Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Ruin (Red Ranks)

I feel something needs to be done in regards to how quickly gens are completed in high ranks. Unless you use Ruin, 3 gens are usually completed within the first 2 minutes of a game which just destroys the amount of fun you have, especially when wait times for a killer lobby is currently on average 6 minutes.

I don't have a problem with using Ruin, but I feel like it is a necessity and shouldn't use up a perk slot as you're forced to use it if you want a balanced game. I want to play around and experiment with new builds but the moment I take off Ruin the game is pretty much done regardless of what other perks I use.

We either need new objectives or Ruin to become a permanent part of every game in red ranks because it is too unbalanced otherwise.


  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777
    edited July 2019

    Ruin is another way of saying, "We gave you the tools, now you can make it easier on yourself" type of mentality. I totally agree, in general, not only in red ranks should Ruin not be a staple to extend a game for more than 2 seconds. Ruins objective should be implemented to base, not the perk, but the general idea is there.

    In that sense, it's another way of saying the phrase "Good idea, poor execution" since it executes well, but something should be similar to it and be put in the general game, and the perk itself shouldn't be a thing when that entity comes a long hopefully. The execution shouldn't limit you, Ruin limits a perk slot who can be used for smarter chases, and shorter.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    I've stopped using Ruin in favor of Corrupted Intervention on Hag, but unfortunately that doesn't work as well with the rest of the killers

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Ruin typically gets cleansed quickly, once it gets cleansed you need to apply pressure. (Slugging whenever you know where someone is, keeping chases short, if they’re healing then try to keep them wounded and don’t be afraid to play dirty.) I’ve used these tips for awhile and I’m slaying with LF, before rank reset I was doing this with piggy in red ranks.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I agree. Gens need a max limit to how fast they can be finished. Even as a survivor main, it's just dumb how fast a gen will go when you have 3 people working on it. Yea sometimes it's necessary, but at the same time that's a very rare thing.

    Another option is to add more stuff to the game that is as effective as Ruin so killers have other options. Of course the problem there is stacking, so it's a tricky situation.

    It's not an easy problem to fix, but it is something that needs to be addressed.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,565

    The core mechanical problem for killers in this game is that survivors are completely healthy and efficient in terms of generator repair unless they are on a hook for the 3rd time. The first and second hooks don't matter. Additionally, generators go faster as the game goes on at higher ranks because then multiple survivors work on the same gen. So if you didn't get multiple hooks when there were 5 or 4 generators left, nothing you do when there are 3 or fewer generators left will typically matter. You just don't have time to get hooks 1-3 on more than one survivor with 3 gens left and 4 survivors alive. I run Ruin on most killers to ensure that the last 60% of the trial isn't pointless. I'm not saying wins and losses shouldn't be based on performance, but so often the games are decided in the first 80 seconds.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Unfortunately, killer is pretty much mandatory for most killers, and the other stalling perks (sloppy, pop) most of the time are only good on killers who don't need Ruin anyway.

    I hope visiting that is part of their plan somehow, because as it is killers are VERY limited to a few specific builds if they want to compete against very good survivors. Yes, there is a meta for surv perks too, but it's not as constraining as most killers.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,741

    Feel like the meta ppl talk about is simply because theyre too afraid to think outside the box a lil. I hit rank 1 on a non-meta killer without even having ruin unlocked yet. With the upcoming map changes, I expect to see alot of killers become a whole lot scarier.

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Anecdotal evidence is anecdotal.

    Zubat made it to rank 1 without perks or add-ons. Should all killer perks and add-ons be disabled then?

  • Apple2o
    Apple2o Member Posts: 624

    The highest tier killers don't need ruin because they slow the game down by killing everyone so fast. At red ranks I would say you need to be downing someone every 30-40 seconds which is completely possible with nurse, spirit, or billy.

    I don't understand what you mean by "the first hooks don't matter" because it wastes others survivors time to save and heal them. Especially against uncoordinated solo Q players where you might have all 3 of them off gens to save 1 person.

    I don't notice any increase in multiple people on the same gen at red ranks, it is faster for all survivors to work on their own gens. Discordance is also a thing.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    the problem i have with it is that it makes doing gens so unbearable it makes me not want to,ik you can just try hitting great scs but its just so boring and frustrating if you miss, it should never be base-game unless they get rid of that bad part imo, also it carries some ppl if not found on lower ranks

  • FolkoSage
    FolkoSage Member Posts: 5

    If you can stop them from working on the genys for a whole two minutes that's on you lol at red rank you have to down someone in first minute or else they just bust out all genys they have literally nothing else to do but work on them if your not pressuring the survivors right 😆

  • Bwight
    Bwight Member Posts: 8

    Bruh why are killers always complaining? I'm tired of the killer buffs. They nerfed DS, made hit boxes larger, made pickups faster which makes flashlight saves infinitely harder, they nerfed gen speed when more than one person is on a gen, they added a number of high tier killers, removed infinite pallets... Like the list goes on and on and on and they still cry.

    I hit rank 1 with Wraith over a year ago before ANY of these buffs and it wasn't even that hard. I bought a friend of mine the game shortly after I got it and he hit rank 1 in 70 hours of gameplay... Again before the killer buffs.

    At some point you just have to accept that you're playing wrong and it's not the game, it's you. There's supposed to be a learning curve, you guys realize that right? Like damn.

  • Spaceman94
    Spaceman94 Member Posts: 164

    And the award for most unhelpful post goes too...

    Couple of things: 1. I've hit rank 1 multiple times as a killer and am currently rank 4. 2. I never mentioned it's difficult to get to red ranks in my post.

    The point of my post isn't that I'm playing bad or finding it hard, it's about having to use Ruin to slow the game down in high ranks which is annoying when you want to play around with different perks.

    In red ranks gens should take longer to repair and it should get harder in my opinion.