Trapper buff/overhaul idea

Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
The trapper seems cool in theory, but his execution is lackluster.  
When you play against the trapper, you should feel like you just entered his domain, he is the hunter and you are the prey.  
The thing is that it takes so long to get to, pick up and set down your traps, that its just not worth it unless you want to spend the game trapping an area for the 3 gen strat.  
So here is my solution, more types of traps!  
Give the trapper the ability to trap things faster and trap more things in more ways.  
Here are a few examples i thought of, having ALL of these might be too OP, but I'm just throwing some ideas out here.  
Holding right click would put you into trap mode, letting you trap different things, like:  
Window traps, the trapper would start out with a few( 3-4) window traps, holding right click before vaulting would make you vault slightly slower, but trap the window, so that the next time a survivor uses it, they get ensnared in a some sort of net and need to free themselves similar to how the current traps work, except it would cause no damage( serrated nets could be a rare addon or something). Unless you are in a chase, it shouldbt hold you long enough for the trapper to grab you unless he was very close. Refilled at lockers.
Trip wire, holding right click when near a pallet that hasnt been dropped yet, would trap the pallet. The next time a survivor passes the pallet, the pallet would drop by itself and cause hindered status on the survivor for a short while. If the survivor drops the pallet prematurely, the trap is simply destroyed. The trapper would start with 2-3 of these traps. Refilled at lockers. 
Bear traps, the good old boys are back, but they would take less time to set up and would be picked up very fast. Found around the map, some would be pre-armed, more with addons.
And last, spider traps. It wouldnt involve actual spiders, but it would be a manifestation of the Entity by the trapper. The trapper could only hold 1 of these, and they would only be restocked with time. The trapped could instantly curse the area under him for like 20-30 seconds, if a survivor enters the area, an Entity spider leg would shoot up from the ground and damage the survivor. The cursed area would be very obvious, it would be meant as a deterent, to limit options. Of course, survivors need to pay attention to the ground or get spidered.  
Thats my suggestion, of course all the numbers and timings would have to be adjusted to make it fair, like making it so that you have to hold right click then open a locker to restock, but it would take like 5-6 seconds or something, so that its punishing to waste traps.  
Maybe put a limit to the total amount of each trap out at the same time, so the killer couldnt just trap all the things in existence. Trapping a window over the limit would cause the oldest window trap to break appart after 30 seconds or something.  
It would be nice to have more of a wrong turn kind of vibe, where the killer is in control of areas, it would be a different kind of horror, one where you feel like you entered a lion's den, and one wrong step could get you killed!


  • Smoker101
    Smoker101 Member Posts: 52
    I thought about something like this and it would be cool.
  • Cat
    Cat Member Posts: 43

    The developers said they are buffing the trapper anyway. I like your ideas though.