Killer idea - The Shimmer(For those who like Freddy's old chase mechanics)

NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

Obviously this won't translate 1 to 1 with how Freddy's chases worked, but it really shouldn't, he did need to be reworked so that's fine. But I do have an idea on how the dream transition mindgames could be put into a power without the downsides. Now ONTO THE KILLER!

The Shimmer

Terror Radius: 32 meters

Movement Speed: 4.6 M/S

Height: Short

Power: Ethereal Form - The Shimmer may enter the ethereal plane at any time. While in the ethereal plane the Shimmer and their red stain cannot be seen and does not have collision with Survivors. However, the Shimmer will still give off a terror radius and may not hit survivors while in the ethereal plane. After 10 seconds the Shimmer will exit the ethereal plane and re-enter the physical plane. The Shimmer may also preform a 2 second channel to exit the ethereal plane early, Survivors may see the Shimmer during this channel.

Note: The Shimmer does not have any slowdowns from any of these things.

Name subject to revision.

I'll come up with perks later. Please let me know if I should add anything else such as a secondary ability, or if you have a perk idea or whatever.


  • The_Sadistic_Lewis
    The_Sadistic_Lewis Member Posts: 26

    idk, this kinda sounds like a fusion of wraith and spirit...its a cool idea though, just needs some changes

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @The_Sadistic_Lewis alright then. Let's hear it, what changes need to be made in your opinion and why?

  • hahmraro
    hahmraro Member Posts: 96

    It will need at least a 15s cooldown. However I feel that during loops it will just be a spirit power except you can see survivors.

  • The_Sadistic_Lewis
    The_Sadistic_Lewis Member Posts: 26

    ok, how about when the shimmer channels their power, instead of seeing her you can hear her somewhat loudly. I just think this would help a little bit

  • The_Sadistic_Lewis
    The_Sadistic_Lewis Member Posts: 26

    this Would make survivors have to listen for her channel and force them to look around, similarly to the lullaby the huntress sings. This could make them not be able to complete objectives as fast and would also give them quite the scare lol.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
    edited July 2019


    Ok so just to be clear, what exactly are you trying to accomplish here?

    If they can't see her then there is no point in looking around, this isn't like the wraith where you can kinda see her anyways.

    Are you saying there should be an audio component in addition to the visual one?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I'd like to point out that a big part of this is trying to use the 2 second channel as a mindgame.

    I could imagine you starting the channel on one side of a loop, and then cutting them off on the other side at the end of the 10 seconds.

    Since waiting out the 10 seconds lets you strike without warning, although they will know you are there just not your exact location.

  • The_Sadistic_Lewis
    The_Sadistic_Lewis Member Posts: 26

    Sorry, I misunderstood. Do you mean they can see her fully? Or more like figments of her like new Freddy/wraith when she’s channeling

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807


    They can see her fully while she is channeling. She can just cancel the channel to be invisible again and 10 seconds after she goes invisible she becomes visible and able to attack instantly.

    Basically she can replicate how you can sometimes see freddy in dream transition except she can chose when to show herself or even if she should show herself at all.

  • The_Sadistic_Lewis
    The_Sadistic_Lewis Member Posts: 26

    That’s an interesting idea, does she get anything out of channeling fully? Like a speed boost, or does she get a stun like fatigue. It would kinda be over powered of she stood right behind you and came out of her power naturally as well. So what sort of bonuses would be added to her power?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807


    Completing the channel just lets you hit them early.

    You wouldn't want to just stand behind them naturally because during that time they can run to a pallet or window. Remember, unlike the Wraith or Spirit she doesn't get any movement speed bonuses while in stealth and unlike even old Freddy she doesn't slow the game down.

    So it makes sense for her to be able to immediately attack out of invisability if you are able to position yourself in their exact spot after exactly 10 seconds.

    And if she wants to down you faster then she can either not use her power to do it or she can do a mindgame involving her channel.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Also, unlike other Killers like Ghostface, Myers and Pig. The Survivors still know you are nearby, so you aren't going to catch them completely off guard unless you are running a build with something like tinkerer.

  • The_Sadistic_Lewis
    The_Sadistic_Lewis Member Posts: 26

    Hm, ok. Sounds good, last question until I move on to perks, does she make a sound when she’s using her power like spirit? The terror radius isn’t directional so it would still be hard to balance it out so it’s fair. I really do think that there should be some sort of down side to her power, so survivors can have a chance to know where to go. Every killer has some sort of way to let you know they’re there, so it might be a little unfair to just have her pop up out of nowhere.