What killers and survivors do you main?

For survivor I main Claudette and for killer I main Nurse,Wraith and Leatherface in that order.
I main jake and myers
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Jake and spirit.
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For killers I have a few mains, in this order, Ghostface, Freddy, Pig, Plague, Spirit
As for Survivor I mostly play what I feel like although I have a liking to Dwight the most
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There's only one survivor for me and that's Dwight Fairfield. In his default outfit.
As for killers, I switch between Clown, Trapper and Doctor.
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Jane, Feng and Bill for survivors
Spirit, Plague, Billy and Hag for killers in that order
But i play all killers except clown, leatherface, and nurse cause i can't play those lol, I just listed my favorites basically
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Pig, Spirit, Nea, Feng, Kate, Claudette and Jeff
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David is my main, technically, although while leveling up a character I tend to play them after I get them some decent perks to start off with, even if they're not fully tier 3. Right now I'm leveling Laurie so I'm playing her. Dwight would be my second main survivor.
As for killers, Ghostface pretty much. I haven't played much killer since ranked reset though. Hag used to be my main until Ghostface came out though. Freddy and Pig are alright too. I would play Spirit as well if I had her. The only DLCs I have are Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, and Saw. I'd play Myers but I haven't leveled him up much yet. I really wanna try a build on Myers, but I don't have a Fragrant Tuft of Hair or Judith's Journal. The build is Fragrant Tuft of Hair+Judith's Journal + Furtive Chase. Basically increase my stalking by a bunch to counteract Fragrant Tuft of Hair and get EW3 a lot faster than normal by stalking my obsession, which can change any time my obsession is unhooked.
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Before: Hag and Feng
Now: Trapper and Feng
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For killers I main Hag and Leatherface, for survivors I main...too many: Ace, Jane, Feng, Jake, Kate, Jeff and Claudette. xD
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Billy, Piggywiggy, Plague, Doctor, Spirit, Legion, Freddy, and Ghostface (not in order).
Nea, Jake, and Ash.
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David King 👑 and The Spirit.
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A lot of Freddy and Ghost Face recently.
My "Main" is Legion though it gets frustrating playing them at times. 🤷♀️
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It's always been Nea for me, in fact 80% of my playtime is with her since I'm still learning how not to suck with the other killers bar my main...
...Hag. First killer I ever got comfortably competent with, which is Ironic, because I hated her for the longest time due to the constant jumpscares. Now I've learned to appreciate killers like Hag, myers, piggy and spirit, the ones with the potential to make me pee my pants a little if I'm not paying attention.
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Claudette. I love running a nurse build and keeping everybody patched up when possible. Then disappearing into a corner when the killer is near.
Plague. I love torturing myself with an M1 killer at high ranks because survivors refuse to cleanse, leaving me to walk around the often times giant maps they select and looking sexy with my long legged gait.
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plague Moris is quickly becoming one of my favourites. It's that contemptuous little flick of her weapon at the end.....😀
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Dwight and Myers.
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David, because I had no idea he was so GODDAMN LOUD when injured compared to others lol and 130 levels worth of perks means I've come too far.
And Trapper, because he has the most carefully balanced, well designed kit. The addons you bring dramatically change how you get to play the trial. He's not in the top 5 killers, and most games start with you sacrificing 1-3 gens in order to properly be ready for the rest of the killi- game, I mean game, but he's a roaring good time when things take off
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I don't play killer much, only recently started but I do Legion (I'm horrible though and miss like 90% of my Frenzy hits, still like her regardless xD ).
As for survivor, I usually do Kate, Jake, or Feng.
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I play everyone mostly. I switch between all of the Killers and Survivors with or without perks just to have something different all the time.
The only one I don’t play is Feng Min. When she gets hit I feel awful. The little squeak and such she makes when hit sounds so dainty and nice she doesn’t deserve to be hurt. I genuinely feel bad hitting Fengs as Killer.
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This is refreshing to read
Me: Meg, Spirit & Billy
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Claudette, Spirit and Billy.
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For survivor: Jane, Jeff and sometimes Nea.
My main killer is the Spirit, but I also like Trapper, Plague and Hag.
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Ace, because he smiles...that's pretty much it.
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Absolutely mains? Aka. the ones, that have eat my time most?
-Pre patch Legion
-Kate Denson (shortly followed by Jeff Johansen, not main surv. so, but damn near it*)
Edit: *feeled
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Nurse and Tapp! :D
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Killers spirit, pig and GF. I am the jump-scare Queen 👑
Survivor my main is Feng but I enjoy Kate too
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Jeff (if that wasn’t obvious) & Myers/Ghostface/Freddy
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Huntress and Billy half the matches.
For the other 50% I play almost all killers at the same rate. The edgy gang is left out, though.
Jeff and Kate. David sometimes. But I think I'll level Bill up some time in the future, now that he's on PS4.
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Survivor: Kate and Nea. But i also play other survs a lot.
Killer: Pig and Legion. I don't really play killer anymore though. Don't feel like it after the nerfs to these killers and i'm not interested in other killers atm.
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Huntress and Ace, probably soon Ace/Kate as I'm growing fond of her as well.
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Claudette, David, Jeff
Wraith, Freddy, Spirit
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I'm a killer main, Michael Myers being my main (whole reason I got the game), and for when I occasionally play as survivor, my main is Ace.
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Survivor: claudette
Killer: Trapper, Doctor, Clown
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Quentin and billy
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Was Jake until they lit up my old man hair so now it's Ace with old head and tux and hag/Myers/wraith
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The golden robed mustache and spirit 😀
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Killers: Doctor and Freddy
Survivor: Claudette because I ended up getting a perk build on Claudette that I like. I really want to main Laurie but I keep forgetting to level her up.
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I main myers,freddy,hag,spirit and ghostface. And when I get plague she will be one of my mains to.
For survivors I main jake and David
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You main Leatherface? Isn't he really weak?
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Hilbilly, Huntress, Trapper. David King.
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He's weak in the hands of a weak player.
EDIT: @topic.
I guess everyone knows what killer I main by now *laughs in chainsaw*
As for survivor I main Claudette. I typically play without items, no adrenaline, no decisive and always solo and I never tbag. Some red rank killers still consider me toxic and literally report me for not going down easily.
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I main Feng Min for survivors.
For killers I main Spirit, Huntress, Hag, and Pig.
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Survivor:David and Kate
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David King with beard, because he looks similar to me and Blendette when I feel competitive. And Killer, of course my girl Hag!
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Killer: Legion
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Survivor: Ace
Killer: Legion, Spirit, Hag
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Killer: Wraith, Michael, Plague.
Survivors: Meg, Dwight, Claudette, Jeff.
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Killer: Huntress
Survivor: Meg