Upcoming "husk" concept and killer dc's.

Since we know that in the future, when a survivor dc's they'll leave behind a husk (presumably to be hooked, to insta die etc) if the killer dc's im hoping that instead of bringing the game back to the menu, the killer has its own form of husk added.

A far shorter endgame should occur on the killer disconnecting, perhaps giving maybe a minute to escape the match, with both exit gates opening. enough time to get to the exit gates and leave, keeping all points and items gained in the match, but allowing for some last minute saves/activity before leaving the match.

this way it will add some last minute intensity to the match. should i try and find hatch with the egc timer on me? should i save that person on hook or just simply leave? should i try and get an item from the basement to make this trial worthwhile? something that's just better then an instant cut to the lobby.

Perhaps we could even gain the ability to gain something off the killers husk, like boldness points for interacting with it. something to make the game more interesting and add last minute tension to a match where the killer has left. i obviously don't want people trying to make killers dc so they can be rewarded from the husk, but simply to give something to people to continue playing in the short time left in the match.

this is me in no way advocating dc's btw, i think there horrible and i wish there wasn't so many of them. however in the event of a dc i simply wish for the survivor side to have a match to finish outside of the killer.
