Why are you survivors doing this? It doesn't make any sense!

  • Cleaning totems to prevent NOED...when you play vs Mayers, Legion, Hillbilly, Plague and Ghost Face. These killers like never take noed, or very rarely, so why? Why? Only for bloodpoints, don't tell me you doing this only for bloodpoints...
  • Letting killer hurt you, when he carry other survivor to prevent hanging him on the hook, even if there is ######### 0% chance to prevent it, because hook is too close.
  • Why do you not hide in the locker vs Billy/Nurse after he hang someone on hook? He always play B&C, so he can easy see your position and fast go to you and getting you down if you don't hide.
  • Why vs Plague first you healing yourself in fountain when you are sick and then immidiately after that you go to unhook other sick survivor and you getting sick again. So what was the point of going to fountain in the first place, if 10 sec after that you going to unhook sick survivor? It happens even if Plague don't camp on hook.
  • Why vs Hag, when you want to unhook me, you are crouching wanting to not launch her traps, but after doing this unhook action you forget to click on crouch button and you activate her trap by this?
  • Why when you play vs Legion and there is 5 gens left to repair, you try to repair like 2 or 3 survivors on one gen and look it doesn't make any sense. For each survivor on one gen you all get -10% repair speed and Legion can hurt like many survivors in short period of time, like any other killer can't do this that easly in situation like this. Legion is master of hurting many survivor in short time when they are close to each other, so repairing one gen by many survivors doesn't make any sense especially vs Legion. + They ofter take thanatophobia.
  • Why when I unhook you when I use "We will make it" you running away from hook, trying me to heal you in other place, even if in this time killer is chasing other survivor far away from us?


  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    It is possible to believe people should play how they want and also think bizarre decisions they made can be commented on and questioned.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790

    Seriously? Okay...

    1) Totems dull and hex are worth good points now and count toward emblems.

    2) Look up a perk called 'We're Gonna Live Forever' and this is also worth points and emblems.

    3) There are several ways to counter bbq/chili - jumping in a locker is only one of them and can be a risky one at that. Oh and if you do use a locker you should be in it BEFORE the survivor is hooked.

    4) Cleansing gives her access to her machine gun vomit - probably should be avoided in the first place. Also they probably did you a favor - now if people are cleansing you can get a fast heal at a fountain instead of hanging around the area waiting for the other person to heal you before the killer returns.

    5) This is just bad player - by my experience it is usually the guy off the hook that forgets to hit crouch immediately and triggers the trap.

    6) Again just bad players who don't know or don't care.

    7) They probably have not trained themselves to see the small icon pop up that you have it when you save them. Easy for new players to miss that. If the killer is a tunneler they may want a bit of head start just in case, many tunnelers will drop a chase just to go after a fresh unhook.

  • ShyDragon
    ShyDragon Member Posts: 19

    After I read your comment I started to wonder which one is REALLY a bait? Yea we all know..

    Of course they can play as they want to! I also believe that people want to survive the trial and want to make the smallest amount of mistakes in the trial to make this survive. That's why I am asking, because this sort of mistakes really don't help in that.

    Dead by daylight is one of the best game I've had and I have so much fun to play in it. I want to say I've never had problems with NOED, I've never had problems with Decisive Strike. I have no problems to play agains Nurse or Billy and I know many players on this forum complain about them, but I never did. I have fun to play even agains them. I've never complained about all of it and many other things that other people are still complain and now I am not complaining as well.

    You all don't get it, I have really no problem with NOED, I've never complained about NOED and this perk like many others never was problem for me. I have no problem with many other things about which people still are complaining on this forum.

    I am not complaining and this wasn't my point to create this thread. I wanted just to ask, just because I am curious. Goal of each survivor is to survive the trial but sometimes you made a strange decision I don't understand and these decisions don't help me or you in survive the trial in any way. Like letting killer to hurt you when he carry other survivor to prevent him to hook this survivor even if there is 0% chance to prevent it and then you have to sacrifice a lot amount of time to heal yourself to be full-health again, I don't understand this behavior and many other things I mentioned above about survivor playstyle.

    And I say that again: Its not about complaining, and it wasn't my point of making this thread. I really don't get unpleasant emotions when I see you play like this. I wanted to just really ask. All of these mistakes you do, they don't ruin my experience with this game in any way, because I have fun playing in this game even if I lose, even if losing is caused not my fault. Its just curious, that's all.

    Anyway my guess is many of you don't really see these mistakes you do and probably you don't even realize these mistakes you do. But cleaning totems agains Myers or Legion still is unsolved mystery for me.

  • Guertena
    Guertena Member Posts: 392

    i'm confused

  • NeonAlien
    NeonAlien Member Posts: 328

    Always cleanse totems. I've seen many Myers and Hillbilly with noed. I can often tell if they have it, too, so I do totems especially when I feel like they have noed. Regardless of the killer they chose.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    for point 1 and 1 only, ive seen some bs even in those killers

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457


    You are sassy today, I’m living for it! Lol

  • Mr_K
    Mr_K Member Posts: 9,184

    "Cleaning totems to prevent NOED...when you play vs Mayers, Legion, Hillbilly, Plague and Ghost Face. These killers like never take noed, or very rarely, so why? Why? Only for bloodpoints, don't tell me you doing this only for bloodpoints..."

    Pfff. What game are you playing?

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    After a few experiences with 3 Blink Nurses having NO ED, I'll believe anyone will.

    Killer doesn't mean anything... usually if they are bad, I'll assume they have NO ED.

    Pretty much only agree with your last statement.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited July 2019

    Umm, not great to admit but when I was new to the game I did use to run NOED on Myers purely because people believed you’d go t3, why would you need exposed from NOED, how wrong they were. Haven’t used it since I actually got good as a killer ages ago (don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate NOED now, it’s easy to counter and punishes lazy gen heavy survivors, I just personally don’t like using it as I prefer to get better at stopping survivors before they get that far, rarely do I get to endgame now with a full team let alone at all anyway) but yeah they do exist, every second killer I see runs NOED lately regardless of who they play (got a ghostface last night who literally waited for it to go off recently because I saw him standing idle with dark sense for 2 gens worth with 2 survivors left)

    the basic rules for me playing survivor regarding NOED: doctor or wraith? 80% chance of NOED, plays bad/misses swings etc at green ranks/otherwise boosted killer? NOED definitely. No ruin? NOED. None of the above? Cleanse totems anyway. Better safe than rekt. Plus they do grant nice bp, I tend to kick cleansing into high gear at 2 gens left, the early match I just cleanse as I run across them. I have stopped so many NoEDs I can promise you it’s worth it to cleanse against every killer.

    The rest I agree with though, I’ve never understood teammates cleansing before unhooking a sick survivor, genius plays. I run we’ll make it too, 90% will crouch immediately and love you, that special 10% will run you half way around the map like you’re the killer.

  • fcc2014
    fcc2014 Member Posts: 4,388


    • Cleaning totems to prevent NOED...when you play vs Mayers, Legion, Hillbilly, Plague and Ghost Face. These killers like never take noed, or very rarely, so why? Why? Only for bloodpoints, don't tell me you doing this only for bloodpoints...

    • Letting killer hurt you, when he carry other survivor to prevent hanging him on the hook, even if there is ######### 0% chance to prevent it, because hook is too close.
    • WGLF can be trying to setup a flashlight or firecracker save also or maybe they don't take the game as serious.

    • Why do you not hide in the locker vs Billy/Nurse after he hang someone on hook? He always play B&C, so he can easy see your position and fast go to you and getting you down if you don't hide.
    • Maybe they want to get chased or don't want to waste time hiding and are trying to finish healing, doing a gen or such or again don't the game as serious as you do.

    • Why vs Plague first you healing yourself in fountain when you are sick and then immidiately after that you go to unhook other sick survivor and you getting sick again. So what was the point of going to fountain in the first place, if 10 sec after that you going to unhook sick survivor? It happens even if Plague don't camp on hook.
    • Bad strategy and don't care. See my previous response about not caring.

    • Why vs Hag, when you want to unhook me, you are crouching wanting to not launch her traps, but after doing this unhook action you forget to click on crouch button and you activate her trap by this?
    • Maybe they are trying to sandbag you but just want the unhook for the luls?

    • Why when you play vs Legion and there is 5 gens left to repair, you try to repair like 2 or 3 survivors on one gen and look it doesn't make any sense. For each survivor on one gen you all get -10% repair speed and Legion can hurt like many survivors in short period of time, like any other killer can't do this that easly in situation like this. Legion is master of hurting many survivor in short time when they are close to each other, so repairing one gen by many survivors doesn't make any sense especially vs Legion. + They ofter take thanatophobia.
    • Again they may not take the game as serious as some others do.

    • Why when I unhook you when I use "We will make it" you running away from hook, trying me to heal you in other place, even if in this time killer is chasing other survivor far away from us?
    • Many players do this even when the killer is across the map. Maybe they want to heal themselves to selfishly get the point or don't trust you not to miss a or multiple skill checks.

    • Not everyone tryhards or takes this game as serious as others do.

  • Kidliquid01
    Kidliquid01 Member Posts: 7

    I play on console and have to turn my privacy and messaging to friends only, because I am damned if I do and damned if I don't no matter how I play. If I play as killer, I get accused of camping (even if I don't), or get attacked for what perks I use. The survivor salt is real and toxic. If I play as survivor, I get blasted by killers for using a flashlight, looping objects and using pallets ro stun the killer. I also get crapped on for escaping or as they call it Camping the hatch.

    There are some unwritten rules of etiquette in the game, but you just have to play the game how you want and expect salt no matter what.

  • BeanieBoyBob
    BeanieBoyBob Member Posts: 354

    Myers after he ran NOED at the end of the trial:

  • ShyDragon
    ShyDragon Member Posts: 19

    About NOED:

    I don't know on what rank you are, but I have above 2200 hours in DBD and I really don't remember when last time I met Myers or Billy using NOED.

    You take NOED for killer who have ability to getting down survivors even without this perk.

    Such a waste.


    As I thought, the only reason (for you, not for player who want others to escape) you can cleanse totems when you play vs Billy or Myers are bloodpoints and that you can get emblems. Its little selfish though, because by doing that you increase the probability of losing the game for all survivors, as you sacrifice a huge amount of time cleansing all 5 totems on the map instead of doing something important like repairing gens. Also the probability of these killers using NOED isn't huge, because they have ability to getting down survivors even without it and they really don't use NOED very often. For example, If you know there is only 1 Myers of 20 using NOED, if you know probability of using NOED by Myers is about 1/20 and you decide to cleanse totems when you play agains him, then you decide to sacrifice a lot amount of time probably for nothing and you increase the chance to lose the game for all survivors. Little selfish, isn't it?

    And I will repeat that again: When I play vs Billy or Myers they don't use NOED or at least not very often. So yea we can play different games or I have just a a luck. But even if I would know they use that, I would not cleanse these totems, because these killers simple can get you down without it with their abilities. Cleaning totems agains these killers don't make much sense and don't help your team much. I said I have luck to not meet these killers with NOED, but really I would say I have a bad luck. NOED perk with these killers is just a waste. Better take other perk with them, and people know about it, and they do, at least agains me. So I don't know what are you all talking about? These killers use NOED? They really don't use that, I really don't see Myers and Billy using NOED, I am on rank 4 now, above 2000 hours in this game lol. How often you meet Myers and Billy using NOED? 1/20? 1/30? And cleaning totems agains 1/30 Myers/Billy is worth of it? I would say no.

  • darktrix
    darktrix Member Posts: 1,790
    edited July 2019

    I depends on how the match is going regarding totems. I probably won't go scouring the map for totems against a Billy, but I'm usually looking for the hex:ruin they always have. I often go up against red rank Billies that are real good, so I don't expect to survive the trial anyway in those cases especially when he is downing survivors left and right. Therefore, I will take what I can get before I punch out.

    and you have 2200 hours on DBD? You should of reached that next level of tranquility by now - or found a permanent SWF.