Camping Killers

Stop allowing killers to camp. It ruins the game and requires absolutely no skill at all whatsoever. Maybe try introducing an in game penalty if a killer is next to a hook survivor or gen or door for too long (10-15 seconds). It’s honestly gotten so annoying to play the game. And there’s absolutely nothing that a survivor can do about it.
Except for doing gens.
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Not even sure if troll or not...
In case of honesty and just not knowing the game: don't try to kobe, stay in game. If killer really camped he already lost. If other survivors arent braindead 2 minutes is more than enough to close the game. If you ######### on hook you are actively helping camping killer.
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Camping killers are annoying because they just want to ruin the game and hope on altruistic survivors to give them an easy win. Even worse, Leatherface's power encourages this. I really wish they'd rework him in a way that doesn't encourage him to face camp the first survivor he gets.
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Kindred loves campers <3
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There is a penalty for camping, its called less BP, Its called possible de-pip. Sometimes killers camp and they dont care about any of that, they care about sending a message. There are also perks that help punish campers, but it usually means on survivor has to run it and take one for the team.
My point is they already have penalties, you just don't see them from a survivor perspective.
I dont camp because I dont need to or care to.
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Who told you DBD is meant to be a relaxing experience?
Play more and learn how to punish campers yourself. Stop asking devs to do it for you.
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Survivors need to stop running into the killers arms as soon as someone goes on a hook.
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Who told you dbd is supposed to Be toxic. You aren’t supposed to die on first hook. That’s why you have three chances silly. By camping it ruins that mechanic of the game. I don’t expect it to be relaxing. I expect it to be playable and not disgustingly toxic.
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If you're supposed to get 3 chances then why do they have a time limit on how long you can be on hook before reaching second stage and third stage? The game was specifically designed to allow both strategies. Camping is a legitimate strategy. It's not by any means a good one, it's easily punished. And yes it can be unfun for survivor and sometimes killer. But it is a strategy nonetheless.
And before you say I'm a camping killer main, I play Legion, the literal worst killer in the game for camping
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I've noticed that there's three types of camping.
- Facecamping: The most "toxic" type of camping where the killer stares the survivor directly in the face or is standing still near you to prevent you from getting unhooked. Easily countered by Borrowed Time, teammates rushing in, or doing gens.
- Proxy Camping Type 1: Proxy Camping Type 1 is where the killer patrols around the hook because he knows survivors are nearby. Either because he saw them, BBQ didn't proc, or other reasons. This is the least toxic method and is a legit strategy. Don't leave a hook when you know when you'll leave theyll be unhooked in 2 seconds.
- Proxy Camping Type 2: Proxy Camping Type 2 is where the killer patrols around the hook out of paranoia. A more active approach to facecamping where instead of staring directly at the hooked survivor, they try to find survivors nearby. Unlike Type 1 they don't have reasonable suspicion to believe there is someone nearby. This is an honest mistake by the killer if they are paranoid and can be annoying to deal with as survivors, but like Facecamping is easily countered by survivors doing gens.
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Camping is way more toxic than teabagging... to imply otherwise is laughable.
I absolutely LOATH annoying survivors teabagging every small victory they accomplish, but it does nothing to actually ruin the game for me...
meanwhile, being camped into oblivion literally wastes the time I took to load in, the time I spent in lobby, and the two minutes I'm left dangling there... I don't get to play the game at all...
it has a legitimate impact on my gameplay.
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Do gens and de-rank the camper simple strategy. also the better you run the more likely 3 gens will get done before he hooks you, also immersed players are campers enemies.
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Don't want to be camped, get good enough to stay off the hook in the first place.
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Camping not to be confused with first hook face camping has its practical uses. I often when i hook the first guy will double back and attack the unhooked and the unhooker, only when they expect me to linger around on the 2ed hook to go gen patrolling. Camping to a strategic degree makes survivors approach unhooks more carefully with out dive bombing the hook for points. Killers can use camping in non toxic ways by trying to apply pressure this way and making survivors paranoids. In short your not guaranteed a free safe unhook
Secondly even face camping has a time and place, namely she's had like 3 hooks all game and the gates are open. Killers are in their right to cut their losses and ensure one kill if they want.
Course I am not advocating its the first hook of the game and to rev a chainsaw in a guys face till he ded... that is lame and unfun.
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If you think camping is fine, you have absolutely no right to complain that teabagging, or anything for that matter, that survivors do during a game is toxic. Where in your rulebook does it say a survivor can’t do that? Teabagging is a legit strategy then as it can piss off the killer and draw aggro, or just throw them off their game in general. We in agreement?
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Borrowed time won't counter a face camping killer with insidious. One reason leatherface with insidious is so annoying because there is no way to save the survivor. You just have to let them die.
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*looks at lvl 40 LF i built up to get bbq* hopefully you can be me out of rank 8-10 and away from these rank 2 swfs
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bUt CaMpInG iS a StRaTeGy
(Did I do it right? 😃)
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Mock it all you want, it's true.
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@Kerbert (In all seriousness though, I understand when it is legit to range-camp a hook when someone's obviously there going for the stupid safe unhook, either standing literally underneath you, or you see scratch marks and stuff. That's just objectively the smart play. I'm mocking straight-up facecamping.)
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Ruin the game. As opposed to infinites, teabagging, berating killers for killing a survivor, berating killers for using noed, being a downright ass with clicky clicky flashlight to prove some superiority complex, and just being overall an asshat?
Many people who are being camped did something to deserve it. I do not camp personally, but I have made an exception once or twice due to some asshat with an ego being annoying.
You can blame game mechanics, people being “toxic” or whatever, but this is a two way street. I will treat you as you treat me. If you play the game normally, I will too. If you do things to earn my ire, I will turn “toxic.”
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Camping is something you sadly can't get rid of in this game especially if the killer is serious about it, otherwise the community will go berserk, and the same goes with pallet looping.
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i should start counting these...
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Okay but what’s the point of playing the game if you get hooked right off the bat and can’t be saved so all the time it took to find a match and join into the game is wasted. It’s NOT playable when that happens.
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You forgot instaheals :)
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A simple fix: Survivor gets altruism points while being camped on the hook. Camped until dead = 5000 bp.
This way, your gaining, killer is potentially depipping. I wouldnt even be mad if i got camped with this
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So true XD
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He's probably another one of those survivors who camp at pallets and don't ever use Window vaults and don't look behind themselves while being chased
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I knew I forgot something.
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What killers do you camp with?
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I like basement trapper, but hag is probably the best generalized camper in the game. Insidious noed hag with the totally blacked out skin always gets me some salt. It's like a blendette for killers.
Wraith can also be a really good camper since you can just sit at the hook cloaked.
Insidious nurse can be hilarious if you can find a good spot to wait at. Leatherface is too camping meta for me to want to camp with.
I usually don't camp unless I am going into the game with the intention of camping to begin with (aka playing hag / trapper). But if someone is teabagging and flashlight clicking at pallets and it's early game, I will glady sacrifice a couple gens to camp them down for the lols most of the time.
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Please explain how the Hag is a camper. She places a trap, an idiot triggers the obvious trap, and the Hag reappears.
Unless the Hag has the addon that allows teleportation to traps at will, if a survivor does not trigger your trap, you have to run your slow ass back to that hook. Traps do not signify as camping, only IQ checks for altruistic survivors.
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(ノ•̀ o •́ )ノ ~ ┻━┻
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there is plenty of penalties, during the time from 1st hook to dead many gens can get popped, the killer loses points for ranking up, and it is just boring. it really only works on altruistic groups. make sure if you are being chased by the killer near a hook, here is some advice RUN HIM AWAY FROM THE HOOK, by looping him near the hook you are letting him camp while getting the potential of another down, and since he is chasing someone he wont lose rank points while near the hook. the only time I ever "camp" as killer is when I 100% know there is people around waiting for the save and they are being Altruistic. why? because I read the survivors and start using a strategy that then counters them so I can win the game, but if I cant find anyone near the hook I will leave, because getting someone 1 hooked gives you a lot less BP than hooking someone 3 times
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Hag is the ultimate camper if you want her to be. Why stop at 1 trap for the hooked guy? I usually drop all 10 on and around them because it doesn't take that long to do. You can trap literally every pathway to the hook in alot of cases. If there is no urban evasion and you are proxy camping there is basically no way for them to unhook without triggering your traps.
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To me, that’s a waste of traps. I tend to rig certain parts of the map (Windows, landing points from falls, etc) long beforehand and I deal with any survivors who happen to cross my path during this time.
You are more than welcome to do what you suggest, I just personally care not to. That’s not what defines a Hag for me. I enjoy chase and mind games, not proxy camping. I am not opposed to zipping back if a careless person trips a trap at a hook though.
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What the killer does is not the fault of a bad experience. Not saying its fine, but the chase before that hook is on you. After being hooked, that's on your team. Its been proven that a face camped survivor can be saved with teamwork. It falls on your team to take appropriate action regardless of what tactics the killer uses.
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it actually makes the game easier for survivors as they are free to do gens without interruption... yea its annoying but it only punishes bad survivors who camp hooks to farm saves.