Unpopular opinions thread

GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

1.Old MoM wasn’t broken

2.Nea is the second prettiest female survivor

3.Leatherface is only weak without add ons.

4.This game is balanced


  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,121

    I just came to respond to these, as I like them.

    1: I want it back xD

    2: She is a cool character, some skills are atrocious to me though haha

    3: I have faced some awfully scary Leatherfaces in higher ranks on console, it's always a surprise when they don't camp but use hook placement strategically for their sacrifices, more like make it easy to patrol and keep an eye on the survivor, its interesting.

    4: this I don't agree with because, I think they have a lot they could do, but balance isn't needed for a game to be fun tbh, or it just gets boring and fun gets limited

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I’ve also faced a few really good LF players, they are scary. I wouldn’t mind old MoM coming back.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246
    edited August 2019

    Exhaustion add-ons are fine.

    There is a double standard where it's expected that survivors can essentially load up on whatever they want, but killers can't do the same. The game is a lot more balanced than it appears, but many killers feel shamed out of running strong builds.

    Postgame chat is really unhealthy for many people. It's a 4 vs 1 bully mentality at times, especially when it's a SWF.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    Hag is better than Billy.

    Flashlights don’t kill hags power.

    Old Freddy was actually really good.

    There is nothing wrong with tunneling.

    Iron Will is the best survivor perk.

    Ruin isn’t needed to win.

    NOED is fine.

    Keys are fine.

    Meg is gorgeous and the hottest ever. Oh wait... hahah my bad, everyone already knows that, therefore it’s not unpopular.

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510
    1. Nea does not need more flowy hair and girly outfits. I would like more butch hairs and outfits for her!
    2. Quentin is fine. He has sleep trauma and drug problems - obviously he won’t look as cherub faced, especially if the Entity took him later.
    3. Nancy is better than Steve. I love both but I like Nancy more - and Natalia Dyer is so pretty!
    4. Hooks need to be reworked. They should be farther apart and more evenly spaced out.
    5. Claudette hatred will immediately lower if survivors could no longer crouch and block the hook. Fix that and I’m absolutely sure toxicity will lower.
    6. Old Freddy was great, he just needed a buff so survivors didn’t brazenly stay on gens and heal/snap out in front of him. I really hope a future killer gets his aura reading.
    7. Adrenaline is overrated.
    8. Noed should not activate if the killer closes the trap door themselves.
  • Hag_Main_Big_Brain
    Hag_Main_Big_Brain Member Posts: 81

    I guess my unpopular opinions are,

    1 - I hate Dwight. Never understood why the community liked him, never cared about getting any of his cosmetics or even leveling him up, got him to level 40 and haven't touched him since.

    2 - This game is balanced. Or at least it has reached the best state of balance it can reach atm.

    3 - MoM was over-nerfed. It's literally worthless now and is basically unusable and you never see it anymore.

    4 - NoED was at its best when only the 3rd tier gave survivors the exposed effect. It feels like half of times my team gets hit with NoED its the 1st tier. Also the extra speed boost is unneeded, it feels overkill some times.

    5 - Shirtless Myers is overrated. Like why only shirtless Myers? Why not get shirtless versions of every killer and survivor (those that aren't minors that is *cough cough* Legion *cough cough*)

    BTW, random tangent, I know I'm spelling "cough" right, but it still feels like I'm speeling ti wrong. Is that weird? Idk anymore. 😐️

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    ds doesnt need to be a skillcheck anymore don't @ me!!!!

  • pemberley
    pemberley Member Posts: 1,510

    Yeah I don’t understand shirtless Myers - why have that when you could literally have Boyfriend Myers complete with dork glasses and white bedsheet.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Old Freddy was a good killer and fun to play (as). New Freddy is very fun too.

  • Marcus
    Marcus Member Posts: 2,047

    1 Huntress would be fine with 115% speed, it could be at least tested on a PTB.

    2 Myers is overrated.

    3 Pig is underrated.

    4 Family Residence isn't that bad of a map for killers.

    5 I feel Ruin is a little bit overrated, but there are almost no effective stall perks to replace it.

    6 Trapper is the worst killer in the game.

    7 Spine Chill is overrated.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311

    Don't leave Clown out of the fun 😥

    And on topic.

    • NOED is fine. It can feel anti-fun, but at the time you get "robbed" by it you've already gotten to play most of the match and it's one of the few situations where the word "entitled" feels fitting to me.
    • Old Freddy was by no means a top tier killer, but he was MUCH better than the bottom-of-the-barrel F-tier placement a lot of people assigned to him.
    • There's no intentional survivor or killer bias among the developers.
    • Nothing done in the interest of winning is really "toxic" as long as it's within the rules of the game. Obviously includes looping, tunneling and the usual suspects, but even tbagging/flashlight clicking can arguably be a real strategy if it's done by a skilled survivor trying to get the killer's attention to benefit the other survivors. The same goes for super hard/"face"camping against an extremely altruistic no-man-left-behind team of survivors.
  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853
    1. Hag is one of the top 3 best killers.
    2. Pig is underrated
    3. Spirit does not require skill to play (don't @ me :>)
    4. Nurse's base kit is still not fine, just because you worked hard to master her doesn't mean you're supposed to gain a 4k everytime (or a 3k if someone finds the hatch)
    5. Prove thyself underrated
    6. Self care heavily overrated
  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    Camping is a part of the game and shouldnt be punished.

  • Creepingcam1070
    Creepingcam1070 Member Posts: 330
    1. The Darkness Among Us was a great chapter(Its my personal favorite chapter)
    2. I dont care for Bunny Feng
    3. NOED is balanced (actually do bones! Its not hard)
    4. Megs face is gross
    5. Window of Opportunity is underrated
  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853
    edited August 2019
  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    1. Shirtless Dwight with saggy man breasts when?

    2. Ghostface = dc.

    3.Campers are just bad at the game.

    4. NOED isnt op.

    5. New end game has ruined farming.

    6. Need more events, the more the merrier.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,986
    1. I've take a Nurse, a Billy, or a Spirit over a camping Hag or pallet Freddy any day. (By camping Hag, I mean a Hag who will place traps AND hovers around the hook as if the traps aren't campy enough. If you're gonna play that way, just play Trapper or Wraith or something. Your traps are there so you can leave and use them to come back. end rant)
    2. SWF brings balance to the game. Without at least a 2 person SWF, killers have the advantage
    3. There are no unusable killers at any rank. They can all be used if the player is good enough.
    4. There are also no "weak" killers. Just some that are weaker than the stronger one.
    5. NOED is fine. Just do totems
    6. Early game camping is way too effective of a strategy and is toxic to the community. Late game camping is fine. (Same for tunneling)
    7. Survivors should get some kind of individual abilities to differentiate themselves. Once you've unlocked the perks for everyone, the only difference is the character height and who has better cosmetics.
  • Nescau_Fernando
    Nescau_Fernando Member Posts: 44
    edited August 2019

    Oh boy, here we go...

    I) DBD SHOULD BECOME FREE TO PLAY: It already has a F2P level of grind, F2P level of bugs, a cosmetic store featuring inflated prices and a predatory premium currency, as well as a lot of gameplay related DLC you can pay not to grind for, not to mention the soon to arrive battle pass. It has all the bad aspects of F2P, but not the good part (being, you know, free).

    II) LICENSE BAD, ORIGINAL GOOD:  Licensed characters can't be acquired by Iridescent Shards, have limitations regarding their cosmetics and attract a casual crowd that is likely to complain about "Killers being OP". Also, for some reason, no licensed Killer has ever been high tier, which contributes to my pessimism.

    III) NURSE IS BALANCED AND HEALTHY FOR THE GAME: Nurse is strong during chases, but bad against stealth. Since most Nurse builds use 3 anti-stealth perks, it's not reasonable for Survivors to beat her if they are using an anti-chase loadout instead of multiple stealth perks. Survivors complain about Nurse because they want to beat her at chases. Instead, they should first change the meta to stealth/immersion, then ask devs for stealth buffs in case that is not enough. Second point: Nurse and SWF are hand-to-hand degenerates; you can't nerf one without touching the other.

    IV) SPIRIT HAS NO WEAKNESS, AND THAT NEEDS TO CHANGE: While Nurse has a superior chase power, Spirit is strong against both stealth and chases. Spirit has a smaller terror radius and can approach while invisible while at the same time being virtually "unloopable". The so called "mind games" are not about outsmarting the opponent, but rather a guessing game for the Survivor.

    V) SURVIVOR COSMETICS ARE TERRIBLE (Not sure if unpopular): I have never seen a tackier, gaudier, kitschier cosmetic selection in my life. Subjective? Yes, but don't forget that grandma looking cool while wearing kindergarten clothes is also an opinion. Yikes. Also, give us a handsome non-licensed male Survivor.

    VI) NOED IS A FAIR PERK THAT HELPS WEAKER KILLERS THE MOST: Nurse can down you in less than 15 seconds regardless of NOED, Spirit will continue to have not counters even without NOED, Billy had a one-shot on demand. Meanwhile, weak M1 Killers with no one-shot ability, like Wraith or Pig, greatly benefit from it. 1 Killer perk should be equivalent to 1 Survivor perk x 4, Hex perks should be stronger than normal perks and perks that activate only at the end game should be stronger than those that are always active. Given all those conditions, an end game hex perk should be powerful and have a strong comeback factor.

    VII) "THE GAME" IS A HEAVILY SURVIVOR-SIDED MAP: Except for Nurse, Killers have trouble patrolling two floors and dealing with endless safe pallets. A single Survivor can waste a lot of the Killer's time without even resorting to looping. Just drop the pallet right away, you will find a lot of safe ones. The reason many teams lose on this map brings me to my next point.

    VIII) RUIN AND INSIDIOUS HAVE POWERFUL PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS: Ruin can powered through and not represent a significant obstacle if Survivors don't waste time looking for the totem. Likewise, Insidious is a weak perk if the hooked Survivor accepts to patiently wait for death while wasting the Killer's time. Things is, these things generally don't happen. Survivors will become exasperated from repairing with Ruin and look for totems and there is a good chance for the hooked Survivor to suicide on the hook instead or dying a slow death. These two perks are not great for their programmed gameplay effect, but because they make Survivors play badly due to their emotional state.

    I would also talk about how Balanced Landing is often a win-more perk or how the new Freddy is still not that good, but this post is getting too long already. :P

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited August 2019

    1- Meg is ugly, Nea is not

    2- (Proper) Stealth is harder than looping, but still effective at wasting the killer's time

    2b- You can stealth a Doctor, and it feels great.

    3- The Hag shouldn't be able to place traps in close proximity to hooked survivors. It's just old Trapper (pre 1.5) 2.0

    4- Iridescent Heads are bs

    5- Looping is not that big of a deal

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    A lot of these unpopular opinions seem to just be logic separated from the passive idiocy of the sycophantic fanbase, or personal opinions that it'd be odd to get in arms about.

    I'm in the camp disagreeing about NOED, of course. It punishes survivors, rather than rewarding the killer, and I think perks should all be specific rewards rather than simple detriments - nerfs bad, buffs good, if you catch my drift. It's basically balanced, there's just too many bad killer players relying on it.. often enough that it impacts their ability to actually improve their midgame.

    So yeah: 1. Nerfs bad, Buffs good, pretty universally.

    Also, 2. Ghostface and Ghostface Lite (Legion) are poorly designed from the get-go.

    And let's go with 3. The attractiveness of individual cast members in this game is immaterial and should never be considered as a primary goal for cosmetics, except for David's ugly, baked-clay lookin' Matinee Idol 'hair' that looks like someone made the greasiest wig they could find and poured some glue into it for good measure. Aesthetic is important, but not a character's bangability.

  • AshleyWB
    AshleyWB Member Posts: 4,061
    edited August 2019

    I like indoor maps and I think it's best to scare Survivors than to kill them.

  • Boosted_Dwight
    Boosted_Dwight Member Posts: 3,059

    Shirtless Myers is a dead meme.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    When people pulls the "racial" card in a blendete argument it's because they can't come up with any gameplay justifications as to why p3 Claudette shoudnt be brightened up

  • DCh4rlie
    DCh4rlie Member Posts: 66
    edited August 2019

    1. Endgame Perks should be deleted for the health of this game.

    2. Too many perks have too much inpact on this game.

  • Tower_XVI
    Tower_XVI Member Posts: 109


    Since you took the time to write all that I'd like to take the time to provide some feedback. I know it's all just opinions but they were some good talking points!

    1. To be honest I feel like this one I can't really get behind when looking through the business scope of things. The games three years running with almost little to no recurring financial investments from players beside a $20 initial investment + however much dlc they bought (this was before the update, now you can spend even less money on all the work they've ever done. I'm not trying to sit here and saying all corporations are entitled to money, but it was genuinely surprising to see any sort of cosmetic stuff take this long to appear, and I'm surprised they made DLC earnable to be honest. I also think the bloodweb grind has been just a huge longstanding issue that they haven't prioritized addressing until recently, rather than something any degree more sinister.
    2. I can't agree with the speculation that licenses attract casuals. I would more likely infer that they would attract any sort of gamer whose interests already included whatever licensed content existed and hopefully this weird horror game. I agree with your attitude about licensed balance though, that's actually a really bizarre phenomenon and I wonder how it ended up like that. I wonder if they're forced to have a steadier hand when it comes balancing licensed folk. Did they have to ask for the Freddy rework?
    3. I -want- to say that I heard the devs saying that all the feedback points toward chase oriented gameplay over stealth with some more obvious reasons. Not finding anyone as a killer can be boring, frustrating and low scoring, as a survivor it can be exciting but still low scoring. I also believe that being forced to make a series of decisions constantly in a pvp situation is what leads to skill being determined. You could argue about the semantics about braindead chases but I'll simply maintain that a lot of chases tend to end with a grievous error on the side of either party which can lead to reflection and re-strategizing rather than wondering if you would have found the blendette had you hung around that generator for another minute or two. As for Nurse, I would mostly agree. I think she just needs an add-on pass and maybe tweaking. You could add a lot of depth to her through add-ons and normalize the power level of her blinking that way.
    4. Full Disclosure: I play killer far more than survivor but spirit is not one that I pick outside of quests. Whenever I go against her I definitely come away feeling like you described though, mostly a "welp I'm not sure what I was honestly supposed to do there" after getting downed because she felt around for me while invisible rather than listening.
    5. I would only add that there's a fair bit of killer outfits that I scratch my head at as well.
    6. I never bothered with running noed myself, and with the new cleansing rewards I tend to stop for dull totems when I see them. I only get annoyed when it's someone like a nurse or spirit running it rather than a LF or wraith. Getting downed trying to soak a hit near the gate for someone because of NOED will never stop tilting people I figure.
    7. I figured a lot more people were starting to catch wise to this, it's surprising the sheer amount of pallets you're forced to break on this map. I wonder how it'll look with the new pallet value system.
    8. I agree with you again, I also feel like betting on that sort of thing has led to far more frustration than glee in my case. Third Seal is one of my absolute favorite perks but the fact it's a hex means it's far less likely that it'll earn its value.

    I think the first few unpopular opinions that come to my mind are:

    1. Hex totems should not be lit up.
    2. There should be in game text chat between all sides, and pregame chat between all sides, just hide the killers name. Double down on the moderation team and add a report function for toxicity. My hopes that it would add to a more civil experience are probably dubious though.
    3. Moris aren't anything but petty revenge offerings. I'm fine with devour hope since there's counterplay.
    4. Perks/events/offerings that affect bloodpoints should be far more pervasive.
    5. Perks don't need ranks anymore with this many in the game, it was a thing for the sparse content back then.
  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077
  • AnnaEliza365
    AnnaEliza365 Member Posts: 141
    1. Survivors tend to blame the killer, when a lot of their problems could be solved if they ran better team perks. A lot of them run perks that are more for their own individual survival.
    2. The EGC gave killers another free lane to be an #########. There is no need to be a jerk letting them crawl almost all the way out only to pull them back, and watch them slowly lose hope, or bleed out, or be taken by the entity. Just take your kill, and go. ESPECIALLY, when you already crushed them in the match.
    3. The end game collapse removed viability for hatch escapes, and make a few perks completely useless (not that they were that useful to begin with).
    4. Survivors need to stop the bull with the butt dancing. If the killer was an #########, and still lost okay fine. Butt dance for a second. But, it's when we've gen rushed a killer to death, they haven't gotten a single hook, and then survivors want to sit there and tea bag in the exit gate that is beyond not okay.
    5. I don't think the EGC should trigger with one survivor left. I think they should still have the option to try to get gens done to get out.
    6. AND LASTLY if I am the last survivor in a match I should have my time on the hook. I should have the ability to struggle to get off even though everyone around me is dead. I should be able to get my 800+ struggle points.
  • Nescau_Fernando
    Nescau_Fernando Member Posts: 44


    That was a refreshingly civil response, specially for an unpopular opinions thread. Here are my answers:

    1 - F2P model doesn't necessarily earn less money. Compared to the traditional monetization model (20 to 60 dollar main game + 5 to 20 dollar expansions), F2P has focus on selling cosmetics and speeding up some of the grind (in DBD's case, paying for a character instead or grinding shards). It tends to earn less from dedicated hardcore grinders, but a lot more from casuals and whales.

    Upon gaining independence from Starbreeze, Behaviour started to change DBD's monetization from traditional to F2P model. Problem is we currently have the bad things of both models (base game price + agressive monetization) and few to none of the good things (full content access + free access). The grind (lack of full content access) was always there indeed, which is why this have always had a foot in F2P territory to begin with. BTW, I'm OK with grind (needs to be reduced, though) and cosmetic store (cosmetics could be a lot better, though); it's the access price that IMO needs to go.

    2 - I don't think there is a disagreement here, but rather different concepts of "casual". To me, casual is any player who is not going to be a hardcore DBD competitor, regardless of being a non-gamer normie or a gamer who will play DBD at intermediate level or below.

    3 - I believe fun and skillful stealth competition is possible against Nurse. The Survivor needs positioning and awareness, as well as the choice of where and if to run or not. Nurse needs to find clues of the Survivor's position (generator's worked on, scratch marks, crow alerts, sounds etc.) and decide where to focus her rotating blinks. Nurse can eventually find the Survivor and will score a down quickly, but the skill matter here is how much of the Killer's time the Survivor wasted. When playing as or against Nurse, I experienced the above situation many times and it was fun/skillful, so I want this to be more common. In other words, I want more balanced/back-and-forth stealth gameplay and less of the extreme cases (no stealth at all or full immersion).

    5 - Yeah, Billy in particular deserves better. Not only better cosmetics, but a base appearance upgrade would be nice.

  • Phox
    Phox Member Posts: 206

    Oh we’re giving unpopular opinions? Okay, I’ll say it.

    The devs do a great job and we’re lucky to have them.

    Also.. noed is fine, and they over nerfed MoM.

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    It’s okay to be bad at this game, but admit to your shortcomings and realize sometimes, it really is your fault.

  • BurgerKingEmployee
    BurgerKingEmployee Member Posts: 34
    edited August 2019

    1.Boil Over is actually a pretty fun perk

    2.Nurse has counter play

    3.Tunneling/Camping is okay in certain situations

    4.Meg is hot

    5.LF needs a buff before pig/wraith

    6.Bamboozle should be reworked or removed

    7.Everyone should stop asking for shirtless cosmetics

    8.Spirt takes no skill to play effectively

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    1) People who claim nurse is weak to stealth don't know what they are talking about, at all. Nurse is no more vulnerable to stealth than other killers, and is actually even better against it because she can close distances so quick with her power, leaving little time for survivors to stealth away. Against a good nurse the only way to possibly win is have all 4 survivors going as hard as they can on generators. Stealthing against good nurses does not waste their time.

    2) Claiming that a killer is balanced at base is a silly comment to make. Killers absolutely should not be considered balanced or too strong based on their base kit. If you use a killer's base kit in red ranks, expect to be at a disadvantage.

    3) The time it takes for generators to be completed is not the biggest issue in the game right now. The biggest issue is how awful some maps are, and the need for a map overhaul for many maps.

  • Glory
    Glory Member Posts: 241

    This is a cursed thread, asking for shirtless LF and decrying shirtless Myers (and a bunch of other stuff, but that's not as important)