why keep adding things instead of fixing the game

LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

why do you guys keep adding more things to the game if you guys aren't even fixing all theses issues that's been going on for almost a year like i really enjoy this game but you guys rather keep putting more killers and survivors into the game and customizes outfits then fix the skill check not poping up problem and the progress bar not working even the perks aren't even working so im basically losing my rank and item's. i all ready spoke to the admins so im asking you is it worth staying to play a broken video game that has game mechanics that doesn't seem to wanna work when it wants to. literally this game came out in 2016 but yet all issues since the beginning hasn't been resolved and here it is its 2019 almost 2020 like im honestly done with this game. ive tried and tried and tried but this game just wont get fixed but yet there making a mobile game but they cant even resolved the pc and console gamer's problems so thank you behavior interactive the only game developing company that cant even fix there own games.


  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @TheBean well im just tired of all theses things not working its plain stupid like what there going to go on you to make a stream make u wait for it to start for almost half an hour till it start to just say o well here's three things were fixing. like its been years now and nothings getting fixed stop worrying about everything else and worry about fixing your game there game coding is messed by adding all theses dlc's.

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    feels like they care about making money on this game rather than doing it for the love of making video games i get it they all got things to pay but do it for the love of your fans because were all here supporting them but if they cant fix the game and graphics then the popularity will go down. this game for me if i was a game designer something im going to do in life i would give what the fans want and not stop until my fans are satisfied i would do it for the love and support of my fans and the love of video game making

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    I disagree as long as the are consistent with balance patches every season there would be no need for new content every 3 months maybe 1 or 2 DLC a year would be fine.I feel with the current pace with cosmetics they're putting out they really don't need to put out new chapters every few months.They make tons of money from people purchasing cosmetics.

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @Mellow7 exactly thank you. i dont have a problem with dlc's but to many keep getting put out.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Because, like any game development company, you..what's the term? You put people in squads..Blocks.

    Squad 1: Works on game balance.

    Squad 2: Works on new Killer ideas. Works with Squads 3, & 4

    Squad 3: New Survivor ideas.

    Squad 4: New Perks for Survivors & Killers, based on who that Killer is/what chapter the Survivor is in.

    Etc, etc.

    Basically, just because some of the crew is making new stuff does not mean people are being pulled away from game balance. Everyone has what they do, because it helps everything run smoother.

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @Locker_Monster ik that i dont have a problem with that its just they need to put the game first instead of actually putting constant dlc's in like just focus on the game itself.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Again; they have a group that DOES focus on balance.

    Would you want them to take people off of thinking up Killers to help perfect balance? because those people aren't paid to perfect balance. They may not be as good at it.

    The whole point is that pumping out DLC does not mean less people are working on game balance, so what do you mean by 'focus'?

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @Locker_Monster hear me out before you open your mouth im not talking about game balance im talking about them needing to update the coding and glitches we have enough killers and survivors so we need them to focus on game coding then the dlc's.

  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156

    I wish they would finally fixing this game first before they do new content it's so annoying that bugs like grab bug or Scratch mark bug are still there.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    Same thing, @Locker_Monster is right they have a team for coding, a team for balance, a team for clothing, etc. just because they are working on the new killers doesn’t mean they’re not working on coding and bugs.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Again. By saying this, you're assuming that making DLC means less people are working on fixing the game. Or that more DLC means slower bugfixes.

    By 'focus' you have to mean 'put more people on the job of'. That how companies focus.

    But there are people in BHVR that do that exact job. They don't work on DLC and bugfix in their spare time. Their job is. to. bugfix.

    So they don't need to 'focus' because they already DO THAT. That's what I'm saying; they have a group of people who's job it is to bugfix.

    Unless you have some meaning for 'focus' I don't know.

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @Locker_Monster im just saying they need to worry more about the game bugs instead of add ons thats all

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Doing one is not slowing the progress of the other. That's what I'm trying to tell you.

    You're saying, or implying, that them putting out DLC is taking focus away from, or slowing, bug fixing. This is incorrect.

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    They kinda need to make money to be able to work on the problems mentioned. Making money and fixing bugs are also not mutually exclusive, they can do both at once.

  • mutabletiger4
    mutabletiger4 Member Posts: 185

    Coding isn't as simple as "change this, everything works now". Sometimes fixing one thing has unintended side effects for another. No game is perfect, but the devs work hard at giving the community what it wants, new chapters, balance changes and bug fixes. It's not instant though, it takes time.

    Cosmetics and chapter releases don't stop bug fixes and balance changes, each team is separate, doing their separate jobs.

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @mutabletiger4 you act like idk what coding is bro i know its hard believe me i make my own little mini games ik there hard i work with computers but they need to focus on straightening the coding out and fix it. but they had years to fix things but it dose take time i get that but i think they need to stop pushing out to many dlc's soon there going to run out of idea's because theirs so much you can only do.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    You say you get it and then you say something that shows you don't.

    They don't need to 'focus' on fixing bus because the bug fixing guys are not the DLC guys.

    They don't need to slow down on DLC because the DLC guys ARE NOT the bug fixing guys.

    Also, when games like this go with roadmaps; they already HAVE content planned, at least in a general sense. So they are not going to run out of ideas if they crank it out, since they already have ideas for the next year, two years, etc.

    They're not making it up as they go.

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @Locker_Monster im saying that they need more people to focus on the bug fixing problem and then the people doing the dlc's are adding more coding to the game that's all i was trying to say.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684
    edited August 2019

    Personally i'd perfer fix the game first (Such as "Survivor can't escape exit gate" bug, "No healing/wiggle" bug, "Clown bottle" bug, etc) before add more killer/survivor/costumes

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @DingDongs like the name lol also exactly thank you.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    They are two separate teams!

    Putting out a new DLC next month is not slowing down bug fixing

    Even if the next DLC was not slated until next YEAR, it wold not speed up bug fixing.

    @LazyGhost25 I see where you're coming from with that, yeah, but it still two different groups. Once the bugs in the new DLC are smoothed out for release (I'd assume they are given priority, since the DLC has a release date...ish), they go back to working on the ever present general bugs.

    Hell, I'd even guess that only SOME bug fixers work on the DLC and some work on the general troubles. But that's up to management there.

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @Locker_Monster i guess man

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    I understand the fact that there are different teams that focus on content and balance.

    I just question what the balance people are even doing when, say, it takes literal weeks to patch a known Sprint Burst exploit instead of disabling the perk and/or deploying a fix inside of 24 hours. Stuff like that needs to stop.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Deploying a fix inside 24 hours?

    Bug fixing is not that easy, man. Not by a long shot. It's not as easy as ctrl-f to find the offending code.

    Hell, the code for Sprint Burst may be fine. It may be an error in the code for cooldowns. Or in the tomer. Or in the Exhaustion status effect.

    And even then, I'd bet there's, at least, 15+ lines of code just for the Exhaustion effect itself.

    Bug fixing is like knowing there a needle in a haystack, but all you've been given is the right country for the haystack. You still need to find the right state, then if it's a town or city, then which farm, then which barn, then which haystack on your own. THEN you can start looking for the needle (bugged code) itself.

    As for disabling the perk? I dunno; maybe the engine prevents that? I don't know what's going on on the development end to tell you.

  • LazyGhost25
    LazyGhost25 Member Posts: 49

    @Locker_Monster true we both got good valid point's i agree with some of your messages.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited August 2019

    @Mellow7 Maybe but not everyone thinks that way. They still gotta pay for the rights for the game from the publisher. So I can understand why they push out as much as they can to make money.

    Just because you don't mind there not being new content but twice a year... There probably would be a bunch of people constantly harassing them for new content. Look at all the killer ideas.. and all the other ideas ontop of those. People itch for new content all the time in this game.

    Problem as I see it, is consoles. Since doing any quick fixing seems to be out of the question because of the process on consoles. Where as PC you can push them out as frequently as you want. Look at Deathgarden. Those guys push out regular updates, sometimes quick fixes twice a day... Cause they aren't limited by the consoles.

    But you update PCs.... Console players come on here and complain about how they are being ignored cause their updates will come allot slower pace.

    You can't win. Some people will be happy and there will always be those that aren't and will complain about it.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    @Locker_Monster Sure, any of those reasons you listed may in fact be the case.

    But I can look at stuff like, for example, League of Legends. When there's a game-breaking exploit involving a champion, that champion is quickly disabled until the issue is corrected, and the issue usually does not last long.

    I don't know if there are issues preventing this kind of action in the DBD client, but, you know, they need to fix it. I have no sympathy for excuses around this type of thing, because the game has existed for three full years, so it needs to be fixed yesterday.

    The next time a similar issue occurs, I will just be repeating this, because they should know better by now. Behaviour is not some tiny fly-by-night developer; the employ more than 550 people. I know not all of them work on DBD, but they really should have an emergency plan when things go unexpectedly wrong, because it's always a question of "when" and not "if."

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496


    And LoL is in a completely different engine, and possibly has a different language. And has a different interface, and a different back-end.

    I'm learning Python 3, and while that gives me a starting-off-point for other languages, there's no way I could just sit down and fix broken code in Unity, or Java, or Javascript, or C++, or C#.

    'Need to fix it yesterday' and 'I have no sympathy' are things said by a customer who does not, and does not WANT TOO, know what goes into the product they are demanding. They want results without reality.

    If any of these bugs took half a day to fix, they'd be fixed in half a day. Do you think the devs don't have professional pride? Do you think they're sitting around saying 'Let's see how many people we can piss off by not working today!'

    The devs are not sitting around doing nothing. The COMPANY would not pay them to do nothing.

    Think about that before you make these 'demands' for bug fixes next time and start having 'no sympathy' again. Just because you want it does not mean it's even possible to do, and only children stomp their feet and say 'Give it to me now!' while ignoring the realities of the situation.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    @Locker_Monster I promise I'm not trying to sound like some entitled asshat when I say this stuff. And I know the LoL comparison is not 1:1, it's just what leaped to my mind as an example.

    At the same time, I AM looking at it from the customer's point of view, and pointing to other reasonable standards and best practices that exist. The main point I'm trying to make is that it makes no sense for Behavior to have no strong plan to address serious emergent issues with their game (like the recent Sprint Burst exploit), because those kinds of unforeseen scenarios WILL continue to pop up at some point.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    They will pup up; agreed.

    The problem is..I may not say it right but..

    If a hero in LoL bugs, you know it's in that hero's code. You've already narrowed the problem down immensely then and there.

    If Sprint Burst breaks in DBD; is it Sprint Burst itself? Is it interacting wrong with a second perk? Is it breaking because of an addon? Is it the character it's on? Is it a bug in the cooldown? The exhaustion effect? The animation (this could be filed under 'Character', too)?

    It's just not possible to say 'Well, <x> game jumps on bugs faster, why not BHVR?' Just be assured that they are trying their best, and it must be a stubborn bug if it's taking so long.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    @Locker_Monster Right, I get that. I'm sure the solution is almost NEVER something simple, otherwise it probably wouldn't be an issue in the first place.

    But there should be measures in place to disable a messed up perk, or killer, or item while they figure out what exactly is going on.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    That, I do agree with. Better to disable it instead of let people abuse it.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    It CAN BE that quick. Look st WoW as an example, I’ve seen bugs caught and fixed literally within hours if they created issues for multiple players and unfair balance

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Again: Different crew, different engine, different code.

    Just because one company can do it in a game not at all like DBD fixes a glitch in fast speed does not mean DBD can/has too/should/can even be POSSIBLE too match it.

  • SpacingLlamas
    SpacingLlamas Member Posts: 602

    The devs already have system implemented to disable offerings and maps. But it doesn't apply to killers, perks or add-ons though it could.