Kill Switch update: The issue affecting Baermar Uraz's Ugly Sweater has been fixed and the cosmetic has been reenabled in all queues with this update.

Ghostface builds?

Gimme your favorite ghost builds!

One of mine is: ruin, nurses, pgtw, bs.


  • Dat_Babushka_Tho
    Dat_Babushka_Tho Member Posts: 18

    Currently running Ruin, Thana, NOED, Blood Warden. Really helps when those swf bois keep looking at you stalking in a chase. Also to slow the game down just a tiny little bit. Either they let me stalk them or mr entity gives me a totem that does the job for me

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    NOED and Blood Warden cause it's fun as hell to play them, and Nurses Calling + BBQ

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    BBQ, nurses, PGTW, discordance. I kinda want to try a surprise H:DH/haunted grounds at some point though. I haven’t really experimented yet, just using what works in a general sense...all these NOEDs though...

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    BBQ, Ruin, Pop, Sloppy. First three are pretty standard so I won't get into it. Sloppy I found to be very good for GF because then you don't need to mark as often since it is more likely you will sneak up on someone that's already injured.

  • No_Mither_No_Problem
    No_Mither_No_Problem Member Posts: 1,476

    Thrilling Tremors—One of the best tracking Perks in the game, has a light still to boot, combos well with the rest of my build

    Corrupt Intervention—Slows the game down at a more consistent value than Ruin, but also reduces the need to patrol for the early game.

    Surveillance—Another good tracking Perk that boosts generator defense, and also allows for better pinpointing of which generators are occupied by Survivors that you can sneak up on/stalk.

    Free slot—Whatever I feel like. If I want a Perk that actually gives me an edge, I'll usually go with BBQ or Nurse's. If I just want a Perk that gives the overall gameplay a better feel, I'll go with either Brutal Strength or Shadowborn.

  • sirnewbington
    sirnewbington Member Posts: 78

    Tremors, Bamboozle, Ruin, and BBQ. I've been debating about switching bamboozle out for pop goes the weasel and ruin for devour hope, so that i can slow the game down and give the survivors a nice mori surprise

  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    As I do with all the game's movie killers, I've created a unique Scream film inspired loadout for him...

    Monitor And Abuse



    No One Escapes Death

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    As long as the Survivors aren't smart, which is rare lol

    Thrilling Tremors, Corrupt Intervention, Discordance, Sloppy Butcher(not sure what to use for the last perk. I want to use Ruin but that's prob a bad idea.)

    The whole point is that if done fast enough you can block all the Gens in the beginning of the game at least twice, I've done it. CI (hopefully) makes them get closer to you to Stalk and then Mark really early and then TT blocks the Gens. Discordance is obvious but is really helpful in the beginning of the match, the entire build is to help with snowballing really early so if you don't then you really need to recover fast.

    I had a team last night wait out the entire 2 minutes of CI before doing Gens and it threw me off before I finally realized what they were doing. It was a good tactic I didn't think of until they did it.

  • purplerain
    purplerain Member Posts: 92

    how is thrilling tremors one of best tracking perks . when bbq is literally better version of it with bonus bp .

  • InFernoZ22
    InFernoZ22 Member Posts: 32

    I use or I would use(because game rng isn't giving me BBQ at P3 level 50):

    BBQ, Ruin, Nurses, Make Your Choice.

    Currently using Discordance until I get BBQ, will sometimes use whispers instead. Make your choice is really good on Ghostface since you can sneak up on them because sometimes you don't have time to stalk them. I really want BBQ on my Ghostface again (I got it 3 times in a row at prestige 2) because I play him allot and want double bloodpoints.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    I like the faster crouch speed add-ons

    It's fun to crouch around and chase a survivor like that, kinda silly but fun

    And I love how it says "Sneaky Hit" when you hit survivors while crouched

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113

    If you want your typical effective M1 build on him

    • Spirit Fury
    • Ruin/PGTW
    • BBQ
    • Nurses Calling

    My personal build is as follows

    • Monitor and Abuse
    • Discordance
    • Enduring
    • Brutal Strenght (yes, i know its not that good)

    Add-ons i would recommend are

    • Stalk rate (Telephoto lens, Belt clip, Night vision monocular)
    • Recovery rate (Chewed pen, Olsens adress book)
    • Speed while crouched (Drop-leg knife sheath)

    I unironically cant believe the amount of people saying that NOED and Make Your Choice on Ghost Boi is good, no, just no, its dumb, in fact, putting any exposed status effect perks on him is pretty much redundant given just how easy it is to get that juicy exposed status effect just by stalking them

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Basement devil face:

    IG, Agitation, MS, MG.

    Take in ghost face caught on tape and victims detailed routine hook everyone in the basement get somewhere you can lean around a corner at the basement entrance (tip it is easy on the chapel just get up by the gen if the basement is in the chapel.)