Ghostface help ?

What are the best perks to use with him and add ons? I’m finding it hard to use him in red ranks or maybe I’m just playing him wrong . Any advice ?


  • SpyMature
    SpyMature Member Posts: 204

    The must have perks on him would be Whispers (to know which gen you need to sneak up at the start of the match) and Ruin (to slow down the game just a lil' bit because stealthing around is gonna take away alot of your time).

    The other 2 perks are up to you, but I personally use Shadowborn and BBQ

  • kornz2dope
    kornz2dope Member Posts: 107

    Thank you . I just been using typical M1 killer perks like spirit fury and enduring

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    He's a M1 killer, so the standard build for low tier garbage should do the trick: Bamboozle, Spirit fury, Ruin, Brutal strength.

  • SpyMature
    SpyMature Member Posts: 204

    You could do that, but just expect that you're not going to get any Brutality or Deviousness points.

    With my build I always get at least 6k BP in those categories,

    though that is as long as I'm not versing someone with Object of Obsession, but it would seem that stealth killers will get a new status effect that prevent them from being detected by perks like OoO and Spine Chill, which is great cause those are meta perks. The only detection perk that counters Tier 1 Myers is Premonition, but not like people use this perk anyways.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Just like adrenaline without borrowed time on an unhook?

    Just because they synergize well, doesnt make one pointless on it's own.

  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532
    edited August 2019

    I like to run either Surveillance or Nurses Calling. The former helps to know from a distance if a Gen is being worked on, or if someone's just gone back to a Gen you've damaged. Similarly Nurses Calling will highlight anyone healing within a specific radius. It's personal preference, but I lean toward Surveillance, but in either case, Night Shroud on and GO GET EM CHAMP!!! :)

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Yes, it does. The default stun time is enough for survivors to get to another pallet/window, so Spirit Fury is really weak on its own.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Weak, but not pointless. Having a free broken pallet still saves you time. And if dodging pallets isnt your strong suit, it's a very helpful perk.

    Not every perk has to be BBQ/Ruin/Adrenaline/old MoM levels of good to be considered "not pointless"

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    But why use a weak perk when you can use a better perk then ? Or combine that perk with another to make it worth it ?

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I didnt say you should use it solo. Or that pairing it wouldnt be better.

    I'm just saying that if you had a build, 3 perks selected, and pallets were an issue for you, adding spirit fury by itself would be nowhere near pointless.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    Ruin/Pop, BBQ/Surveillance/Thrilling Tremors, Enduring and Spirit Fury.

    Recovery rate add-ons are the best add-ons and pretty much mandatory for Ghost Face. Stalk speed add-ons were nerfed and now are meh, increased duration of exposed add-ons are also meh, increased crouch speed add-ons are more for memes, increased movement speed while stalking and increased Killer's Instinct add-ons are useless and decreased detection range seems to do nothing from what I heard.

  • Tenebro
    Tenebro Member Posts: 89

    I usually play him with BBQ (mainly for points, and a very little bit for tracking), Ruin (to give me a bit more time at the begin of the match to find someone and start stalking), Surveillance (to hear better if someone is repairing a gen and to monitor left gens, so I can come back to stalk again) and Discordance (another tracking perk to stop gen rushing and to stalk 2 survs instead of one at the same time).

    I don't use any chase aid perk, because when I play a killer, I want to use his power as much as possible, otherwise, if I only want to chase, I choose another killer and not Ghostface. I can use stalking even in chases, but is a lot less effective, except if you already have the stalking bar almost full on that survivor you are chasing. Instead, when I use stalking to do an ambush, it works like a charm, but you have to carefully approach the target.

    Anyway, I see Ghostface similar to the Trapper: you have to be a little lucky. Some games, and in some maps, it simply happens that you are always in the wrong position (and the time you reposition yourself a gen is gone), or survivors (mainly those with Object of Obsession) abusing your weakness always watching you at distance, in particular if they are in SWF. Obviously I'm talking playing him without addon.

    At the end is a fun killer, if you can accept the fact that sometimes you can't do really nothing in some games except getting humiliated. For example, if you play in Haddonfield, and there is a SWF with someone with Object of Ossession and Balance Landing, it's almost a gg: it's better that you start trolling because you have more chances to win that way 😅

  • Jackikins
    Jackikins Member Posts: 66

    I've found success with Whispers, Discordance/Surveillance, Nurse's Calling and Pop Goes The Weasel