Can this get people banned?

minful Member Posts: 27

Recently I've had a game where, while chasing the last standing survivor, their teammate DC'd so that they could get the hatch.

Is this punishable? Should people be reported for this?


  • minful
    minful Member Posts: 27

    Yeah, I mean, it was just annoying. This happens more often than I'd like, just think survivors should EARN the escape, y'know? Not just get it for free like that.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Yeah but it's hard to balance around arse-heads.

    If the hatch is so hard to get that DCing can't help, it may be TOO hard for legit players.

    As it is, the hatch is balanced, and DCers will stop, or be banned. It's all they can do.

  • Madjura
    Madjura Member Posts: 2,448

    DCers will stop, or be banned.

    The number of games where you can DC to give someone the hatch can be expected to be low. If you DC literally every time in that situation then it still seems extremely unlikely that you can reach the ban system trigger. Cases such as this one must be handled manually and treated like an exploit

  • ImKateDenson
    ImKateDenson Member Posts: 33

    Maybe cuz you slug for the 4k ? Hook him and he wll not dc ? Crying of ppl dc when slugging is funny, and I think dcing need to be clarified, cuz unplugging internet for me is dc but if I press esc quit the game why should it be reportable if I just use something that it’s in the game ?

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Because, even using the in game menu, you're screwing over the Killer & 3 players.

    'But it's in the menu!' is no excuse to bail. And I'm talking about repeated bailings that would show that the DCer is a poor sport & troll.

    Menu or forced shutdown; both are childish & reportable.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The killer is using a fair counter to the hatch that has been espoused by survivor mains for years, but all of a sudden it's a problem?

  • ImKateDenson
    ImKateDenson Member Posts: 33

    soo why the devs didn’t remove the quit menu in the game if it’s bannable to use it ??? The devs need to clarified what dc ban is, not the killer to decide :) And in this case the one who dc screwed only is bp soo if he decide to lose all it’s his own problem ^^ btw I’m not a fan of dc but lets be honest everyone have dc at least 1, the problem is how he dc, unplug should be ban but for me quit menu shouldn’t that’s my point .

    fair counter did I say that it’s not fair ? I don’t think so, but if he slug for 4k that can happent, deal with it ?

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    It's there because, sometimes, you need to turn off the game and deal with a real-life emergency. It's not for you to use as a scapegoat.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320

    I don't blame survivors for doing that. The killer has already won at that point, but they are afraid to take the risk and find the last survivor. The killer is afraid of the 4th getting a hatch escape then saying "gg ez" in the end game chat.

  • ImKateDenson
    ImKateDenson Member Posts: 33

    Ahah you guys are soo funny, first you are nothing here so Im, Sooo don’t act like god cuz you are not xD second don’t speak for me cuz you don’t know me, keep your conclusion for u , tird the problem is not how they dc the problem is dc ? Funny let me explain you something, ppl who unplug should be bannable but when the dedicated server wll come the devs wll see who unplug and ban them witch is good but they just going to suicide them self instead ??? And what that’s going to change than before ?? Turn the question other ways, why ppl dc? Tunneling Facecamp cuz you loop too Mutch cuz you did the ruin totem cuz have a key Or cuz you get loop in killer case ( not only survivor dc ). The problem of dc is simple if ppl who play this game could remember that this is a game and not there life’s the dc could reduce a lot

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Sure, blame everyone but the DCer for the DC.

    You know why people disconnect in rage?

    Because they're immature children who get upset if they won't win and so run away.

    DCing is DCing, regardless of HOW or WHY. You're only trying to make excuses for childish behavior so you can say 'I don't really DC because I don't pull the plug!'

  • ImKateDenson
    ImKateDenson Member Posts: 33

    XDD you still don’t understand... I wll tell u one more time then I can do anything for you, you talk about rage I can understand that some ppl rage and dc for nothing, but for the rest when someone don’t have fun on any game just forget dbd, when you don’t have fun you stop play right ? Or you continue and you rage and break your set up xD lets back on dbd now lets say I’m getting facecamp by a letherface ( idk why I took this exemple cuz letherface never facecamp ) or you suicide on the hook or you dc or you have a good team who can save you (0,00001%) what would you choose ? For me I’m getting on the hook the all time to make him lose time and the other can escape BUT I can understand other who wll say fck it I go play another game cuz I’m not having fun ( and btw before you take my word wrong, having fun is not every time escape or get 4k ;) you can have fun even if you die or get nobody kill ) the point is this, there is a lot of situation where the survivor or even the killer can’t have fun in the game and decide to dc, just don’t unplug, quit menu cuz you get punish for quitting -2pipes and 0 bp. Know I hope you understand if not don’t answer again cuz I don’t have more time to lose I wll not answer again ^^ gl hf and like the devs said play another game sometimes it’s good.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291
    edited August 2019

    Whether you think unplugging is different from using the in game menu is irrelevant since the devs have stated they treat both the same way. Both ways to leave the game are bannable if done repeatedly that's all anyone needs to know. Your arguing over your opinion while the others are just stating the facts from the devs.

    This may change in the future as the devs are working on a husk system so the6 survivor will still be in the game even if they DC which means you can still hook someone or slug them and possibly even camp them not knowing they dc'd.

    Stickter ok punishments are coming with the dedicated servers.

    They have been working on camping and tunnelling etc but it has and always will be a strat at certain times and will be use. If people can't accept it will happen now and again and its part if the game then why play it at all? You either accept the game for it's good and bad points or don't.

    Many multiplayer games punish player for leaving a game earlt no matter how they do it as you are ruining the experience for all the others left. DBD is no different.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I look forward to the husk system. DCing to give the hatch will no longer work, and I'll never get another message from the first person I down telling me "ha ha no hook for you."

    Hopefully the husk system will cut down on the number of disconnects when I play survivor, too, since disconnecting will no longer deny the killer a hook, and I won't keep finding myself in 3v1s with 5 gens left.

  • Arry
    Arry Member Posts: 9

    Instead of "leave game" it should be "quit game" and completely close the game, reopening the game will get tedious and reduce DC'ing.

  • Bone_Idol
    Bone_Idol Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2019

    @Sairek Well said, I was beginning to get a migraine trying to decipher that nonsense @ImKateDenson Blaming the killer for your obvious DC's makes you sound even dafter considering Devs have stated tunneling and camping are legitimate tactics in certain situations, we survivors have plenty of tools to deal with that these days, don't DC

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    We have clarified this time and time again. The Leave Game option is there because sometimes people have real life emergencies that they need to attend to or they are being griefed in game etc.

    We have also made it clear that we do not support DC'ing for no real reason, and in fact actively ban based on the percentage of DC's.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited August 2019

    Suiciding and DCing is actually very different. It takes a long ass time to be sacrificed. If the killer knows where the hatch is it's pretty much a free 4k. That's why people DC. If they'd open the hatch the moment someone gets sacrificed, people wouldn't DC for hatches.

  • MrsMaliciousX
    MrsMaliciousX Member Posts: 736

    alright here's the thing..

    I play both sides 50/50 well mostly..Im a rank 8 survivor and a rank 9 Killer..

    As a survivor it SUCKS to be hooked and unhooked in front of the killer and to be downed BLOWS..okay, now the killer had a choice..But he went after the one that's already hooked..Now for me Ill allow it twice..If Im being "Tunneled" (Unhooked then downed and hooked again with killer only going after me and me not being able to do anything but try to run for my life) I will DC because its not fun..and at that point I'm not screwing over teammates the only thing I'm doing is making it so that the killer didn't get a kill BUT he still got chase points, hook points AND he still gets points at the end for No one escaping (If he kills them all) and for someone leaving..So it really didn't hurt him much..I know this because I've gotten adepts just this past month for stuff like this happening.. Not only does that part suck as survivor..But people who Solo Q are stuck with people that either

    A. Farm people off the hook without BT


    B. They don't even go to save you at all..I mean come on..You hit stage 2 FINALLY someone comes to save you..Then you're downed and hooked again because you're the easy target..

    Now as killer THIS IS ALL IMO BTW...

    I understand that gens getting done at a super fast rate sucks..I mean ######### sometimes its hard right? Im guilty of tunneling someone or camping someone..But heres the big BUT..I try not to do it until I have to..If 4 gens are done and I haven't gotten a kill well Im either gonna tunnel someone..Or stay close by..Now Im not talking FACE CAMP but stay so that if they do get unhooked they have a few second head start..Its not an easy thing to do..I always tell killers I go against that its easy to tunnel esp when they hit you with the "GG EZ" while camping and tunneling..But you know..Its a LOT harder to fight to stay away from the person that's already been unhooked and possibly farmed...

    Also..Killers have gotten a little idk the word for it..But EGC they just let people crawl around..and let the EGC kill them..Now..Im not saying that they can't..but WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD SOMEONE WANT TO LAY ON THE GROUND FOR 2 MINS AWAITING FOR THE GAME TO KILL THEM..when all the killer had to do was pick them up? Not to mention if you know where the hatch is then if you close it...well theres only two ways out... 9 Times outta 10 the last survivor doesn't make it out UNLESS someone DC's and gives them hatch..

    Now Im not saying that either side is right..But I have noticed that lot of people are all.."Killers need this killers need that" when really the killers are good..its just peoples play styles..and honestly..If someone is that upset that they feel that the best thing to do is close the game and take a break..No one should be able to tell them that they can'

    Yeah DC's are outta hand..But killers already get more points than survivors ALOT MORE POINTS...I say this because there are people that don't play killer at all and there are people that dont play survivor at all..I never understood it until I took the time and played both sides to understand what the "fuss" was all about..

  • Lightsaber09
    Lightsaber09 Member Posts: 46

    Im a very lucky killer, so when people kill themselves or DC, I always find the hatch and get the 4K

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Getting slugged while some sweaty killer tries to find the last guy to prevent hatch is about the only time I ever DC. Wasting others time so you can circumvent a mechanic is weak imo.

    But rank and bp are meaningless to me since I'm a killer main and have played since day 1 and have every perk on every killer and survivor at p3

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    In most matches, slugging is the only way to get a 4k. That is how DbD is designed. If somebody doesn't like the game design, they should complain to the devs and not to the players for playing the game.

  • Ghost077
    Ghost077 Member Posts: 713
    edited August 2019

    Slug, for finding latter for 4 kills, makes survivor hide for 2 minutes. This is a very boring part of the gameplay for both hiding and downed. Would be better off doing something about it.

    I do not respect such dumbness. They have already been given a collapse, but still tryhard, wasting their and others time.

    I can only do this with a toxic survivor or if I have not received 4 Chile tokens. But more often I don’t do it anyway, it’s faster to get more in the next game.

  • TrueKn1ghtmar3
    TrueKn1ghtmar3 Member Posts: 1,143

    Lmao actually not reportable, dev wont even look at dc reports simply because they are supposedly tracking dc themselves