Survivor suicide?
So the other night I'm playing as killer (legion) and I had all four of my survivors wave me to the killshack and basement to the hooks all four stood in front of a hook? Has this happened to any other killer? I wasent sure what to do. So easy points it was.
Deranking most likely get used to it they wanna start making dc's give a timer so people are gonna keep doing it as its the way around it.
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What's the point in deranking? Take less of a hit when season ends?
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Never understood de ranking...especially for survivors...isn't the game boring enough?
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better queues and lobbies
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People dont want to be high ranks it's really boring and most people enjoy playing at low ranks because you dont see many sweaty players compared to once you start ranking up.
I mean being lower rank is a lot more fun then being higher rank.
That as well.
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I mean thats why people kill themselves on hook like 5 seconds into the match when they wanna derank??????????
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As in rank 18 is more fun than red ranks? If that's what you mean I strooooongly disagree. Every rank reset I fly through yellow and green ranks because most matches are done within 5-6minutes :/ unless gen rushing without much of a challenge is fun to you?
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@Hexyl I can see that but I still think it's pointless.
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I mean i dont derank to rank 18 LMFAO but yes thats pretty much the point you dont encounter as much boring things as you would at higher ranks a good example is before reset red ranks was nothing but Spirit's and Nurses which are very boring to play against every game.
At the end of the day rank means nothing anymore so deranking wont ever go away even if they add rank rewards they would have to really REALLY be good to make people wanna play really boring games every game.
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I mean if it means more enjoyment of the game i can understand it.
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Ya I guess that's the big part then is more enjoyment. I have just never had all four of the suicide at the same time all in the basement
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I've had it a ton towards higher ranks as killer and ive even done it as survivor sometimes swfs groups get together to derank ive done it with a few friends of course they were all okay with it i didnt just randomly do it.
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I for one encounter every type of killer at rank 1 so I guess we have had much different experiences. I also encounter way more campers and tunnel killers at low ranks. I'd take a try hard nurse over that any day. For me at least part of the fun is the challenge. Don't encounter as many try hard killers as you'd think either.
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Was rank 4 survivor last reset and i can confirm i saw a lot of Nurses and Spirit's not really anything else.
It could come down to unlucky but those two killers may be fun to play granted nurse is just boring either way shes really dull but spirit is also just as boring.
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Sounds like you may just need to find another game to play?
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Best way to solve deranking. Once you reach a tier you can't go below it to lower ranks. Red,purple,green,white it would solve so many issues with the game. Rank reset breaks. I was rank 1 this past season and it put me at 10. So now the poor killers that r trying to play are playing sweaty rank one survivors. Same goes for killers, once rank 1 and facing rank 13 survivors.
Makes sense.... I think not. But the dev's are doing a good job...........
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I mean or it could just be the fact ive played 2k hours and ive played against my fair share of Nurses and Spirits Which never fail to use omega blink and prayer beads its just not fun man it's not the fact im burned out on the game i just want more variety and deranking gives me that.
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Yeah, going against spirits is boring. Or other killers with some sweaty addons. Which happens to often on red ranks. Therefore deranking is their way of having fun
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This right here would make the current issue even worse people would just kill themself even more then they already do just to avoid ranking up.
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Not necessarily. Once you reach a high rank like 1-4 you could never go anywhere below 4.
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So a rank 1 survivor gets put to a rank 10. So in the. Wouldn't a rank 1 killer get set there to on reset. So your playing the same killer levels as you were before rank reset doesn't just effect survivors.
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You are missing the point the problem is MOST people wont even get close to that they will just wait until they are about to pip up start a deranking session to get as low as they can take my word for it that wont work ever.
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They wouldn't need to do constant resets if the ranking system actually worked. They need to keep resetting because hitting r1 is easy enough that by the time of resets,it's basically "Midrank and up".
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Well, I guess it shall remain broken