Left Behind change idea

invi Member Posts: 12

I had an idea for a change to the Left Behind perk that would make it more viable than it is currently.

Left Behind - As you participate in the trial, you become more proficient in how the entity has designed this place.

For every totem cleansed, you gain 1 token, For every 50% of a generator completed you gain 1 token. Once you have acquired 4 tokens, the perk is charged. This will now allow you to open any black lock without the need for a key, However, this use of this perk is blocked until you are the last person left in the trial. Truely, Left Behind.

I think this would be a positive change as it would make left behind more of a crutch perk, not necessarily overpowered or meta as there are a lot of requirements to allow the perk to be used (EGC, Hatch closed by the killer), Perhaps there could be a tell to the killer once the hatch is closed to show the survivor has Left Behind?



  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Interesting, I like that it has a requirement and isn't overpowered because you still need to be the last person in the trial to use it and the Hatch needs to be shut.

    This could actually be the change the game needs right now because a lot of Survivors are dying to the EGC because the Killer can guard the Exits pretty easily if the map is done right.

    Coincidentally lol this could also work with my thread in Wishlist about more Black Locks. I have an idea about a chest hidden around the map that needs a key to open because it has a Black Lock and inside could be anything really, it's up to the Devs but it has to be super good to be locked away. This perk could actually open that chest since it has a Black Lock so in theory you could use this perk for the chest or the Hatch and it's probably better to use on the Hatch XD

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Interesting. I like my idea better, but hey, it would work. Frustrating for killers if there's no way to tell.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    its a cool idea actually

  • PigNRun
    PigNRun Member Posts: 2,428

    I still have a problem with this idea, considering how with a Key (which is basically what your suggestion is) on a closed hatch is an easy insta-win thing. And, yes, I mean it in its current state. So, cleanse two totems (or more), hold M1 for some seconds, and escape assured? You open the hatch instantly, you jump instantly, in a place on the map where the Killer will not be present at all.

    One thing is a perk like Deliverance (slightly situational, but leaving that aside). Has a fair condition, and a fair reward. Now, what you are suggesting is a slightly harder condition and a disproportionately good reward.

  • invi
    invi Member Posts: 12
    edited August 2019

    @PigNRun My idea is mainly to give a survivor some options during the EGC (I don't main either, I play both equally).

    Currently, once you hit a 1v1, the killer has 2 options, Close the hatch immediately and patrol the doors or just sit on the hatch until they know where the survivor is.

    Survivors have 3 options, try to do any remaining gens, camp near a door and hope the killer doesn't know where they are or attempt to find the hatch before the killer. Once that hatch is closed, they have 1 option, Open the door, hope the killer has gone to the other door and can't get to them in time.

    The idea behind the perk, while its fairly easy to activate, it encourages the survivor to progress the game, thus helping their team to activate the perk in the first place (2 gens or 4 totems, or any combination of the two), however, its only active during one phase of the game, once all of their team are dead or have escaped and gives the survivor another option for survival.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929
    edited August 2019

    Cool idea that need some balance. What's the point of completing half a gen, when i can just cleanse a totem? I'd prefer two gens completed + maxed out chase to be able to open hatch (as the last surv of course).

  • Dat_Babushka_Tho
    Dat_Babushka_Tho Member Posts: 18

    Maybe instead of acting as a key to open the hatch, it acts more like wake up, and reveals the hatch within a certain radius. Probably something similar to bond since anything beyond that range would be pretty strong, and anything below that range is already audible. Or maybe the hatch can't be closed by the killer or something along that line.

    I like the idea of tokens for this perk interacting as if it was a key, but for my ideas i don't think tokens are necessary. LMK what you think!


    Left Behind -

    • Your veteran instincts warned you of the trials yet to come, and with your preparation comes opportunity.
    • "When you are the last remaining survivor the hatch will remain open for a duration of X seconds and cannot be closed."
    • Or "the hatch will be visible within X meters" (affected by open handed since this perk is already underused)
  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    How to keep Left Behind theme and make it at the same time playeble and not OP perk.

    Like this idea.

  • BlueFang
    BlueFang Member Posts: 1,379
    edited August 2019

    I really like this idea it requires the survivor focus and complete the objective and be rewarded at the end with an escape if they did so

    That's a pretty cool idea, it'll be niche as most survivors are slave to the second chance meta so it'll be pretty cool to see

    Though come to think of it, it'll probably be a meta perk on P3 Claudettes but they already have a billion keys stockpiled anyway

  • WoodHands
    WoodHands Member Posts: 22

    I like the sound of that

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669

    I like it a lot. I wouldn’t be opposed to it working with a meter so it’s not an instant open, but like a totem if you let go it resets. 15-20 seconds, similar to a gate maybe. Just puts a third option in the back of a killers mind other than just watching the two gates especially when they are close together. It gives the chance to potentially see them at the hatch, which seems fair as opposed to an instant opening without a key.