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I forget, can we talk about Thanatophobia

I love this perk, but it's high key useless. Shouldn't survivors suffer a permanent penalty if somebody dies? To balance it, disregard a Disconnect.

Sure, survs will notice it right away and those who Aren't as strong or are being carried by friends or other strong survivors on solo joining random games could disconnect to give their other survivors a chance to win but I mean.. you lost. Your team lost. Survivors are only as good as their weakest team member.

I know killers are overpowered but so is the will to survive; or in this case "wanting to teaBag or exit via escape hatch".

Killers will kill, survivors will survive. It's literally in the name. I'm not complaining about it's redundancy, just wondering why the "Fear of dying underweights actual death(via mori or successful sacrifice)."


I like that it's not a hex, and maybe that is why it doesn't inflict a permanent debuff but I mean, why call it that? Just rename it to "Traumatophobia"? Because the fear of pain, dies when you no longer feel alive. Plus, everyone has trauma so it's totally relatable. I guess

Best Answer


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Killers can camp every Survivor to get that perma debuff, that's the only reason.

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @YaiPa Exactly! Dying Light is ######### and no one uses it for this exact reason yet the Devs still wont change this perk.

  • citron
    citron Member Posts: 78

    it only sucks because the debuff is too low

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    I didn't think someone dying on hook = perma debuff. It only works if someone is in injured state or dying state but not fully dead? Least anytime I saw Thana in games and someone died the debuff didn't stay for me (if I recall correctly) and no one else was injured.

    I use Thana but I don't camp. I just say screw it if people play smart with it. I'm not that good of a killer anyway... and I know a lot of other killers aren't as fair but I pair this perk with Sloppy, Nurse's and Discordance. I don't use addons right now but if I did I would put on a Mangled addon and replace sloppy with... (idk what tbh). But there's no reason to camp with that kind of a build. If you go back and check hook (not camping, idk why people consider this camping or tunneling if you had time to leave the area) after they saved and they're healing under it, that's their fault for not thinking ahead.

    So maybe some camp with it but not everyone. Just play smart without camping and it might be a good perk depending on what you choose to pair it with. But most people take Ruin to slow the game... it's the mainstream perk to run over Thana.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814

    Fear of death but when someone dies you're actually ok :). Devs.

    Just don't use this perk, it literally does nothing with exception of Plague maybe.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    The theory is the less survivors alive the less you need the slowdown I guess

  • darkknight287
    darkknight287 Member Posts: 42

    Oh hey let me just camp for a small bonus as 4 gens are done in the time it takes this person to die

  • Jamez666
    Jamez666 Member Posts: 26

    I feel at the end of the day, survivors are just going to try and gen rush with prove thyself anyway, so we'll see

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    thanataphobia seems to have gotten a following after streamers started running it on plague to “punish,” non cleansers. When really even at 4 stacks you’re better off running something else to slow gens like ruin or pop

  • Evore
    Evore Member Posts: 5

    In regard to some of the responses, I'm not concerned about what could or would happen. I'm talking about the skill itself, I mean I guess keep it the same but change the name?

    Either way, I like to have fun. I'll run with it being the only perk and high five everyone, and sure I'll still be called a tunneler as I ballerina dance my way through the jungle gym of a map, or even a camper as I at times use the hooks as bait cause I'm too lazy to find different peoples.

    Lets add a ranked mode then

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    Thanatophobia at full power adds like 15 seconds to the total repair time of a generator.

    The meme of it "just turning the bar red" hasnt really changed.

  • immortalls96
    immortalls96 Member Posts: 4,652

    They just need to butf the values by 1-2 percent each and itll be a decent perk..I'd love it as thana is a perk that rewards a killer adding pressure which means you have to be actively hunting to use it