Is there even an actual reason to disconnect?

Link Member Posts: 135

In a recent game i disconnected cause i was needed and i suppose it was urgent enough to warrant a dc from the game but it had me thinking wouldn't it be better if i just stayed afk in game? Sure i would be just a useless asset to my team and they wouldnt know at first that i had gone afk but if the killer found me it would at least give them a few seconds to do gens or something while he's downing me and putting me on a hook and i also only lose 1 pip and the killer gets more points than just a little quitter bonus. But if i dc the killer gets barely any points, it's instantly a 3v1 from that point on for the rest of my team and i lose 2 pips instead of 1. So as far as im concerned unless it's a bannable offense i honestly see the dc button as a useless option.


  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Sometimes we have to take care of some real world issue that comes up and we can't keep playing so a DC option is needed.

    I also like it when the survivors I am against find their anger and frustration so unbearable that they can't deal with those feelings anymore and have to quit. Even better if they do it at the beggining of the match and stay to insult you at the chat. So much fun.

  • Link
    Link Member Posts: 135

    Yeah but as i said wouldnt it just be better if you just went afk without hitting disconnect? Since you're making yourself bait and giving your team time, as well as preventing a double pip loss

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Because DCING is an obvious show of dominance against the killer because DC= you escaped duh XD

  • LSJeff
    LSJeff Member Posts: 28

    To answer your question, yes it’s probably better to just afk as you avoid the double Depip and loss off all your points. Plus the killer has to waste time removing you from the game and the killer also gets points as well.

    DC’ing is there as an option for example if the game was being held hostage so you’re not forced to stay there.

    Unfortunately it gets a bit abused at times which is why the devs are planning on looking into it more in the future once dedicated servers come out.

  • Jonathanskilz
    Jonathanskilz Member Posts: 403
    edited August 2019


    If you have to leave for a bit aswell

    Farming killers

    Bad ping

    boored of the game and realise you want to take a break i do that sometime

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    in a situation like that, the killer could have used your body to stall the game. They just leave you injured and the moment they have 2 kills they down you and the ever so fun slugging strat commences. The killer can also hook you for BBQ, or gain other perk benefits however they so choose.

    It would be more beneficial to your teammates if you had disconnected in a situation where the only other option would be to AFK.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    In some cases maybe you have to leave your house and don't want to leave your PC or console on.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Depends honestly. If somebody has to spontaneously go away and leave the pc for a longer time, just going afk would mean the pc would be running after that a long time, which is probably something many people wouldn't want.

    A great thing would be if survivors that dc would be replaced with bots from there on. Doubt that will ever happen though.

  • Immersed_P3_Nea
    Immersed_P3_Nea Member Posts: 49

    Hoes being mad. That’s about all I can think of at this point.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,313

    I don't blame people for disconnecting if they get trapped in some weird way that EGC can't possibly resolve, and I've experienced two situations like that.

    Firstly there was a now fixed bug/exploit where survivors could make the killer land on their head below certain dropdown-holes. For me it was the hole on the Pale Rose boat, I got trapped there as a killer that couldn't do anything about it and after being stuck there for 10 minutes (all other survivors had left, this was pre-EGC) I just made sure to record evidence and then quit as it's a waste of time.

    Secondly I've had the bug where you get stuck inside a locker a few times. At that point you are basically taking the game hostage if you DON'T disconnect, as there's no way for you or the killer to get you out as far as I know.

  • SpaceCoconut
    SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

    Every reason to DC is just poor sportsmanship and salt...

    Except if they get trapped in a map element...

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    I've only DC'ed twice in my whole gameplay experience, and it was because the game was unplayable cause of the host's lag... No fixing gen animation whatsoever, I couldn't move without teleporting backwards, among many other things.

    Now, THIS is a DC I would understand

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    The "reason to disconnect" is to deny the killer the bonuses of a hook - BBQ, Lullaby or Devour stacks, et al.

    The actual reason tends to be cowardice, or vindictively trying to deny points. Fun fact, though, DCing during a mori animation can prevent the hatch from spawning <3

  • kcwolf1975
    kcwolf1975 Member Posts: 651

    My crappy internet is the only reason I dc

  • anonymous31337
    anonymous31337 Member Posts: 192

    @ElusivePukka Also DCing during mori animation can grant killer 40% in sacrifice category (at least it happend in my case). It allows you to get iri sacrifice without 9 hook actions. It even allows you to get iri sacrifice if one survivor escaped, which is ridiculous.

    DC = profit...

  • CrispyChestnuts
    CrispyChestnuts Member Posts: 175

    I only DC when a killer sneaks up behind me irl (or when all my roomies are on the internet and it just happens by accident)

  • Chickenchaser
    Chickenchaser Member Posts: 391

    If the person doesn't like the map they DC.

    IRL reasons.

    Survivors that will not play against nurse, hilbilly, spirit, etc.

    Lagging. Survivors Lagging, or the killer lagging.

    3 gens done in 30 seconds. I see killers DC every time we manage to do that.

    These are all actual reasons in my book.

  • TheDiz
    TheDiz Member Posts: 243

    I only DC when the game is so unbearably laggy that you keep glitching back and nothing works properly. Pallets, windows, etc. It's beyond irritating when you get downed and hooked right away when you can't do anything and the killer doesn't seem to miss a beat? It's like cheating

  • FriendlyGuy
    FriendlyGuy Member Posts: 2,768

    I only dc, when the killer got a bad connection. Easy way to put it.

  • Sylthea
    Sylthea Member Posts: 5

    The only time I have pulled a dc was on the swamp map vs the Huntress. It was near the start of the round, so I was creeping around the edges trying to get a direct visual on any generators to fix rather than immediately rushing out into the open. This ended up being my downfall however as I soon get STUCK on a log. I don’t mean “whoops! Gotta go around this,” I mean my character had encountered some sort of weird surface collision with a log and I could not move from the spot even if I wanted to. My character model was vibrating like they were jacked up on an energy drink, and for a good while I tried every sort of method I could think of to get unstuck. Crouching, standing up, running, nothing was working. In the meantime my teammates had cleared 3 gens, and curiously enough there had been no apparent run ins with the killer from what I could see on everyone’s status. Feeling like a burdensome leech at this point for not contributing to the team effort. Stuck as I was, escape was not an option. While getting hit by the killer might have even gotten me unstuck to some extent, the generators were in turn getting activated farther and farther from where I was. If the killer was anywhere, it would be over in that direction. I also hadn’t heard the Huntresses Lullaby of a killer radius in quite a while either, so while I happily would have given myself up for the kill if that meant 1.) My teammates were granted potential reprieve from the killer while I was being dealt with and 2.) The killer could at least get some blood points off of me as they still didn’t seem to have downed anyone yet. While there definitely might have been some solution to all this without having to do a dc, there really did NOT seem to be any other way out of it.

    At the point tally screen where I obviously raked in zero (lmao), I hopped into spectator mode so I could at least mentally cheer on the others who were still in the game. First thing I saw was everyone already at the exit gate with the Huntress close behind. Either two generators had been completed during my brief time in the results screen or I had just lost track of gen progress throughout my time literally stuck on the sidelines. Regardless, as the killer wasn’t bothering to attack anyone and nobody seemed in panic from the close proximity, I figured everything had worked out well for everyone.

    **Note to any game mods that come across this: I didn’t report any bugs in-game as it seemed to truly be a freak accident accompanied by my moody wi-fi that day. I have never encountered any other problems on that map or while playing in general.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    Holy necrosis batman

  • DrJohn
    DrJohn Member Posts: 223

    There is a legit reason to dcing and it's called I love those 5 extra minutes added on to my queue time, yes please.

  • dnj510
    dnj510 Member Posts: 438

    This is salty me speaking. Everyone has their reasons or triggers for wanting to leave the match. I just couldn't care less at this point. I very rarely DC, but if the match is not going in my favor, I.E. I'm getting very pissed off, I may or may not die on first hook intentionally. After the new struggling feature is implemented, then I'll just fail the 2 skill checks and die.

    Nobody is forcing you or anyone to stay in a match you no longer want to participate in. If you get reported for AFK'ing or hook suiciding, then so be it. Again, I just couldn't care less at this point. I just really learned not to judge anyone and what they're going through in this game anymore.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    It's faster than trying to suicide, especially if the killer deliberately drags out the game with slugging.

    Ex: Just had a game where a Huntress face camped 2 survivors to death because they went down too close to each other. Went for a save, and she grabbed the third, and one managed to suicide, while the other--unfortunately--got themselves off.

    I stayed thinking I could maybe get the hatch, but it was just a waste of time in the end. I spent more time waiting for the match to be ended (she slugged one and refused to hook them) than it would've taken me to sit through the 3 minute penalty.

  • Kira4Evr
    Kira4Evr Member Posts: 2,025

    Oh, there's always a reason to DC.

    I myself rarely DC, but it happens sometimes. For example, sometimes if I'm going against a Deathslinger, when I'm going against a Scratched Mirror Myers on Hawkins/Lérys, when I get dedicated from 728 miles away, or when I stare at a Ghost Face but can't cancel his power for some reason. But then, I rarely DC, I'm just killing myself on the hook.

  • ItzZane_
    ItzZane_ Member Posts: 965

    If you have something important IRL sure that's an excuse to DC

    If you get sandbagged that's also another reason

  • Rectal_Prolapse
    Rectal_Prolapse Member Posts: 60

    I disconnect as a form of conceding a match in order not to deal with all the notification spam / teabag / overall bm survivors do at the end of a typical Ormond / cowshed / Haddon delightful match. I'm too old for that crap and I don't mind the bans, really.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I hope everyone commenting on this remembers that this thread is from the time of no DC penalties.