"Spaghetti code"
What's with this silly blanket excuse for various and sundry issues in DBD?
"Spaghetti code" is a term that people typically use when code is unorganized and there's a lot of intertwining reliances different parts within the code. People typically use it when something seemingly unrelated to what was actually changed breaks, when it was previously perfectly fine. Thus, people say it's the "spaghetti code" at work, as it makes no sense to the end user.
In reality, any small change can break code and have unintended effects. It's common to fix a bug in code and have 10 more replace it, even in the most organized and completely separated code.
(Disclaimer: I have very limited experience in coding myself but I know some of the things that go into it)
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@drimmalor I am familiar with the term. I'm just curious why they haven't worked on fixing the perceived and actual underlying issues that have been attributed to this for three full years.
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Like, I've never seen Behaviour talk about it, but every few days I see players go IT'S THE SPAGHETTI CODE! I'm kinda curious where this started, as it relates to DBD.
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My mistake, I misunderstood the question. They actually did address the "spaghetti code" claim on a dev stream once. I don't remember when it was, but they showed the code related to Decisive Strike and how they have it structured. The latter part of my answer is relevant to people claiming "spaghetti code".
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Ah, I see. So is this just a term that gets thrown around in jest by the community, then? I mean, patches break unintended things in LOTS of other games all the time. :D
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For the most part, yes. It's used in any community to describe bugs and issues that arise for seemingly no reason, but to me it's often funny that they happen. I'm sure it creates a lot of confusion when these random issues come up 😄
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Funny story, in college one of my professors formerly worked for EA Sports and told the class about Madden's "meatball" code. Apparently what happened was that, sometime around when Madden became a 3D game, a dude with little formal programming experience wrote a massive chunk of the engine used for the game. He worked for EA for maybe 2-3 Madden games then left the company. He had no notes in his code and everything was a mess. And of course they would recycle the code from game to game (because it came out every year and why spend more money/time to write new code eh?). Well, no one was able to reverse engineer what he did so they just kept adding to this "meatball" of a code over the years, until it got to a point like a decade later where you could not change some things about the game without literally destroying the entire meatball. It's part of the reason Madden was basically the same game for so many years.
This isn't proof it happens everywhere, but when it comes to EA expect them to take the cheapest/fastest/easiest route and not given a single flying ######### about the end user experience.
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@thesuicidefox I still refuse to believe that EA doesn't stand for "Evil #########".
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At this point, if they take over Dead by Daylight, buying just Laurie would cost $799. Without the full Halloween pack.
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Yeah, I'm sure that happens at a lot of companies that don't have good transfer-of-knowledge practices. We had a similar "guy who coded it holding the whole thing hostage" situation at a website I worked at early in my career. Another site I contracted for had some VERY poor wiki-based documentation, and I basically had to reverse-engineer a lot of it.
Aren't all the original DBD guys still there, though? Seems like they should think about putting some good policies in place. And, you know, cleaning up their code.
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@Ember_Hunter $7.99 is way too cheap for EA's standards. This becomes clear when you notice that The Sims 4 with all its DLCs cost more than PS4 and Xbox One together.
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I said $799 didn't I? XD
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Its still too cheap. EA would make all characters individually $9999. Full DLCs would probably be around $1000000.
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they will make so that to play a match, you have to play $10 no exceptions.
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And every time a generator is completed you'd have to pay $5 to keep playing. Bought to you by "Electronic #########".
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For people who do not code: There are several things you can do to optimize and properly code. There are standards and if you follow them properly you can generally make sense of code. Spaghetti code is essentially saying it makes no sense as others have said. However, when you turn up one audio and another is completely removed or don't even touch anything regarding to a specific perk and it changes shows something 'under the hood' is not written properly. I have already posted in support tickets that all the cosmetic assets have missing bone mesh parts throwing errors constantly in your game. However, I haven't seen that be fixed yet. Again the cosmetic system is nice, however, as far as in-game goes is not prepared to handle it. Essentially what happens is every 10 milliseconds or so it says Hey kate where is your bracelet? Over and Over and Over since certain kate outfits do not have bracelets or whatever.
Again if they built the game again from the ground up it would be 100% more organized.
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For every survivor you kill, you must pay $15 or the survivor will not count as a kill.
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And every time you prestige, you have to pay $30 to be able to use that character.
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If you are a Legacy Player, you get a 1% off coupon for every 100 hours you play the game.
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Want Bloodpoints? Don't worry, just buy this special package containing 1000000 of them, just for $70! Don't have the money? Don't worry, while playing the game you can gain auric boxes though gameplay, that have a 1% chance of getting 10 Bloodpoints!
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To use a perk, pay $10 with tax of 110% of what it normally is. Applies for each and every perk. If it is a meta perk, it instead costs $25 each.
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Want to able to kill survivors quickly? Well, you are lucky, we just released a new item called memento moris that can kill survivors after being hooked once, only for $30!
But really, we better stop before either one of the mods jail us for derailing the thread too much.
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True :P
But is it really that easy to fix a code and break 10 with it? Since I have been encountering the exit gate bug far too often now?
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Well, taking BHVR in consideration, I think it is that simple, just look at Darkness Among Us, that chapter broke the entire game.
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Well the main thing is he had no formal training. He knew how to code but he didn't put notations or use common formats or methods for solving problems. He just did his own thing.
It's not so much the code was bad, it was that no one else could figure it out. And once he left the company and people just piled onto the meatball the problem got worse and worse over time.