Stop complaining about NOED...

Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

How about survivors stop complaining and understand that NOED gives the game more cardiac action? I play with Blood Warden and the mix with NOED is fun as hell to feel. Maybe, to be in "the middle" of the discussion, I propose they nerf NOED so that it doesn't insta down survivors unless they have been hooked at least once, that way, baby killers who focus on one looper the whole game won't get anything from using NOED, and killers like me can still have fun when PURPOSELY letting survivors fix the last 2 generators to get the thrill of a cardiac end game mix with NOED and Blood Warden.


  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    @RoKrueger I mean... I'm with you, but I'd hate to see the devs buff it to a hole just cause survivors can't find a totem or just decide to leave when they cold've after they noticed we had NOED active...

    That's why I proposed that buff...

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    I think that, at this point, we killers should not budge an inch. You don't want to give the developers an excuse to nerf NOED "a couple of killers agree..."

    You can discuss other things: Change the speed of...Doctor to be 3% slower for example, I don't know, sure

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    Personally I think old Noed was fine. I have no idea why they changed it but I guess this current version is fine.

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I don't complain when playing against a NOED, you just have to be smarter...

  • Dat_Babushka_Tho
    Dat_Babushka_Tho Member Posts: 18

    The OG Noed was absolutely busted suddenly be able to 1 tap survivors with 0 counter, but now that its reliant on a totem system it's fair. Since its gen rush and face certain doom, or drag the game out a little bit cleansing totems. Even the version of noed that was a guaranteed 2 minutes of instaslap and speed goodness was a bit too busted imo.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    I didn't complain about noed in my post. I cleanse my totems and I really start cleansing them a lot more with the recent bloodpoint changes to survivor. No need to get defensive over such a garbage perk.

  • Dat_Babushka_Tho
    Dat_Babushka_Tho Member Posts: 18

    Here was a little fun noed game i had where i got the blood warden proc, scared the survivors to death and managed to mori all of them! Selfies attached ;)

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited August 2019

    I've said it before I'll say it again

    NOED, Moris, Keys, and other such perks are all obnoxious and available to everyone. Remove them all or leave them all

  • jeridan
    jeridan Member Posts: 77

    Maybe you do bones next time......

    This is coming from someone with more hours in survivor than killer although I don't "main" either. It's usually just up to lobby times and my limited playtime.

  • TeaLeaf
    TeaLeaf Member Posts: 205

    Noed is fine, it has counter play AND a penalty to the killer (no perk until the last stretch of the game). It is one of the most well balanced perks in the game really. All its power is released in a condensed time period of the game and all that power might not even come into fruition if survives does totems.

    I mean really its a perk that adds a bit of suspense to the game as well in those final moments. The killer is suddenly out of no where dangerous and a real threat case survivors failed to do their 2ed objective. Sounds like a good story twist to a horror movie to me.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    @jeridan - Try playing solo. You can't do 5 sets of bones on your own.

    As I used to moan about survivors running old DS and old MOM, I don't run NoEd because I want to earn my wins.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Well i can give you my point of view as a noed hater.

    I dont say NOED is OP or unbalanced, it is indead one of the most balanced perks. But the fact that you get the ability to insta kill someone wihtout any effort or requierment is really unfun and annoying from an survivor perspective (i am killer main).

    For an example for Make your Choice you have to hook someone and then leave the hook and THEN you get the ability to insta kill only 1 person. With NOED otherwise you just could go afk until all gens are done and then get some free kills from 1 up to 4. That is the part what i hate, i am a person who like it to put effort into a game/killer or game and then get my reward. But for me its not a reward and far win at all when you kill someone wiht noed. Its just an easy free kill.

    For sure you can cleanse all totems and then you are save, but you dont have ALWAYS the time to cleanse totems AND do gens at the same time because sometimes the killer has to much pressure because of good mindgames, bad teammates or other reasons. And then if the killer has to much pressure you are always going for saves, heals and hide.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125


    Edit: I hope you understand what i mean, i dont want to offense someone who plays noed, these are just facts and i am not the only one who has that opinion for sure^^

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Killer still has to find, chase and HIT the survivor.

    If survivors were escaping the killer instead of stalling, the problem wouildnt exist that much.

    Another point is: survivors dont win when 5 generators are done, noed is neither unfairly snatching your victory or "giving kills to bad killers". He planned for such a situastion by picking such a perk.

    Theres enough perks " rewarding bad plays" on both sides, one fampous exyample being DS.

  • Justice
    Justice Member Posts: 60

    The only person that "bad play" NOED rewards is the Killer because Survivors didn't cleanse totems. It literally takes 14 seconds to cleanse a totem and there are 4 survivors and 5 totems...

    Instead of sitting on a gen the whole game spend a bit of time looking for totems. It's literally counter able unlike the old NOED. Also a full gen gives you 1200 points and a dull totem gives 1,000!

    NOED doesn't reward bad killers it punishes bad survivors.

    I personally think NOED should be in every Killers BASE kit which would force survivors to cleanse the totems which I think would slow the game down just enough to balance the game out significantly and punish gen rushing. But hey it is what it is

  • Grim
    Grim Member Posts: 250
    edited August 2019

    NOED is just like old DS in every way.

    It rewards a side for playing poorly and punishes the other for doing what they're supposed to. "Just do bones" is as weak a counterargument as "just dribble" for DS was. Quite simply, it's not always that simple.

    And just like DS, NOED acts as a 2nd chance safety net for killers who'd typically otherwise get none-to-few kills.

    Yes, even if you play perfectly, you can still lose to a good team, but why shouldn't it be like that? 4 good players have come together to beat 1 good player. That is the nature of an asymmetrical game.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited August 2019

    Bill: Do it Jake, cleanse the totem. Cast it into the void

    Jake: "Incoherent mind, desiring only to stare at it instead"

    Bill: DESTROY IT!

    Jake: No


  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    I don’t like to complain about NOED but it is ALWAYS the bad killers that use it. You never see a good killer using it.

    Some killers like Leatherface, Trapper, Wraith it is to be expected.

    If you use NOED on a killer like Nurse or Spirit then it is overkill.

    It’s kinda worthless to cleanse all totems because you won’t be actively working on generators. Plus I usually get terrible teammates :/

    I really don’t care about NOED. It’s not as bad as moris and keys. Two things that shouldn’t exist. There are much worse things than NOED.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    DS is anti tunnel now m8, if you think DS rewards bad plays then I suggest you don't tunnel.

    Or if you're gonna answer with the typical "BUT I DIDNT TUNNEL THEM AND GET DS'D ANYWAY!!" remember which survivor it was that you recently hooked and slug them.

    DS is easy to counter now. Don't know why killers are still complaining about it. The devs could honestly remove all survivor perks and killers would still complain about something.


  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    But I shouldn't be able to change my preferred perk setup because of ONE perk that a killer may not even be running.

    It's the exact same argument with Spirit "Run Spine Chill and/or Iron Will", why should I have to change my preferred perk setup due to facing ONE out of SIXTEEN killers?

    That's not how perks in a game should work.

  • rageiuz
    rageiuz Member Posts: 9

    Noed is a perk that bad killers use for easy downs.

    It's a perk that's good vs worse players and not as good vs better ones. I never used it because it feels like a perk that you have to be losing the game hard for it to be worthwhile. If you won a game because of noed it means you played bad and got lucky with survivor mistakes during the egc. It rewards bad play.

    What I mean by that is that if you didnt have enough pressure to win the game or nearly win the game by the time the last gen got done, you should have lost that game anyway and should be looking to fill those holes in your strategy.

    And sometimes it's not even useful. Either they cleanse or escape before you can down them.

    I just dont like any perk that makes the game hard for weaker players while being okay/bad on the better players. It's just poor design.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862
    edited August 2019

    noed has literally turned a noK to a 2k so many times tho, is it really balanced if it lets you do that?

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Of course it is, otherwise this discussion never would've happened.

    Seriously ######### NOED, Ebony mori's and Insta heals, all 3 need to be altered or removed

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    You must be crazy good to be able to call a "No K" before the match has actually ended.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    hasnt it happened to you that you got gen rushed hard you just expect a noK?

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    I don't expect anything or make any assumptions until the tally screen.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    I suggest you join the rest of us where survivors with DS body block and use the perk offensively rather than defensively. It's not anti-tunnel if you're getting picked up at 55 seconds and a killer hooked someone else in the meantime.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    I understand the pain of body blocking, but honestly just down them and then focus on others until you think it's safe to pick that survivor up without being DS'd.

    Of course if there was an insta heal involved then that would be a different story but I'm not gonna talk about that and say that insta heals should be either reworked or removed completely.

    Slugging is the easiest way to counter DS, I don't understand why people aren't slugging.

    At least it's not old DS 🤷‍♂️

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    No one escapes the noob is not OP,its just super annoying >_>

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    Cleanse. Totems.

    As said before, this perk has counter play and gives a penalty of having one less perk the entire duration. It’s similar to Haunted Ground, which is only a one shot perk and is then rendered useless after its duration.

    What infuriates survivors is that noed pops at the end of a match, where survivors feel that they have won and should be allowed to escape freely. This is obviously not the case. The game officially ends when everyone is out the door or died. Survivors tend to forget this.

  • Acanelo
    Acanelo Member Posts: 9

    Have people forgot to clean bones?? If you want expect noed, clean all of the bones and keep noed from turning on. What is so hard about holding R1, or whatever platform you play on, and don’t even worry about skill checks or the killer getting a notification? The killer can’t even see the aura’s of dull totems! It’s even easier on swf since there’s constant commutation between each survivor. This is honestly ridiculous if people think noed isn’t op. There’s my rant for today.