Head On + Sprint Burst
So Smashen figured out that if you use Sprint Burst and Head On, they stack and you can use both as you jump out of the locker. So you can stun the Killer for 3 seconds and use those 3 seconds to run really fast.
Devs, PLEASE don't get rid of this <3 For a long time I was thinking that Head On SHOULD give you a burst of speed since you're bursting out and bolting away anyway but we already had SB so the fact that this works is awesome.
Now TBH I felt like I wasted my money on Jane Romero as the only perk I like is Head On but I don't want to waste my time by grinding for 1 perk that is marginally OK, I was going to wait for the Shrine to bring it up. But now that it stacks with SB I don't feel that way and I want to grind for Head On now because it actually can be used for more than just avoiding a hit for 3 seconds. 3 second stuns are nothing but combine that stun with a SB and that's something.
Sure you can say that this is OP and unbalanced but it's Sprint Burst. if you're using it then you're walking EVERYWHERE, slowly. If you get chased then you use SB and can't use Head On, you have a huge disadvantage when pairing these together, if you can actually use them at the same time then congratulations. The strength behind it is balanced by what you have to do to make it work.
I haven't been playing DBD because I'm busy I want to get back in and use this, please leave it <3
I don’t even know why head on is an exhaustion perk, it isn’t that strong. It is just a fun perk.
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I mean, there's no reason for it to be an exhaustion perk (unless Behaviour sees it as you're using all your energy to stun the killer).
You don't want the devs to fix it.. and who knows if they'll even see this... But posting it on the forums brings it to their attention and they don't want people abusing perks like this, I'm sure.
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Hopefully that gets fixed
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huh neat also head on shouldn't be an exhaustion perk
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The Devs already know
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Head on and SB are very overrated. They're ok but realistically head on is not so useful nor is SB but this is like unlimited DS right here i was gonna say its fine and should stay but imagine now if DS is also in the mix i just thought of that while typing this. this should be patched. I Now believe head on is an exhaustion perk because of this synergy. Cant wait to see PoS ulyssus abuse this
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I already talk about this combo in a previoulsy thread and one of the devs told me that she talked with team design and they will decide if they will let Head On working with Sprint Burst and she also said that in her opinion, they shouldn't work together.
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A lot of people don't know why HO has Exhaustion but you're right, if it didn't have the Exhaust you could spam it. Also you can use HO and DS together right now without SB, if you get tunneled off the hook and make your way into a locker, if you can actually use HO and then SB out of there then that's a save. The Killer can catch up to you and then BAM smack you down and you can use your DS and get away again well that's incredibly ######### for the Killer but also a good play. But if you can effectively get caught twice after getting off the hook those crutch perks won't save you for much longer since you go down easy and rely on perks to save you.
This is also taking into account you not using SB on your way to the locker after getting unhooked with the Killer on your ass.
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Head on probably has exhaustion because it allows the survivor to gain distance from the killer like all other exhaustion perks do, just in a different way.
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This is pretty cool actually.
And guys, Head On is an exhaustion perk because otherwise you could just repeatedly stun the killer by jumping back into the locker. Also just imagine how dumb it would be to chase someone using it near a locker, you would get hit by it like 500 times a game.
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Head should have a longer stun since it's an exhaustion, 3 seconds does nothing.
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How ya figure? Thats 3 seconds in which your moving at 100% speed and the killer isnt moving at all. Compare that to the distance youd be able to achieve using any other exhaustion perk instead.
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It could be cooldown perk like quick and quiet instead of an exhaustion perk.
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It could have a 30-60 second cooldown.
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Could they not just make the perk on a timer after it is used like the perk "Diversion". Or would this also be considered broken?
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sooo what you are saying is that devs shouldn't patch out an exploit that allows you to use 2 exhaustion perks at once?
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We've all heard Devs turn around and say ''it's a feature''.
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If Head On didn't have exhaustion attached to it, I would use it every single match.
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The only reason head-on isn't used more is cause people crutch way too hard on their exhaustion perks, even though really it gives you the same distance
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BL and DH both have the potential to give you more.
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Agreed. It should just be on a timer. It already has so many perk conditions that prevent you from spamming it. Heck, the only time it's going to work normally is if you're facing a Billy/Leather that's revving their saw to bait you. With literally any other killer they're just gonna grab you right then and there.
If you somehow manage to time your hop perfectly to make them drop a surv despite all of it's conditions and the fact that killers rarely have to pass by a locker on the way to a hook, you deserve it.
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While HO also has potential to force a survivor drop. It's just as powerful as other exhaustion perks, and mixing two is blatantly broken.
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But that opportunity is almost as rare as downing multiple smart survivors with one swing of a chainsaw, you’ll get MUCH better use of DH or BL and I’ve faced people using this combo, it isn’t broken.
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Well, to each their own opinion I suppose.
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I think head on should just be on a cooldown instead of exhaustion perk and seeing how it stacks with SB i think that combo should stay. I mean killers have combo perks so why not survivor?
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You guys just want it removed so you all can 4man stun lock him that why they have it 4man stun can then become holding hostage or forcing killer to dc so no exhaustion stays
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You are not the one to decide so please shut the ######### up
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You realize we’d want a cooldown added, right?
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I feel they only read the first handful of comments rather than looking through the whole discussion. I've made that mistake before.
Doesn't matter though, they won't be back to continue the discussion apparently.