Major exploit in SWF groups

Raven87 Member Posts: 36

on Steam but guess on all other platforms as well there is a major exploit allowing survivors extremly high rank to be matched against baby killers rank 15-20.The exploit work in a very simple way ,3 high rank people(rank 1-3 lot youtubers use that) allow a them friend or smurf lvl 20 rank to create a room and invite them accounts ,then the killer opponent will be same rank or around the rank of room creator so a baby killer rank 19-20.This exploit is going on from some weeks and it really is leading more of new players to quit the game...developers would have to look into it and fix it asap..isnt a minor thing when your biggest playerbase start to quit the game due to a unfair exploit.



  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    edited July 2019

    SWF matchmaking is based on rank overall btw. If you play with a rank 1, 2, 3 and 20 your killer should be about rank 6.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    Maybe because not enough survivors are queued for the amount of killers online. Calling playing with friends an exploit, is hilarious. I’m not sorry.

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    no currently the matchmaking for survivors is based on room creator rank..if creator is rank 20 then killer is around same rank als if his other 3 etam mates are rank can experiment by yourself.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    I guess my friends can’t play with me since I am lower rank 😒. What terrible exploiters! I’m flirting with 5k hours and rank 16/17 survivor since I haven’t played much this year.

    Guess I can’t play the game since I have way more time than the killers I would go against 😭😭

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2019

    solution would be very simple..for SWF groups the killer must be always same rank as the best rank person in team..thats a simple and fast fix to this major exploit..i'm not saying everyone is using this method for exploit the game " altruistic" but there are lot people abuse of this system.Exploit define :to make use of meanly or unfairly for one's own advantage .Doesnt matter if you are using hack or no if you get an unfair advantage you are using a exploit.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141


  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,446
  • BBQnDemogorgon
    BBQnDemogorgon Member Posts: 3,615

    @altruistic You do know if you invited your rank 20 friends instead of you joining them it wouldn't be an exploit?

    The exploit is intentionally having the low rank start the invite process. Thats what gives low rank killers.

    If 3 ranks 1s ask a rank 20 to invite it will give a rank 20 killer.

    If the rank 1s invite the rank 20 it'll give a rank 1 killer.

    Thats why its an exploit.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited July 2019


    It was.... Until they put in the new Match Making system.

    I made a post about it.

    When they added in the new match making system, they didn't carry over that rule, and now use the SWF lobby creator like it was in the beginning.

    So since that info is packaged and sent to the MMR, it is going to be a client side change. So we'll have to wait until the next big update before that is fixed.

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    some famous twitch and youtube "stars" use this method now for make videos and bully new killer with infinite loop or walking close and endgame hide the list or quickly exit..they always rank up witha smurf friends rank 20 creating the room...

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Peanits recently confirmed that the host of the SWF lobby determines lobby rank when readying up, so anyone who says otherwise is thinking of before it was patched.

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    so Elusive on your opinion can we report the premade groups with all top rank 1-2 and one rank 20 matched against a rank 15 -20 killer?for exploiting abuse?or the game is supposed to work in this way and nothing can be done?so i got a good reason for quit

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited July 2019

    @Raven87 Cya later then.

    Someone is worried they are going to be the butt end of some crappy youtube video or twitch clip.


  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2019

    Devs, in most games, do not seem to plan that their players (survivors) in this instance will cheat/abuse the system. What we have found is, in this game especially, survivors will abuse anything that is left open, just as killers would I suppose, but we know this to be true from dev testing of things. Whether it was "punishing killers near a hook" etc,...

    Devs allowing the match making to use the rank of the person who creates a lobby, literally holds the door open to an abuse/exploit that is more than predicted but expected.

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    you are probably one of those survivors abusing and exploiting this system for your rank :) and you are scared of dont challange anymore baby killers in your games and lose .

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    No, but purposefuly smurfing with your high rank SWF to bully baby killers is not fun.

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    anyway i opened the topic due to frustration i counted games in last 3 days 16...playing as trapper and billy and hag and freddy rank 15...all 16 games i had premade team opponents , in all 16 games there was ONE rank 16-17survivor and 3x rank 1-3 survivors.Its not a matter of 1-2 games this type exploit seem to be very popular.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


    TBH I'm usually playing solo, I'd say about 95% of my matches. I only got a few people on my friends list that actually play this game anymore.

    I do and have used it that "exploit". Why not?

    I want more bloodpoints... I don't care about the challenge... I've played for over 3000 hours in this game over 3 years... I don't care if I win or lose... I just want some bloodpoints, and if I can milk them from a baby killer than why not?

    Who wants to play in a high rank match that ends in 5 minutes and you get 10K when you can get over 20K playing in a low rank match in 10 minutes.


    This game isn't just about winning and losing it is about having fun. There is no fun in the high ranks, not for me anymore.


    If the Devs put in silly rules like using the lobby's creator for Match Making, when they had it working using the average for over two years... Then I don't expect people to not "exploit" this.

    It is 100% the developer fault in this case.

    Someone who was tasked to create a new match making system, never even bothered to look at the existing rules of the previous match making system.

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    your post is the reason the development team would have to fix quickly game issues and clear exploits and ban..people as you selfish only care for them own stuff..and of course abuse of every system legit and illegal for get advantages :) thats a clear example of toxic player and bad person in general.Exploiting is always illegal so getting a rank 20 for open the room and invite top tier player is exploiting isnt playing with friends :).

  • MegsAreEvil
    MegsAreEvil Member Posts: 819

    So what exactly is an exploit here? The matchmaking exactly does what it should do. The only point you can have is that it shouldnt be thath way. But then dont talk big about exploits, cause theres no exploit.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    Some people are worried it is driving off newer people. Three Rank 1's and a Rank 20 Lobby Leader should NOT be getting Rank 20's.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    There is a long history of posts that advocate for SWFs be matched with their top ranked members and not the average.

    It's old news.

    Other games like LoL matches you with slightly higher mmr opponents if you play with friends to balance the matches.

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    in lol we are talking of platinum 4 matched with platinum we are ranking of rank 1-2 players matched with rank 19 20 killers :) its as match a lol bronze player with a platinum 1 player...guess what is going to happen?and do you think the bronze player will be happy and will continue playing the game?.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


    Well really though, it was something that should have never needed fixing. Just like many of the bugs we have seen in the past few patches. The Devs have been breaking things all across the board these last few months.


    You can get mad all you want. However they aren't going to ban for it, since this is a limitation of their system that they designed and had already fixed over 2 years ago when it was a problem back then.


    There isn't really too much of an advantage, since hours don't really define the level of playing ability. Just like in your steam forum post, you killed 2 out of the 4 players in that group. I can just as easily be killed by a 100 hour player vs a 2000 hour player. It really just comes down to how well you play at that given time. Plus you can get screwed over pretty easy in this game just by other teammates and the game itself.

    One thing I don't do is take it all personal. I play and have some fun, like probably the majority of people here. I don't come here to raise a stink unless I've seen something gross. I actually see the issue you presented as gross and have already made a post about it it about over a month ago.


    The key point is the Devs have noticed it and are reverting back to taking the average. When that is done, well, that is up to them.

    I don't believe anyone should be banned for the developers negligence since I know the history of this issue. Those that are exploiting it, well it really isn't their fault.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    @Pulsar Yeah well that isn't those players fault.

    This issue is actually 100% the developer's fault in this case.

    They had this issue corrected using the average of the SWF lobby way back in Oct 2016 in patch 1.2.2.

    When they put in the new Match Making system they didn't even bother looking at the existing system to see what needed to be carried over.

    If BHVR is losing players cause of this, then they should fix it. How long has the new Match Making been in place now? When was that Developer Update put out that mentioned they will be taking the average of the SWF lobby.


    All this was addressed over two years ago.


    The Freddy Rework has been put out.... Did we see this issue corrected yet? No.

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    honestly this issue is around 1000x more important than the freddy update :)....the 90 % community is around rank 9-20 if they make the matchmaking unplayable as is now a good 50% of those players will find other games for spend money and time over.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited July 2019

    @Raven87 Well that is the thing though... It should be important.

    They released a Developer Update that mentioned changing it to take the average on July 5th.

    The new match making system has been in place now for several months, I'm not 100% sure when that switch over took place, I'm under the impression it was turned on in the background without people being notified. It was just kind of mentioned on a stream that this was already done.

    The Freddy Rework just got put out on July 23rd.

    So between the 5th and the 23rd, they never added in that change.


    In my eyes, it will be at least 2 more months before this comes to be. We won't see this being changed until the next major update.


    However they are not rushing to do this because of one major thing....

    Rank resets. This issue is no different than player being reset into the new player zone, who have over 1000 hours of playtime and then grouping up to play against new players.

    This is why the movement isn't hugely pressing for BHVR. Since this issue is already created through rank resets.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    When I'm in a group with all red ranks we STILL get green rank killers. It's broken matchmaking that is to blame. It's not an exploit.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    so you put 3 plat player with a bronze friend against a silver/gold player. You 3 plat just rekt the enemy team.

    Here you put 3 plat with a bronze friend against a silver/gold killer. guess what, you ruin the fun of an entire party.

    It's nice that you agree.

  • cetruzzo
    cetruzzo Member Posts: 323

    Its not called cheat with friends for nothing

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    in league of legends 1 diamond player+4 bronze players can win against a 5 platinum 4 team ,1 single player can carry whole team to dbd its also more real 1 tier 1 player can litterally outplay a killer and loop him or rush hex generators help team mates ,can easily carry a team.I'm rank 13 killer now playing against rank 1-5 players(from the rank 20) so in the end its not to much bad because i start to get always 2-3 kills everygame playing dirty with NOED i'm learning in the hard way....but man those survivors rank 1 insult you so hard every game one said i was going to be banned for tunneling haha... i can see a normal killer doing 0 kill every damn game due to this matchmaking quitting the game...right now i can fight those exploiters with freddy and dream pallets they seem to be efefctive on those cocky exploiters .

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    Exploiting the matchmaking system to get easier games is still kinda of a douche move if I'm gonna be honest.

  • invira_zero
    invira_zero Member Posts: 229

    Well, me and the buds are playing 4 man swf sometimes, and there some ######### happens. Our ranks is kinda 6\6\7\11, host is me, which rank is 7. But, we are taken to rank 14\15 lobbies almost every game. Thats kinda sad, cause killer usualy dont know how to play certain killer. If we see, that killer is inexpirienced, we give him 8 hooks, and 1 kill.

    Its so frustrating. Both for them, and for us. And, to have at least some fun, we decided to run No Mither, and go full sabo on small map. We chose the game, and sabotaged every hook in the area. Killer downed someone? In a few seconds, he see a plenty of notify bubbles...

    We didnt done 5 gens, we didnt aim for winning the game. Just having fun. And killer got his 4k in 20 minutes, said that it was fun. Offtopic, but it was really fun. And so, killer was rank 14 btw. Again.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547
    edited July 2019

    LMAO 😂 😂 😂 😂 I have now seen all abot swf complains, now, introducing this conspiracy and call it exploit. Great joke man keep on it

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547
    edited July 2019

    Let me explain because you need mathematics classes. If a guy from rank 1 plays with someone of rank 20 the killer will be rank 10. I love how you say that a lot of people use this method on purpose even youtubers without showing any evidence. 👏

  • BeerboDrankins
    BeerboDrankins Member Posts: 5

    It usually seems to work for me when I'm killer but to my advantage. One rank 1 survivor and then the other 3 are 16 and under for some reason. I'm rank 1

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320


    Nah... it used to be like that.. but now.. if the rank 20 survivor created the SWF lobby.. it looks for rank 20 killers...

    They are changing it back to taking the average but it hasn't happened yet.

  • GoddamnBananas
    GoddamnBananas Member Posts: 54

    Only if it's something extreme, like 3 rank 1-3's and a 20. Then it's obvious they're exploiting. But sometimes friends are different ranks. In my main group of friends, for example, I'm currently 7, but they're something like 11, 13, and 16(they don't play DBD much these days). So last week, I probably ended up facing a lot of yellow rank killers without realizing what was happening. I will keep this in mind in the future tho. Just saying, be careful when reporting.

  • Raven87
    Raven87 Member Posts: 36

    problem is huge last days number of red names in my games seem to increase ,today 6 games always red names inside rank 1-5 lot russian and people with weird names ...i start to be enough skilled against those people but i can see a new killer or someone playing very laid back and casual to rage quit when those guys start to loop or do weird things ....the problem is really big..a red name cant go against yellow killers its as to put a diamond player in league of legends against a silver this specific match the rank 4-11 and 16(smurf probably another red) were in same team and the 16 started the game.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited July 2019

    Pretty embarassing to use your emojis to assert correctness/superiority, only to be 100% wrong - "Great joke man, keep on it!"

  • csandman1977
    csandman1977 Member Posts: 2,358

    I've always heard its the killers job to make the game fun for the survivor. So i don't purposely tunnel and try to spread out the pain so to speak. Dont run noed cause its against the rules. But here lately i can't get a break.

    It's not losing that pisses me off, its having the red rank survivor running around pointing and tbagging that gets under my skin. But if i bring a mori im a toxic douche.

    Im a very calm person, but some survivors definitely make my blood pressure spike.

    I probably have less than 500 hours so i know i still have learning to do, but when placed against red ranks and I'm barely in green, then all i learn is that people suck lol.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    It's been going on for a while, and it just makes the game less fun for everyone. There's no foolproof way to tell the party composition of the survivors before a match, so killers overcompensate (can't blame them) after SWF bully sessions and make the game miserable for a group of solos. The devs can't keep their heads buried in the sand on the SWF issue.

    Killers hate it. Solos hate it. There are a lot of SWF that aren't doing is smurf. There's nothing wrong with wanting to play with your friends. But it's still often a massive advantage for the survivors to be on comms. And a few bad apples ruin the bunch. It just feels like killers and solo survivors are always compensating for and feeling the effects of SWF.

    Just making common sense changes would help. Make the matchmaking go off of the highest ranked survivor in the group. Give a BP bonus to killers after the match if they get steamrolled by a 4 stack. But continuing to do nothing in the face of constant, consistent feedback is a bad look.