Legion's Pin/Button Add-Ons aren't the only Legion Add-Ons that need buffs.

Lets ignore Legion themselves in this discussion because bhvr is happy where Legion is we can't change that.
They have however expressed their interest in reworking their add-ons the pins specifically in the last live stream Q&A.
We need to keep reminding bhvr that the pins are not the only Legion add-ons that are underwhelming or in some cases useless.
I hate saying useless but i honestly think some things were accidentally glanced over/not taken into consideration when changing Legions power.
I'm going to list every legion add-on that has issues BESIDES PINS because the devs are aware of the pins issues.
Julie's Mix Tape (Uncommon)- It decreases the Feral Frenzy stun by 0.2 seconds. Number too low to notice a difference
Joey's Mix Tape (Rare)- Decreases Stun by 0.4. Again the number is too low and not noticeably useful without stacking with the next add-on.
Cold Dirt (Very Rare)- 0.6 second stun reduction. Combining a very rare add-on with a rare makes it so you're only stunned for THREE seconds every time you use your power.
To put this into perspective 3 blink nurse with pocket watch is stunned almost half of a second less after using her 3 blinks than Legion running 2 stun reduction add-ons.
Last few Add-ons now
Stab Wound Study (Very Rare)- Decreases the deep wound timer by 5 seconds. This does nothing since Legions nerfs to deep wound. You cannot wait out the timer and you can't pressure the timer in any way. Survivors would have to intentionally ignore the bar.
Franks Mix Tape (Very Rare)- 7.5 seconds reduction per FF hit after the first FF hit. This suffers for the same reason SWS does you can't down with FF anymore and DW does nothing in a chase so what is this add-on meant to do?
Do you want people to hit with FF 5-6 times to use F Mix Tape ????
Fuming Mix Tape (Ultra Rare)- Repair Progress can be determined by the intensity of Auras.
You can't see the Auras of generators after entering Killer instinct. This means you regularly have to use your power at bad times to see what generators are being worked on. You'll likely put yourself on a cooldown before entering a chase with this add-on.
I can agree that they either need to buff the numbers on some of the add ons since a good portion of them was nerfed in the mid season patch. They can buff the numbers on the add ons again or either rework some of the add ons as a whole. With the pin situation they can buff the amount off time you have with the add ons and so you dont have to hit them twice with FF.
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This isn't the first time they've ignored questions. They've done it before. So I'm not confident in their abilities to do the Legion justice for the moment.
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I agree with everything you said but I'm not gonna lie, I kinda hate the detection range addons. Sure it'll show you people far outside your terror radius but you have no hope in hell of reaching them even if you saw them with it, not to mention they replaced the speed addons with that and honestly all I really want is for them to bring back his speed when running and vaulting, it's pathetically easy to loop with a pallet when his power is supposed to counter it, you can easily either hide next to the pallet when he vaults or keep running and it's a guaranteed escape and good players will punish you with it if the opportunity presents itself, because he'll either turn in place or keep running hoping you didn't go behind him, wasn't one very easy miss and your entire power is gone for 20 seconds plus the awful cooldown enough counterplay?
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I feel like they do need to change the detection add on's back to the speed add on's since FF is so slow now plus you can just use M&A to increase your KI detection range since it goes off your TR so the add on's is pretty much useless.
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