Which losses/games angers you the most?

kamisen Member Posts: 794
edited July 2019 in General Discussions

I'm interested in hearing which kind of losses/games that angers you the most. Both as survivor and killer. Also, what makes you feel like you lost without deserving it?


  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,373

    As a survivor, whenever a killer acts as though they outplayed me when they just get lucky. For example, I'll 360 a killer just to get stuck on nothing and the killer gets me with the very end of their lunge animation and then act smug about it (shaking / nodding head etc).

    As killer, when multiple survivors escape and teabag at the exit gates when I played fair, without annoying perks and tried to make the game as fun as possible for everyone else.

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Dying on first hook in a solo survivor match.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,615

    I hate the feeling of losing Devour Hope right after downing someone, cause now I can't kill.

    On the other hand, I love losing it after I start the kill, cause it's like: "Oof, just too late!"

  • Gcarrara
    Gcarrara Member Posts: 2,263

    Both as survivor and killer: When you get a strike of unlucky events one after the other during the whole game for some unknown reason. And you pretty much know if you didn't get so unlucky the game would have gone in a completely different way. Instead it feels like the entity decided you had to lose before the game even started. 😅

    This includes a mix of unlucky events, technical issues (that frame drop the instant you had to press the button to dead hard, get the last skill check to finish the gen when the killer is going for you, grab a survivor, hit the survivor vaulting the window or dropping the pallet, etc). 😡

    Thankfully it's really rare... but damn it's annoying when it happens.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    When the match is genuinely laggy.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    when people DC.

    as a survivor it sucks the most, since you get put into a HUGE disadvantage immediately, as a killer it sucks, since i feel sorry for the rest of the team that gets left behind, just because one douchebag decided to quit immediately. i also get put in a big bloodpoint / emblem point disadvantage.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,905
    • Dying on first hook
    • Being farmed off the hook
    • People dc'ing
    • Mori
    • Camped or tunneled to death
  • Mert_MK
    Mert_MK Member Posts: 674

    Getting downed by Spirit, because there isn't much you can do to prevent it anyway.. like pre-patch Legion.

    Took Iron Will because of how many times i see her so i won't have to DC every single time (even though i'd still like to but it sucks for the remaining survivors).

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    When the killer uses scummy tactics and acts like they outplayed me.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693
    edited July 2019

    As a survivor:

    Being moried in any way (except cypress and ivory, I can take those. And maybe Rancor) because I feel like I didn't deserve such an early death that guarantees me losing a pip. Also when I am left to die on hook. I get even more angry when I have kindred equipped. I also hate being tunneled to death, because it guarantees me losing a pip, not able to do anything about it. I also hate it when someone on purposely suicides or disconnects in the beginning of the game, because you just ruined people's days when you do that.

    As a killer:

    When survivors are so cocky, they heal and walk in front of you like you are a noob killer. I also hate seeing full team Claudettes (or any coordinated toxic swf) that are toxic and infects the post game chat. I hate when anyone disconnects, suicides, or is left on hook to die. Then the survivor that left other survivors to die will also die. >:(

    I also kill anyone who tries to point out someone in a locker, people like that are jerks.

    I feel like I am forgetting something, but that is basically everything. :)

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited July 2019

    As Survivor:

    Bad teams

    No one doing gens

    Hook Farming

    Trash Talking Team members


    Tunneled all game

    As Killer:


    Gen Rush

    SWF Death Squads

    Trash Talking Survivors

    People bming their own team

  • Volfawott
    Volfawott Member Posts: 3,893

    As a killer

    I can deal with butt dancing

    Pallets stuns and flashlight blinds at every pallet don't annoy me

    A lot of the things survivors do don't really annoy me however if there's 2 things that gets on my nerves and turns me into a petty douche.

    Last second switches: honestly I don't care what you run ( be a P3 Claudette with a flashlight if you want) but if you try to cheap it out yeah that's going to definitely put you on my hit list. You want to pull a dick move like that then I'll tunnel or camp you.

    Flashlight clicking: it's very annoying and as I've always stated if you want all my attention so badly I'll give it to you however nine times out of ten I'll mostly give it to you when you're on hook

    As a survivor

    Farmers: I can never actually get mad at the killer for taking advantage of it because it's their job they shouldn't pay less efficiently because my teammates are potatoes. Have some common sense if you don't have a plan don't save me also unless an exit gate is open and within reasonable distance borrowed time does not mean you didn't farm me.

    Being left on hook: Yeah when The Killers on the other side of the map you mind helping me before I had second stage so I don't know me have two shots at life. It only makes it worse when about to hit second stage and all I can see you doing is urban evasioning your way over here.


    People who won't leave: this annoys me as both a survivor and a killer.

    As a killer it's incredibly annoying to have you stick in the match for an extended period of time whilst end game collapse has mitigated this it's still annoying when people wait out the time until the last second.

    As a survivor well it often isn't as relevant since the change but before it used to be super annoying when I had a reverse bear trap on and survivors were just being piggy instead of leaving so I could get hatch. Before you make the argument that they were staying behind to help people even when I got hooked they would just stay at exit gate to teabag so they would just doing it to bm

  • AdamFrancisWivWaves
    AdamFrancisWivWaves Member Posts: 1

    It absolutely infuriated me when I’m playing as a survivor and I seem to be having a perfectly normal game but as I leave the exit gates and move into the area which would usually mean an escape, I am met with no transition, my survivor just continues and I cannot escape.

    i have seen others suffer from this and although it seems rare, playing the amount of games I play and how often I see it I find it unacceptable for survivors to be completely robbed from perfectly fair escapes

  • Casm
    Casm Member Posts: 61

    Let's see. I'm solo survivor when I play survivor so my games tend to end up more on the frustrating side. Dying on my first hook because survivors are too afraid to go for rescues are a pretty infuriating loss. Though almost as infuriating is when I run the killer around for a fairly lengthy time only to ultimately get downed and see that each of the other survivors are crouching around the map not doing gens or literally anything at all. So, it's always a priority to get out of the low ranks asap.

    As a killer, this seems to happen to me a fair bit but the survivors will get down to 1 gen and I'll have 1 survivor killed and several others on death hook. I'll patrol the generators like a good killer should only for the remaining 3 survivors to instantly escape through the hatch that was nowhere even remotely close to where I was patrolling, using a key that was either found or brought. Just feels like I got cheated out of what was otherwise a pretty good game up until that point where everyone was playing well but either got lucky or simply 'cheesed' a victory. Or that's how it feels anyway. Though I will say, if I notice a survivor bringing a key, I'll slap on a green mori and save it for that player. Other than daily rituals, that's about the only time I ever bother to bring a mori.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    As a killer: when survivors abuse ridiculous map structures like the Ironworks window, or when I go up against 3 or 4 instaheals plus 4 Adrenaline. Games where it feels like I didn't get outplayed but still lost. Just blatantly unbalanced stuff.

    As a survivor: The typical solo survivor frustrations

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    As killer, going against swf teams with survivors 8 ranks higher than me. The whole time tea bagging and pointing. I get it. You are better than me.

    And actually survive with friends in general. Kinda wish that they would implement a voice communication system that wouldn't just go through headsets. Like whatever you say is spoken by your survivor and can only be heard from a certain distance. And the killer would be able to gear it too. Off topic sorry.

    As survivor, spawning in and turning a corner into the killer. Happens all the time. Ive been burning shrouds lately just to be able to play the game.

  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    As Survivor, it's losing an offering because the killer dced at the start of the game/ early game. This is absolutely infuriating and I cannot believe there's no safeguard for this type of crap.

    As killer, I try not to get pissed but sometimes it just feels like you can't do anything against a team of survivors who are cranking out gens left and right. I feel so helpless as the "power" role and it's frustrating.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    As killer, having people get flashlight saves on me when i cant even see them on my screen. Also syringes when im playing a pure m1 killer (usually wraith.)

    As survivor, moris and the usual solo annoyances. Also annoying add ons like Iri head and prayer beads (and kinda spirit in general, i find her very boring to go against and I barely have any fun against her.)

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092

    Being unhooked right in front of the killer's face only to get downed again because they decided to unhook me without borrowed time before the killer even had time to walk away from the hook.

    As killer, I'm more disappointed in wins with the same conditions. If a survivor unhooks another survivor right in my face, I feel pity for them because their teammates are either #########, or idiots, and either way that's leading to my win. It's not my victory, it's one they handed to me. The only type of loss that infuriates me as killer is when a red rank SWFs with a bunch of rank 16-20s for an easy win, and even then I generally get at least 2 of their friends. These games are just ridiculous because the red rank survivor will either annoy the hell out of me by fast vaulting consistently until I come after them, or just be extremely annoying in general by trying for flashlight saves, pallet saves, etc every time someone gets down, forcing me to slug their friend, chase them away, and then the other friends try to heal them up while I'm chasing them off. Incredibly annoying games like that.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442

    when survivor my team looks sheeps and potatos and really is

    when killer critical mistake nomally i don't and that lead to lose

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835
    edited July 2019

    Before I used to get angry, but these days I get frustrated.


    1st hook death hook!

    killer tunnels r20 team mates

    Urban Evasion team mates

    Prayer Beads, Insta saw, 1 shot hatchet or omega / multi -blink Nurse

    moris as that generally means someone (or everyone) will get tunneled off the hook.


    Survivors that keep running "Matt Walker" windows

    4 man cheat with friends that use OoO, gen rush toolboxes and insta heals

    Med kits during evening hours or weekends as they are almost always insta heals. My first game this weekend had 3 medkits so I prepared for that and surprise who would have quessed?

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Both of these are so accurate, especially the killer one, but also a random key find in a match I was otherwise set to win in another minute or so, had it happen a while ago with pig, 1 gen left that was half progress (not that hard seriously but they all sucked at running me) and 2 last survivors went immersed for 5-10 minutes only to find a key and find the hatch. That was probably the most annoying key play in existence purely because of the 10 minute immersion game, really wish I had whispers on my pig that day...

    As a survivor, teammates who hide near the hook and don’t save until second phase due to crouch walking or “hiding from nothing” then only save you just as the killer is returning and then take off leaving you to die...even with kindred, just...the worst thing aside from normal “teammate” issues. Those killers who instead target the unhooking deserter are my absolute favourite beings.❤️ Seriously makes my day when the killer destroys them for it and gives me a second chance in a game that otherwise would have been over.

  • PyroDude
    PyroDude Member Posts: 454

    What angers me the most is when the game ends and it crashes/loses connection causing me to earn no bp and losing my items and offerings.

    But thankfully that barely ever happens.

    I also get really grumpy when I die very early in a game (Mori, Tombstone Myers, not getting rescued...)

  • xCarrie
    xCarrie Member Posts: 982


  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    Clicky flashlight muppets and group hook blockers. Hideous.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    What frustrates me the most as a Killer is when I see two to three survivors and go to chase after them only to have jump into the hatch. T bagging on the way out.... Man, it's infuriating when anyone gets out via key.

    I'd advocate for mori's and unfair add-ons to be removed (prayer beads, iridescent hatchet etc). With instaheal and keys being removed in exchange. The game would be so much better. I don't mind rancor and adrenaline or even ds but instaheal and keys need to go.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    Survivors: Teammates (sandbagging, leaving you on the hook and not saving, farming), camping and tunneling

    Killer: Mostly end game chat stuff, though tbagging at the exits and running out before the killer can get a hit is annoying, too.

  • My_Farewell
    My_Farewell Member Posts: 495

    I'm cool with losing if it really is my fault, but losing because of lag and stuff? That is annoying.

  • Steve0333
    Steve0333 Member Posts: 529

    I personally don't think there is anything wrong or broken about iridescent head. Survivors who complain about that I'm assuming don't play with the huntress much. Huntress is not as easy to play as people think. She takes a lot of practice to get good with the hatchets. If you are really good at hitting people with the hatchets, then you probably won't need the heads to get 4k. In the right hands she's a good killer, in the wrong hands you're missing 75-100% of your throws and screaming at the screen.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    As survivor facecamping, moris or slugged when there is no reason for it.

    As killer I dont really mind not killing anyone if the chases are fun.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    ...when I lose because of performance lags or bugs.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Auto-aim, seriously, you wouldn't believe the amount of times it costed me hits that would've won me the game! :(

  • MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky
    MrsPiggyIsSoSneaky Member Posts: 571

    This whole game pisses me off when I play it, too many stupid ** that happens that cost me a kill or even the whole game, toxic players, you name it, same for survivor.

    And yet funny cause R6S has a toxic community but yet I still have loads of fun with it, dbd is just that one game that wants to piss you off cause of the devs and how they don't know how to make a game.

  • Rasinbran
    Rasinbran Member Posts: 240

    When I get frozen at a pallet then a minute later I'm on the hook with the killer standing 10m away looking back and forth refusing to play the game normally on top of having a bad connection.