Why does everyone bag on legion as a killer?

Personally I love playing as legion I get out of the mindset of killer and start thinking like a survivor. Jumping through windows. Vaulting pallets in frenzy. Sounds to me like a survivor had one to many hatemail messages.


  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    well legion is regarded as the most annoying killer to play against

  • legionsunit
    legionsunit Member Posts: 57

    Is it because he dose move quickly. So in all reality it's people don't understand how to counter him so he's annoying. That's like saying "the shape" or "the ghostface" are annoying because they have the stalking perk. I guess I'm looking for an actual reason not he's annoying to play against or his power sucks.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Because he has so much lost potential.

    Killers like Leatherface or Trapper are arguably worse. But they don't feel like "This Killer should be amazing yet somehow isn't ". Legion however on paper has everything you could every want in a Killer: Speed, Agility, Fast attacks, Tracking. Yet somehow is just a weak Killer in spite of that

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    For me Playing against him I just find him boring.

    Deep Wounds is a boring mechanic because it doesn’t really feel “threatening”... it doesn’t have an impact. Just more like a chore and grindy.

    I don’t know exactly how they could change him but currently to me he feels like a half baked idea. I don’t buy into his lore either which doesn’t help. His lore to me feels like the kids from I Know What You Did Last Summer, except the kids become the killers and not the supposedly dead person.

  • legionsunit
    legionsunit Member Posts: 57

    So even not on paper if you set up his frenzy to blind and put them into a mangled state with the smiley face pins.

    I mean I guess I'm just upset seeing a killer like legion with all of his potential be pushed aside like a red headed step child. If the person behind the killer knows how his frenzy works they would use it to an advantage hit one and look and see if someone is close to you then go for them. It keeps frenzy going and by the time you hit the last survivor with it with the right set up they won't be able to get away it could turn into a really fun chase on both ends.

  • legionsunit
    legionsunit Member Posts: 57

    I do agree with the lore behind them. It could be a better backstory

  • Im2Shrewd
    Im2Shrewd Member Posts: 77

    The lore is badly written and even has typos in it and the design isn’t particularly exciting, just a dude/girl with a knife.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Because The Legion's power is really, really bad.

    It actively stops itself from working.

    1) Deep Wounds timer will not reduce if the Survivor is in a chase.

    2) Deep Wounds CANNOT incap a Survivor who is actively mending, even if the timer hits 0

    3) Legion LOSES Feral Frenzy gauge if they attack normally. Like, they will lose half the gauge for trying to down a Survivor.

    4) Legion can't track Survivors using Feral Frenzy (They can't see blood or scratch marks). Though you will see the auras of non-Deep Wounds-suffering Survivors after hitting 1.

    5) If you use Feral Frenzy to catch up to a Survivor, the 'extended cooldown' (4 seconds) means they WILL put 5 miles between you and them before you can run normally again. So you can't use it as a chase-closer.

    6) You cannot break pallets while in Feral Frenzy (I think they have an addon that breaks any pallet you vault)

    7) You can NOT incap someone by stabbing them in Feral Frenzy. You can take them from Healthy to Injured, but NEVER Injured to Dying.

    Basically, Feral Frenzy can't be used to speed up a chase, due to the horridly long 4 second cooldown. It can't be used to send someone into Dying. And You can't pressure anyone into missing the Mend, since the timer stops in a chase.

    It may as well not exist. They are an M1 killer with no power.

  • legionsunit
    legionsunit Member Posts: 57

    Well that's all the legion is is a bunch of teens with knifes terrorizing people. The lore should be looked at and rewritten.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    edited August 2019

    Its because they are weak and fundamentally broken

    They got downsides associated with their powers that were designed to limit the Legion from downing survivors to fast back when it was possible, we could talk about the Legions brobdingnagian list of downs to see which ones can be removed since that playstyle is luckily a thing of the past (such as the power removal upon M1 for example which actually opposes of Legions playstyle, preventing you to switch targets frequently which he was designed to do). The speed and vault nerf should not have happened either since they can't cheese a chase anymore.

    And not to mention that Legion IS the worst Killer by a huge margin if survivors split up. His power only gets one hit that costs a stun that actually rivals LF's tantrum, where other Killers can get early hits without this while still having more utility, auch as Pig, Wraith, Myers and Ghostface.

    TL;DR Remove most downsides, shorten the stun to 2-3 sec and undo the speed and vault nerf.

  • legionsunit
    legionsunit Member Posts: 57

    I would agree with undoing the nerfs. On the other hand I don't find his "stun" after frenzy that bothersome you can still move forward and you can still see in the middle of the screen thus being able to keep an eye on the injured survivor. Witch legion actually moves faster than a running injured survivor (I have tested it multiple times). And almost as fast as a non injured. I guess I'm just a lucky one who happens to be good with them. and I gotta deal with the crap for it

  • legionsunit
    legionsunit Member Posts: 57

    So then my next question would be going from being a legion main wanting to work on other killers who would be a good killer to take the first step with.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Well my first big dislike towards them is actually towards whoever made their promo.

    Then there's the fact that he's basically just a Survivor with a knife.

    Not really exciting.

    Cool cosmetics tho.

  • legionsunit
    legionsunit Member Posts: 57

    That's why I enjoy him a survivor with a knife. Honestly his power should be changed to be able to remove the mask for a short period of time. Because of the promo.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    Well now you know the basic reason of why some don't like them: Opinions. 😊

  • legionsunit
    legionsunit Member Posts: 57

    And I respect that everyone has an opinion. but instead of bashing on a not so popular killer can we all just be friends 😂😅 join the dead by daylight legion so to speak.

  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    I would like to be friends, but the Entity keeps making me kill people.

    I've started to like killing Claudette, though...

  • legionsunit
    legionsunit Member Posts: 57

    Claudette or fing if they are in my lobby are ones I notice the easiest

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Anyone who played Legion before the "rework" can attest to how extremely sluggish they feel to play now.

    Frenzy speed is pretty slow so you can still get looped. 4 second stun every time you use your power. Plus, most of their add-ons are now useless!

    I agree they had to remove the moonwalk exploit and neuter Frank's Mix Tape, but they really went overboard with the nerfs. I love Legion's aesthetic, but there just isn't much reason to pick them over most other killers now.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    It's because he is a weak killer by all standards. He is not viable for high ranks, no matter how hard I try. I would love for Legion to be able to compete with Billy, Michael and Nurse, but they just can't. Frenzy is nonlethal. Their power is the only one that can't down people no matter how good you are with it. Every other killer can use their power to down people (even clown and wraith). Legion can't. There was no way to use it to down people, except with the Franks Mixtape/Stab Wounds combo, which doesn't even work with the current kit. I like Legion's potential, but right now... they don't show it often.