What is everyone's opinion on the new Freddy rework.

My personal opinion after playing as him and against him is that he is amazing now and I have found a crazy build which works for him brilliantly.
Snares are underwhelming, and pallets are lit! 😎
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I love gen teleportation, it allows some great mindgames especially in the killers Shack
IMO pallets>snares, it just feels so good hitting a survivor after he has dropped a dream pallet on you.
Overall i think the rework Is great, there Is going to be a rise un freddy mains thats for sure
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I am very much missing the new Freddy, can say i do miss pulling people into the dream world, i prefer the pallet add ons to the snares but i am enjoying it, as well as going against him.
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I use the snares as alerts mostly like I'll place them around hooked survivors or totems. They don't slow the survivors down enough imo. Even if a survivor runs through a snare, the time you take to place the snares down during a chase basically negates the slight slow down they get
from running on it. You have to place them down ahead of time guessing where a survivor might run to but the problem with that is that they are so easily visible that any sleeping survivor would know where you put the snares at and to avoid that loop. The dream pallets are better because it's hard for survivors to keep track of which ones are real and which ones are fake and they do a much better job at ending chases.1 -
I find snares pretty damn good, especially with how you can just drop them down without any slowdown or eventual reload/re-stock at all.
And Freddy overall feels pretty fun to play AND play against, and seems to get pretty decent results a lot of the time. Sure I miss old Freddy in a weird way as I had gotten used to him but the more I play/play against nu-Freddy the more I like him.
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Gameplay wise he's fun to play, but I don't particularly enjoy playing against him. I've found a lot of Freddies will use the addons that put everyone in dream(and make failed skillchecks not wake you up), then reduce action speed tremendously when everyone's asleep. His non-directional lullaby is a little frustrating as well. Unless you have sight of him you're kinda screwed in a chase, making jungle gyms and high walls dangerous. Otherwise you can end up walking right into his arms. I've had survivors run into me, and I've ran into Freddy, doesn't really feel like I caused that, more like a gameplay aspect of Freddy caused me to win a chase without actually working for it. I've lost against him as survivor a lot more than I've won, but that could also be due to all the potatoes I've been playing with dying quite quickly.
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Snares are so underrated and better than pallets. Good placement with snares is like playing "better" clown and fake pallets are weak bait if you watch pallets around you during whole game. Pallets are more fun (If Survivors are using them) and more easy to use.
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Dont like that he can teleport back to a hook if a gen is to close to get tunneled.
The dreams snares/pools seems a bit broken you can put them 1 meter between echoter
otherwise i think they did a pretty good job so far
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I love it! Gen teleporting is so good for cutting off a survivor mid chase. They run to the killer shack and boom I'm already there waiting for them. Dream pallets are amazing if used well and snares are meh.
Overall amazing rework! Good job BHVR!
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Playing him feels good, sadly I havnt been able to face many Freddies as people seem to have gone back to their mains.
I would go as far as say that he is best M1 killer. Only thing that needs switching is that Freddy should lose bloodlust when he uses snare as with curent state he can cheese all mid sized loops by just using couple snares and catch people with bloodlust 1.
Post edited by Laakeri on1 -
His gen teleport is very good to keep pressure on them with gen perks like Pop Goes the Weasel and even to play mind games with survivors.
I would say that both of his other abilities, Dream Snares and Dream Pallets, are situational and you need survivors messing up to be able to use them properly, so overall he is a M1 killer with gen teleport, which is still better than almost any other M1 killer just because of his gen teleport, but still, I don't think he is top tier. B tier seems like a fair placement for Freddy I would say.
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BBQ, Weasel/Infectious Fright, Hex Haunted Grounds, Make Your Choice
Absolute pure pressure if you play right, you will wear the survivors down so much they won't even heal after a while.
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Still unsure about the Snares, but I don't like the Dream Pallets.
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Pro tip: Spam the snares in a small area mid chase.
The slow from each snare stacks, so if a Survivor runs into 2 snares then that's a 30% slow down, and so on. Clown can't do that.
You can just place a million traps at a loop very quickly and they either have to leave the loop or be slowed by upwards of 45% when trying to run through your traps. THAT'S enough to stop them from making the pallet. Not just placing a single trap.
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The way I see Dream Pallets is it's not their actual threat it's the concept of them. One of the things survivors love to do against trap killers is lead them all the way to the other side of the map where they have now completely lost their power. This means so that even if they get downed the killer has no pressure around them and with a trap killer's typical lack of mobility it's an easy unhook/generator pops for the survivors
Dream Pallets on the other hand encourage survivors to stay within zones they know are safe. If a survivor hasn't fallen asleep they know every pallet near them is real so they want to stay in their zone. This means Freddy can now eat through pallets in that zone and very easily create a dead zone because survivors won't want to risk a fake pallet so they'll just drop real pallets pretty quick, this will end up either forcing the survivor to run to an area they don't know is safe or ensure downs against survivors entering this now empty zone thinking the pallets are real
This will also encourage survivors to wake up as soon as they can thus failing skill checks on generators and forcing regression or risk taking a hit or down from a fake pallet
That said I VASTLY prefer Dream Snares and enjoy using them WAY more due to their sheer versatility, fire and forget nature, and the ability to shut down loops and secure hits and downs so easily compared to almost any other trap in the game. They are also amazing for using as aura detection, put a snare in an area survivors have to go up to be it a staircase to a generator, a totem, a generator, hooked survivors, pathways or even the exit gates and you can learn a ton about map movement and where survivors are, especially if you are using snares with something like Red Paint Brush
Freddy's abilities are very interesting. On their own they would be incredibly weak but tied to Freddy's stats and his teleport power they are really bloody awesome
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I love him. Probably gonna main him along with Wraith now.
Snares > pallets. They have so much more versatility.
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Most people seem to have fun with him so I'd say he's good. Versing him isn't as annoying as the original anymore. Though the constant sleep cycle is still a bit annoying, it's better now.
And I did not expect the dream pallets to be this heavy of a dynamic. You have to keep tabs on which pallets are real and which aren't, which is not easy. A lil cheesy maybe, but at least you get a little paranoid, sometimes.
All in all, an improvement.
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I think it's great. Freddy is now one of only a few killers who's only as good as the person playing them.
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he is decent now but not too crazy. in the end still an m1 killer who gets destroyed by good/swf survivors
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He's very fun to play as to be honest. On the survivor side I did thought that it was going to be a little hard to remember which pallets were real, but as the match progresses you can actually start to tell what's fake, so it's not as hard as I thought.
On the other hand his gen teleport is kind of crazy to play against if he has either Bbq or Thrilling Tremors paired with Pop goes the Weasel. He just deletes gens.
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also pallets are so boring , you are just m1 killer with better terrain since pallets , taking scnares anyday atleast they need some big brain
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Don't worry I'm a freddy main. Anyways I love him now before I did not like him now he's my fav:D
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Ok, I don't play as Freddy, this is just my experience as a survivor. I've not seen a Freddy using his snares efficiently so far (though I haven't played much since his release tbh) so the pallets affected me more. I agree on the rope, being slowed down while in sleep was the main culprit for me on old Freddy, so I get war flashbacks when a Freddy uses this addon.
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In my opinion, yes they are. :)
However, you may get better results with Snares than from Fake Pallets, so that's cool as well!
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Sincerely, just Nurse and Spirit deserve to be in that category.
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I think now is a good viable killer.
Teleport is useful and helps with presence and mind games while slow trap are strong and block surv loops.