What is your favorite/best build with Myers?

I just got The Shape and I know a few builds and i would like to learn more. Please don't comment scratched mirror Myers. I need a build i can consistently use without the need for add-ons.


  • justme26
    justme26 Member Posts: 11
    edited July 2019

    My fav built on him is: Bamboozle (because in tier 3 he vaults windows faster and with bamboozle, he not only does it super fast but the window block you can make survivors waste god pallet to not get insta downed.)

    Pop goes the weasel: (cause instant 25% gen regression upon kicking the gen afzer hooking someone is always nice)

    Monitor and abuse (cause in tier 1 his TR is only 6 meters and thus M&A gives you a 0 M TR in Tier 1 and in tier 2 "correct me if im wrong" but i think its 16 M WITHOUT monitor and cause you use monitor you only have a 8 M TR , just awesome for sneaking up on em).

    For the last perk slot i use either:

    Ruin (slow the game down: "just a little bit") ,

    BBQ and chilly (cause lotta BP and finding survivors is always great, especially if you are still in tier3 ).

    Bloodwarden (cause if they get all the gens done you still can make some amazing plays with it)

    and lastly: Brutal strenght ( cause pallets are annoying)

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853
    edited July 2019

    i like using the following:

    Add ons: Dead rabbbit and J.myers memorial.

    Monitor and abuse is a must on michael, (it works really well with his low terror radius and the FOV increase is icing on the cake)

    Hex: ruin (lol)

    A nurse's calling, (with low terror radius, i can catch survivors healing off guard)

    BBQ & Chili (the aura read is great and no one can say no to bonus bloodpoints).

    if im using an agressive build i use the following

    Save the best for last (great on most M1 killers)

    Hex: ruin (lol)

    Spirit fury (eat pallets like a champ)

    enduring (works really good with spirit fury)

  • salted_spirit
    salted_spirit Member Posts: 5

    Monitor and abuse is mandatory when I play Myers. Ruin, BBQ and nurses is a very solid build you can use any or no add ons and be pretty consistent with.

    If you have some quick stalking add ons, pair one with the dead rabbit; that with M&A makes your terror radius very small outside of chase in tier 2 and massive inside chase in tier 3. Pair this with infectious fright and save the best for last to create insane map pressure and snowball to victory. I also really like whispers with this build, or again, nurses so you can sneak right on up to people healing in tier 2

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    My favorite build is switching to Ghostface.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited July 2019

    Ho w da re

    In terms of OPs question, basically BBQ, PGTW (could be ruin, could be H:DH), discordance, M&A (with J Myers memorial and dead rabbit for addons), don’t underestimate discordance on Myers, taking t3 to a team rushed gen is always a fun time also helps find survivors fast early match.