SWF Nerf/Solo Survivor Buff

They should make it so within a certain proximity ie. Survivors pretty close to each other they can talk to each other in game(party chat will be disabled while in game). As they go futher away the chat becomes distant sounding. I think overall this will make it more intense and a better and create funny/toxic scenarios. Imagine being on the hook and someone is walking super slow you could be in range to tell them hurry up get me off i got decisive or w.e anyways just a thought


  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    I guess in theory they could get the console people to agree with a disable party chat thing, I remember some playlists in old CoD games were like that so it's clearly possible (not sure if it has ever happened on current gen consoles though)

    However there is no realistic way whatsoever to enforce the same thing on PC, which just sort of excludes that possibility entirely. And that's on top of the fact I'd probably often mute it anyway as you'd get the usual megaminds blasting music while playing, eating chips in the most distracting way possible or just in general being unpleasant.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,060

    I dont want to hear some SWF next to me on the Gen talking to each other in their fantasy language.

  • JakeDaSnake
    JakeDaSnake Member Posts: 101

    Yeah they could add a option in game and main menu to mute everyone like a toggle on/off option lol

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    Whats that sound, oh, its a vacuum from another members mic

  • rina
    rina Member Posts: 90

    Why would swf use that instead of talking in discord?

  • jzinsky
    jzinsky Member Posts: 112

    I keep seeing this argument and it's silly. Give the solos an in game chat and let's have done with it.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    Can you all stop making swf threads? Devs told several times why they don't change swf system

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    We currently see the exact opposite happening. More and more nerfs who hurt solos exclusively or at least more than swf and any perk or general buff is benefiting swf more than solos. For me it seems like bhvr has no clue how to balance or they simple dgaf about solos