Response appreciated from BHVR

Gemasuda Member Posts: 70
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

Let me start by saying that I really enjoy playing this game and over the years it has continued to grow and stay relevant. I have played since the days of only trapper. So I have seen things change (some good some bad) and in game bugs fixed and created and player-base suggestions recognized and implemented.

With all that being said why is it that the ranking system still after all this time is being under utilized?

Now over the years I have seen this discussion brought up and then go away and then repeatedly reappear.

Anyone who has played this game a lot understands that rank is determined by the amount of time you have invested in playing the game. Skill does increase the speed of reaching red rank but either way usually if someone plays a lot they will reach red rank.

Now the usual dev response is “Rank is used to pair you up with players at the same skill level” this is understood and is not my complaint.

If we all agree that rank is a blend of skill and in game playtime then that would indicate those with higher rank spend more time playing the game.

What does BHVR do to keep the lights on so to speak? They release content and cosmetics to generate revenue. One would think those who spend more time playing DBD are more likely to purchase these things no?

So here is where the under utilized rank system comes into the picture. If there were rewards for achieving higher ranks that would make people want to play more to obtain these rewards. This causes the domino effect of more player in game play time, and more chance for these players to generate revenue.

A monthly reset already occurs, this is the time for the rewards to be given out.

Examples: Blood points, cosmetics (only available from earning the rank at the end of reset, not from the store to make them unique and more desirable) a combo pack of in game items from the bloodweb, a temporary player only blood point bonus for future games for a specific amount of time or games etc etc.

Now I believe you get my point, make rank “mean” something. The cause and effect will only increase your revenue, make players happy and play more, and bring a form of competitive nature into the game community. “Look at that cosmetic! How did he/she get it? Oh that was a reward from last reset or season, wow I want it, well guess I’m going to grind out some games and earn that rank 1 before reset!”

I know this was kinda long winded and if you read up to here, thank you readers. But I just hit red rank again for the hundredth time and it has become a running joke amongst friends, that red rank is nothing more than a color, and is no different than grey rank in terms of rewards for your efforts.

I hope that before I shelve this game I have the opportunity to see that change. Thank you for your time. Happy hunting out there all.


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    The devs stated that they plan to release a reworked ranking system at the beginning of 2020.

  • Gemasuda
    Gemasuda Member Posts: 70

    As much as I appreciate you saying that, hopefully a moderator will confirm that.