is now is fine, and in no way justifies a second version.

    The ability to carry survivors is a really fun idea that I do like. However, I would maybe increase the slow amount. Carrying a person is not as easy as you think.

    The other perks sound situational but fun.

  • kelias5906
    kelias5906 Member Posts: 2

    I don't know any of the story for supernatural and i know I'm about to hear "You should watch it yadda yadda yadda" and I will... Eventually lol. But my comments on these perks are that they'll be really good, but I expect a lot of the killer community (yes I'm a killer main, but also a survivor main so shut up both sides lol) to complain about Protector bc it will be the only sort of way to cancel a mori and there is no way to counter a mori cancel. 70% of the perks in the game can be countered in some way shape or form. Not all of them are easily counterable, but still counterable none the less.

    I'm cool with these perks. Also don't know if the "think straigth" was a pun or not, either way it's ironically funny lmao. Also cautious hunter would have to be tweaked just in case it causes issues by overlapping the same button with Dead Hard. Otherwise I love these perks and great job :)

  • kelias5906
    kelias5906 Member Posts: 2

    Which one would be DS 3.0? I'm not sure which one you're talking about unless I'm dumb

  • bernardo6526
    bernardo6526 Member Posts: 31

    Yes I was thinking of being able to stop the mori only in the beginning of the animation (before the survivor got stabbed to death). I agree that it's basically another DS but it's too situational (can only save survivors who will be dead if hooked or being moried). And the killer can counter play it by dropping the survivor before the other survivor gets in range for the save. Also I agree on increasing the slow amount of the Savior perk, I will edit this.

  • bernardo6526
    bernardo6526 Member Posts: 31

    I dont think it would overlap dead hard because the Cautious Hunter can only be used on vault locations so if you are in range, you do the cautious, if not you do the dead hard.

  • bernardo6526
    bernardo6526 Member Posts: 31

    @kelias5906 and @newavitar thanks for the suggestions and for the compliments. I also play killer and was worried about making these perks too op but I think the only problem with them would be against SWF teams. Otherwise, its not so easy to coordinate saves or hooks sabotages on solo games. Oh and agitation may counter Protector because sometimes is hard to reach the killer before he hooks the person.

  • Ispn
    Ispn Member Posts: 9

    -Strategist: I just don't see how this perk could be relevant in any context.

    -Cautious Hunter: This is essentially just a conditional dead hard. I woild say it needs to be more unique to be worth making a new perk for.

    -Saviour: This perk is super niche, I couldn't picture any time i would want to move a survivor that I could just heal up.

    -Man of Action: This perk wouldn't make sense to use. Exhaustion is meant to be used during a chase to escape the killer. There would be no useful situation for this perk.

    -Danger Calls: This is basically just a conditional Empathy, there would be no situation in which this would be better than Empathy.

    -Protector: This is just a conditional DS which is a perk we just got fixed.

    Overall most of these are just more conditional versions of perks we already have.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I'm a really big fan of all these ideas except "the protector " perk as it sounds far too OP. The other perks could cause an issue with SWF teams becoming stronger than they already are but I like really like the effort and detail in this post. Personally I think it's a great addition to the game aside from the last perk which I don't see the devs ever allowing, not to mention the hurdles with incorporating it into the game.

  • Infamousboi
    Infamousboi Member Posts: 1

    I think you should make so that savior cancels out dead hard. It would be repetitive and annoying for killers to go against especially if you bring some of your other perks in the mix. First you would use protector to save someone late game then you pick them up using savior then you use dead hard or cautious hunter if your near a window to get major distance or you use dead hard to get away then use cautious hunter to get through a window or a pallet.

    But other then that I love the perks they go together quite well

  • PoisonHurts
    PoisonHurts Member Posts: 48

    Is danger calls not just a worst empathy?

  • bernardo6526
    bernardo6526 Member Posts: 31

    Strategist : could be used to sabotage style gameplay.

    Cautious Hunter : basically fix the problem with dead hard (lots of situations I used dead hard to avoid the hit and then vault a window but the killer recovered before I could vault)

    Savior : you could pick up a survivor and then run with sprint burst to move him to a safe location. Also, in the high ranks there's always a lot of slugging. While the killer is chasing someone else you can pick up people to put them in a safer spot. Healing isn't always a good option because Sloppy Butcher exists.

    Man of Action : It's a good perk for people who want to bodyblock the killer to get those mettle of man stacks. You also lose less time to run to the hook and save someone. And this perk can counter Barbecue and Chilli. If you are away of a locker when the person is downed, you can sprint faster to avoid your aura being seen by the killer.

    Danger Calls : It's basically the perk that would turn Protector viable. Also, you can lose track of survivors hooks in the middle of the game. Knowing when someone is about to die is a useful information. You can take the aggro and avoid losing one man or prepare to get that juicy Hatch.


    Protector : yea its pretty much the altruistic DS, but I think it would trigger a lot of emotion in the late game. And it's not that easy to use, since it has really restricted conditions. Let's be honest, if you dont chase the killer, the chance of getting this save is almost 0. The sacrificial hooks are everywhere on most of the maps and you only know a person has a mori if they use it. Protector would be op with Danger Calls but them you are using up two perks slots. So basically people would be forced to drop one of their meta perks (Adrenaline, Decisive Strike or Self Care). So no, this perk is not that op. It can be annoying in the hands of SWF but you can counter it by droping the survivor. And most of people wont use this perk because solo games are like "i need to take care of my own ass".

    All of these perks aren't supposed to become meta, except for Strategist. I imagined them with the purpose of opening new gameplay styles possibilities and to create crazy epic moments.

  • bernardo6526
    bernardo6526 Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2019

    You cant vault while carrying survivor and dead hard can only be used if you are injured. In the Savior description it's written "When not injured and near a dying survivor , press the Active Ability to pick up the Survivor.". Carrying someone is hard enough but doing it while hurt? Nope. So the only perk you could use with savior is sprint burst , adrenaline and balance landing. But maybe balance landing would be too unrealistic while carrying a person.

    It depends on your objective on the game. The thing is, empathy doesnt show the survivor aura if he is picked up by the killer. So you probably wont know where he is heading to and wont be able to catch up and bodyblock or break a hook or use Protector. Not all perks are supposed to be good. But danger calls isnt useless. The mori or death hook information can be useful if you can take the aggro of the killer.

    But this was a good question. When I was designing the perk I thought of making it work with survivors who are also not injured. But I think it would be too op, since it would be a After Care but without the need of interacting with other players. Maybe Danger Calls should also reveal the Killer aura while he is chasing the "almost dead" survivor. That would make bodyblocks easier and the perk less garbage haha.

  • Tenshi0108
    Tenshi0108 Member Posts: 13

    I applause to you man.

    Great frinkinssssss Ideaaaasss.

    Would love to play like the Winchester's.

    You man derseve the best for this perks ideas are cool because it change some of the pace of the game.

  • bernardo6526
    bernardo6526 Member Posts: 31

    Thank you bro, Winchesters rocks!

    And thanks to all the others who commented. I'm happy about the compliments and excited with the suggestions/critics. You guys are helping me to see which perks should be buffed or debuffed.

    I'm sending here this "thanks to all" because I keep forgeting to thanks while I'm responding the other questions.

  • teegeorgee
    teegeorgee Member Posts: 1

    As someone who has been watching Supernatural since it first aired and playing DBD since it was first released, I can confirm that this isn't a want, it's a need.

  • PudgySavage
    PudgySavage Member Posts: 1

    I like what I reaf, very nice.

    You have a typo though

    -Cautious Hunter:

    "Even hurt you still can think straigth."

  • shingouki121
    shingouki121 Member Posts: 10

    I want to like this, I really do, but all I can think about is a 4 man SWF with DS, adrenaline, protector, man of action with insta heal med kits at the end of the game. You'll have most of them on death hook and all of a sudden you would get cucked but 16 shots of 2nd chance perks and boxes and have 4 man escape. No thanks

  • Shamrock
    Shamrock Member Posts: 2

    Danger calls is just a better version of Empathy. Danger calls would probably have to be nerfed for it to be implemented.

  • AshvsDBD
    AshvsDBD Member Posts: 1

    I loved supernatural too. And Ash vs the evil dead, but they dont belong in this game where you're always running from the hunter, they need to be constantly fighting the hunter, cause that's what they do in their respective programs.

  • dubsteppaman
    dubsteppaman Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2019

    Really the craiziest consepts i've ever read. Great job. Keep going doing such incredible work. I strongly hope, that devs will pay attention on your idea.

    I've also mentioned you in my translation of your concept into Russian. I believe, that a great part of Russian Community, who are the big fans of "Supernatural", will rate your concept. Thanks for that great work.

  • karlofflugosi
    karlofflugosi Member Posts: 63

    Usually play killer, but as a long time Supernatural fan, I just dont think I could hook Sam and Dean...curses.

  • wind
    wind Member Posts: 2

    Dont worry, if you manage to sacrifice them, you know they'll always come back, right? ;)

  • apekala
    apekala Member Posts: 1


  • A_bomb1107
    A_bomb1107 Member Posts: 1

    How would the cautious hunter work, would it cause you exhaustion every time you vault or would it only activate when the killer is in radius?

  • coconuty04
    coconuty04 Member Posts: 7

    If you some how incorporate Castiel into this dlc, and he has a perk that does something involving him yelling " Hey, ass butt!" at the killer, i will buy 10 copies

  • canedpeanutshels
    canedpeanutshels Member Posts: 1

    How exactly does the new status effect work? And do you have a reddit or mind if i post this on reddit and reference you?

  • bernardo6526
    bernardo6526 Member Posts: 31
    edited July 2019

    Sorry, english isnt my main language haha. I will try to fix that

    Dude, franklin's demise exist for the boxes and slugging is always an option. Protector is not that op. Is a high risk and high reward perk. To perform the save, mostly of the time you will need to follow the killer around when the survivor is on his last hook. If someone is following the killer, it's one less person working on a gen. Think of protector like a flashlight save but that only works once. It can still be countered by dropping the survivor just like the flashlight. The only differences is, instead of aiming with the flashlight you will need to hit the DS skill check. But yea, I understand your fear. The truth is, SWF is a problem. Maybe SWF should be like "normal games" and solo play should be like "ranked games". And about stopping the mori, is really a tiny window of opportunity to make this happen. The mori animation is fast and you only can stop it if is in the beginning.

    Not true. Empathy will work all the game when people are injured. Danger calls only works on the late game. I did the "show killer aura thing" because there was almost no reason to use danger calls instead of empathy. But now, danger calls can help you to bodyblock the killer because you will know where he is. These perks have different purposes.

    Yea, Sam and Dean are hunters. They dont run of the monster, they chase him. But the DBD concept is about the entity taking people hostages in that twisted game, and making them powerless (no weapons). The thing is, Sam and Dean are also survivors. They know what they need to do in order to survive. So putting them in DBD would explore more that "suvivor" side than the "hunter" side. But the "hunter" side is also explored because they dont just kill monsters, they also save people. And that's all about their perks, doing the most in a unfair situation to safe as many people as they can.

    Cautious hunter is an Activate-able Perk just like dead hard. You can do a normal vault without getting exhausted or you can press the ability while near a vault location to do the safe vault. I really like this perk because I always get that bullshit hit while vaulting haha

    I really like Cass but he is an Angel. I think that having him in DBD would be too much. But maybe if he was powerless I could think of something. Or, we could make him a killer who is possessed by Lucifer or a Leviathan.

    This status kinda already exists in the game. The devs must have a variable to tell will which state of the sacrifice the survivors are in. So if you are in second state, the next time you are hooked you die. I only thought of making this information visible to survivors and naming it in a cool way. Also, I didnt wanna write on the Protector or Danger calls "you can use this perk if survivor is dead on hook or can suffer a mori". I think saying "if the survivor At The Death's Door" sound cooler.

    My reddit is Bernardo6526 and yea! I dont mind at all if you post it there, actually I'm happy that you will help me by sharing this idea. Lets make it reach the devs boyyyys

    Thank you for helping me spread the idea bro!

    And thanks for all the others who commented. It's getting hard to reply everyone haha, so here is another "Thanks to all".

  • EssieHellcat
    EssieHellcat Member Posts: 1

    I finally registered for this forum JUST so I can add my name. Please? Christmas is coming. Even if those weren't the perks, I would immediately buy tf out of some Supernatural DLC.

  • Delarobia
    Delarobia Member Posts: 1

    I came while reading this.

    In total seriousness I love the idea. It's great. Honestly, without taking into account the variables of duration, speed, etc. Of the perks I thought they were all great and balanced (just like everything should be) not giving an unfair advantage. Plus it deals with the mori which in my opinion kinda sucks to just be killed and not being about to do anything about it.

  • Eowyn
    Eowyn Member Posts: 3

    Yes, all of my yes ! I was thinking of that "carrying a dying survivor" perk and the status concept is super cool, i'd love to see that stuff implemented in the game !

This discussion has been closed.