I am scared for Nurse.

As you can tell from my profile name, I am a Nurse main. (Not a baby Nurse that was a joke LOL) The way the devs were talking about "taking a look at her" is so strange imo, I wish they would elaborate more. Like yes, I am fine with her addon reworks in fact I support it, but BHVR has taken killers like legion plague, ghostface etc, and "tweaked" them which made them worse. I am kind of scared that this will be the case for Nurse as well. Luckily I got my adept with her yesterday but I really really don't want her to end up trash just because survivors were whining. It has happened before.

This game is super strange, no killer is safe from a supposed nerf or buff so you're basically at the devs' mercy even if it is a terrible decision. Like you can buy a killer but a few weeks afterwards you wonder if you made a ######### purchase because the devs mentioned changing them or something. Sometimes I hate these devs. Make up your minds?



  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    They did say 'slight changes' to her base kit. Now, slight can mean different things, so we'll just have to wait. I am curious as to what they'll do with her addons. I can see them removing four and five blinks. Maybe range and speed. What those will be replaced with, though, will be interesting. I still believe three blinks should be possible, and the max, with addons. Maybe a very rare.

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    I'm not, strip away her BS

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    Dont worry mate, this killer is too iconic to get nerfed.

    I wish they add more killers like her, that add diversity to the game.

  • Ember_Hunter
    Ember_Hunter Member Posts: 1,693

    Actually, Spirit and Hilly Billy are pretty equal. But wouldn't be better to buff killers to Nurse tier than nerf Nurse down to lower tiers?

  • Bayside
    Bayside Member Posts: 40

    No? Because A. It'd take way too much time if Freddy is any example and wouldn't be able to ever have all the Killers usable at once with the rate of content. B. The issues other Killers have are (for the most part) all shared issues. Gens going too fast, too many close together pallets, and way too many safe pallets/vaults on certain maps that can be endlessly abused. And C. Nurse isn't playable on console but dominates the PC scene because she doesn't have to deal with any game mechanic besides the Survivors running. Nothing affects her, a good Nurse is absurdly boring to play against and is pretty much guaranteed a 4k. Walls? No problem. Pallets? Don't even do anything! Generators? She has one of the best mobility abilities in the game, combined with PGTW makes her way too good at protecting gens. Nurse has no counter, she has no limit. She NEEDS to be reworked if anything in this game is going to matter balance wise, because you can't have an actual discussion about issues Killers have when the solution every time is just "Play Nurse."

  • Elegant
    Elegant Member Posts: 443

    That's how any games work. They buff and nerf characters as they see fit. The nurse has been in a ridiculous state for way too long. Any half decent company would have gutted her or reworked her a long time ago. They can remove her from the game as far as I'm concerned. She's completely unenjoyable to play against and not super exciting to play as.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    I sincerely hope that's the case, she doesn't belong in this game.

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    If we want m1 killers to stand anywhere close to her, then we're gonna need to remove pallets. I'm not talking about reducing the number of them, we just need to delete pallets from the game, because they don't do dick to a nurse, and they're the core defense of a survivor. Loops, pallets, and windows are the survivor's survival trifecta once they've been spotted, and nurse doesn't give a damn about any of them

  • Ghostxy
    Ghostxy Member Posts: 5

    Just play hag since they cant nerf her cus she is already too weak. Once BHVR nerfs every killer the hag will be the best killer.

  • fluffymareep
    fluffymareep Member Posts: 634

    They could be looking into making her easier to play and pick up.

  • BabyNurseIsa
    BabyNurseIsa Member Posts: 21

    No offense but I could tell immediately you were going to comment something like this just because of your profile pic.

    Nurse shouldn't be completely removed from this game as long as swf still exists and I am standing by that.

  • BabyNurseIsa
    BabyNurseIsa Member Posts: 21

    While this could be the case, it would just make people cry harder about her I find. If people are already saying she's too op and shouldn't be in the game, then what of her if she suddenly gets easier to play? That idea scares me.

    It would be cooler if she was easier to learn (IMO I think her power, because it's so hard to learn, is deserved once someone masters her.) but then people would just complain more.

  • Usui
    Usui Member Posts: 531

    Good thing i'm a solo player. I don't care about your SWF outcry when that imba exists

  • BabyNurseIsa
    BabyNurseIsa Member Posts: 21

    While I do agree that solo players have it worse than swf, especially against Nurse, I still stand by what I said. The people who learn her complicated power deserve the power, and as long as swf on comms exist then Nurse should exist too.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    not a baby nurse, that was the joke LOL. - Kinda a haHAA cringe

  • BabyNurseIsa
    BabyNurseIsa Member Posts: 21

    Hey at least it's not as cringe as going on people's threads and posting unrelated comments about how cringeworthy they are.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    Hey man, not trying to get on anyone's bad side. I just wanted to say it, but if you really want to - I agree. I think Nurse will be unfortunately nerfed to the ground and I think that's how they will balance it, which isn't good. I would be scared also if I were in your shoes.

  • BabyNurseIsa
    BabyNurseIsa Member Posts: 21

    Okay lol sorry about that. I am sort of used to it in this community. Its just a running joke with some friends I have where we call eachother baby killers if we mess up so that's why it's my name I just wanted to clarify in this post so I didn't look like a noob who doesn't have a clue about Nurse or the game.

    That was honestly the first thought that came into my mind as soon as the devs clarified they were going to be looking at her. Sometimes I wish they would think more before making concrete decisions about nerfs or buffs but it's kind of hard to balance a game like this, even though there are changes that we can all suggest.

  • TheKnot
    TheKnot Member Posts: 31

    Honestly, if they just tweak some of her addons to not have any increase number of blinks or reduce the penalty for missed attacks/power ending it’ll be Fine. If they went through with these, they should change these factors of her as well:

    Increase max blinks back to 3 instead of being 2

    choose whether to increase or decrease lunge distance then increase/decrease the powers charge time by a base amount to compensate for the removal of them from addons if they decide to take that route.

    I only have roughly 180/1460 hours of my time on nurse for all killers combined so these aren’t ideas coming from a professional

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130
  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    since nurse console users are so rare they might rework her so a majority of people on console can play her now instead whilst nerfing her. But that isn't very likely to happen.

    As for the actual thread I honestly don't think the changes will be that big at all unless you rely on add-ons.

  • prettyf
    prettyf Member Posts: 442
    edited August 2019

    nurse never call a main

    theres nurse player and non nurse player

    i can call myself nurse player whatever i play myers most times

    playing nurse when i dislike certain people or survivors not looks potato

  • TiggsRN
    TiggsRN Member Posts: 4

    Any body moaning for change hasn't managed to teabag a try hard nurse after all 4 escape....most satisfying win you can get.

  • nerfeverything
    nerfeverything Member Posts: 52

    The Hag has the highest kill rate on PC. Hag is amazing for those who know how to play her. For those who do not, she can be tough. The worst killer is the Clown. He needs a Freddy like buff. Nurse is fine, however, plenty of ways to win. Just tweak the add-ons.

  • LPS11
    LPS11 Member Posts: 68

    I think alot of you are overreacting to just the thought of it but she's not gonna be worse than now and let me explain why: They're balancing the nurses range and blink adder add-ons to make her not have the range she has now once they fix her base and make it easier to play , they said they were adjusting the base NOT nerfing it but they've confirmed the add on rework for the nurse as a nerf, if they make her base have more accuracy and control to the point that you can pick her up and use her power properly without a huge learning curve then console will see a huge increase in nurse players also they may lower the fatigue with the range being shortened but that's the only way I can see them nerfing nurse on range and blink add ons is to compensate by making base nurse easier to control and master

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    I can concede she needs changes, based on an understanding that survivors must now accept the same standards that killers are held to: no more 'not everyone is SWF and can be expected to play optimally'.

    The current narrative that pushes for her to be nerfed though is reeking with cognitive dissonance, hypocrisy and amnesia. Most people can't muster a better argument than 'everybody thinks this'.

    So Nurse should be nerfed because of group-think, apparently.

  • Muntcuffinz
    Muntcuffinz Member Posts: 18

    Nurse needs a nerf/change. It's as simple as that. A good nurse has no counterplay and breaks the game. I'm not saying survivors are completely balance (looking at you SWF), but nurse is absolutely OP and needs a nerf whether you like it or not

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I want her nerfed because of my experience as a previous nurse main. She is getting a nerf so no true point in further discussion on nurse.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    I could also say I am a mad scientist with a background in climatology and claim the world will end in 50 years because of global warming.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Well, you can say that. Still doesn’t change my comment.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
    edited August 2019

    You've nothing to fear. I am sure they'll do their best to make her Fun™.

    In all honesty though, I hope they only touch her add-ons because those suckers need a remake.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    They're gonna turn her into a power gauge laughing stock, and there's nothing we can do about it.

  • LushyBunny
    LushyBunny Member Posts: 76

    I wouldnt mind a nurse nerf, I just hope they'd make some other killers red rank material. Tbh I'm tired of being forced to play nurse to do any good in extremely high ranks, and other people probably are too. It'd be a nice change to see more variety, and tbh, most people who aren't maining nurse don't care, so I hope the nurse nerf is a bit more severe.

  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    What everyone is forgetting is thst Nurse was made because looping was an unintended gameplay style so she was made to counter it. Either out of laziness or inability to redesign maps in a timeframe they would have liked they backpedalled and said loops were fine which is why Nurse has been "broken" for so long simply countering what she was designed for.

  • PandapocalypzexX
    PandapocalypzexX Member Posts: 25

    I'm just gonna say...and yes I'm a console player so I get I'm the minority here.

    But personally haven't ever really had an issue with nurse. And I don't get why spirit and Billy are held to the same standard.

    I've hit nurses right after a blink with a pallet and hit spirits directly after coming out of her phase.

    I think the whole community is overreacting pretty hard.

    Can't Win em all

  • ABannedCat
    ABannedCat Member Posts: 2,529

    Basekit Nurse is fine. She is the only killer (Besides Spirit) that is not affected by horrible map design. Unmindgameable loops, where the killer's skill litterally doesnt matter at all. Where the killer needs to break the pallet, or wait for the window to be blocked. Without that its physically impossible to land a hit on any semi-decent survivor. No counterplay whatsover from the killer's side.

    I do agree that her add-ons needs looking into it. And I am completely fine with the developers reworking them. But for the health of the game, please leave her base-power.

  • The_W1se
    The_W1se Member Posts: 1

    To be fair, countering a Nurse is extremely difficult if she knows what she is doing. Seems you need to run iron will and break line of sight against her, but if you dont have that perk then its luck you'll need on your side to make it. I dont want a rework for her, just ease her a bit so survivors have a bit more of a chance. Killer main btw.

  • Andreyu44
    Andreyu44 Member Posts: 1,527

    Plague got better with her tweaks tho

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,450

    Iron Will is not needed if you properly break line of sight instead of running straight to the next pallet, which is what about 95% of survivors do

    The other 5% ragequits as soon as you hit them once

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    They should revert Plague and Ghostface. Those were ######### changes. Hopefully with Nurse they will be smart and just rework her add ons and get rid of the omega blink build. And hopefully they’ll do a PTB and actually listen to feed back, but usually their PTBs are just about bug fixes and not actually about whether the content is good or not, so who knows. This is why I rarely play this game anymore, too much BS.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    We're just going to have to wait and see what they do.

    As long as these changes are in fact "small adjustments to Nurse", I don't think it will be that bad.

    If the devs are able to mostly balance out Nurse, then that's a good thing, and people can finally shut up about her.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    Maybe they will reduce her base blink charge speed, distance and blink speed, and make her add ons bring them up to her current base and the best add ons just go a bit above that. As it stands her base kit is great so her add ons make her OP, so maybe they will make her base kit a bit worse so that her add ons can make her better without making her OP.