We deployed a fix to solve an issue preventing players from unhooking, healing or picking up Survivors. Players will need to reboot to see the change reflected in-game. Thank you for your patience!

A killer main in survivor town.

Killer main of about 100 hours and decided to try survivor out. Threw some BP into David and Laurie. My experiences.


Tunnelled and camped.

Nobody came, died on first hook. Happened several times. They weren't doing gens either, at least half were just crouching middle of nowhere.

Tunnelled more.

Camped more.

Looped killer for 3 gens, spent 2 mins with him slapping me on the hook. Everybody else finished up and left.

Tunnelled more.

Random LF approaches with the power of unholy lag and insidious. Mayhem ensued.

There were a few good games but my Lord, it's hard being competent (I think I'm competent) down in yellow and I'm happy that I'll soon be out of this hellhole. When do I start seeing the survivors I have to deal with who do gens and things? When will I find killers like me who understand that not camping might get you more points?

Rant over, and my sympathies to all new survivor players.



  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    You mean killer main in haddonfield amirite? Please laugh I need my redit gold despite this being a diffrent site

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    Make it easier on newbies, let the actually good players just ROFLSTOMP because you balance for bad/new players. Seriously, why can't people get this basic concept?

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    It's called a Survivor Main dumping BP into a Killer, so he can stomp on lower ranks for BP and easy wins when he/she is forced to play Killer for a Daily Ritual. Once you get all the perks you want unlocked and level up one Survivor with everything, Survivor Mains don't have anything else to put BP into other than Killers.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    I hate rank reset because i don't get to play as much as i would like so i drop down to yellow rank with the ######### killers and survivors

  • sailormars
    sailormars Member Posts: 122

    When does you start seeing good survivors and non-tunneling/camping killers? Lol never. People want swf taken out, but it's the only way to have fun in this game as a survivor. I'm in red ranks and trust me, you get survivors like this MOST times. Very rarely you'll get a group of survivors who are on top of ######### that pump out Gens and go for hook saves. Even at this rank, most survivors you get are going to urban around the map and leave you to die on first hook. Or they can't loop for ######### and will go down almost immediately. That's how this game is. And killers at red ranks... Mostly Spirits as that's the only killer that doesn't have a hard learning curve like Nurse but has almost 0 counter play except iron will. Killers also still camp Hooks at this rank and for sure tunnel, so good luck.

  • megdonalds
    megdonalds Member Posts: 742
    edited August 2019

    When I play killer:

    Theory -> Having some fun and not so stressful matches and don't mind if I get only 1K or 2k at the end or even give the last one the hatch for free.

    Reality -> Playing against sweaty tryhard SWF teams for the most time. Ruin got found in 20s. Getting gen rushed to hell like there was no tomorrow. Skillful and experienced gameplay doesn't help much mostly because of, you know, voice comms. Didn't even tunnel the whole match but surv DCs because it would be his last hook. Salty and mad crybaby yelling in the after match chat because I secured a kill in EG.

    When I play solo survivor:

    Theory -> Having some fun matches, doing some gens, totems, saves and being chased here and there and don't have the feeling that I'm the only useful surv on the map. Even if I get killed I will have some good amount of bloodpoints at least.

    Reality -> Match starts, first surv is already down in 20s. I'm repairing gens through ruin as always because it's EZ af. Getting chased by the killer and wasting most of his time. Still 5 gens left, I'm realizing survs running pointless through the map, crouching in corners or failing skill checks. Some mins later I got either killed already because other survs gave a ######### for saving me or I'm the only one left. Killer found the hatch first as always and EG activated, the exit gates spawned literally next to each other. I'm going into a locker and waiting for the entity.

    Post edited by megdonalds on
  • rrichard023
    rrichard023 Member Posts: 10
    edited August 2019

    Green ranks are where survivors start getting the idea that maybe doing gens is how you win

  • gantes
    gantes Member Posts: 1,611

    Solo survivor can be a pretty miserable experience at all ranks, but generally when you get to green/purple people start actually playing the game.

    That's no guarantee that anyone will save you tho. People play so scared they just finish the gens and leave.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Whenever you bring up camping on these forums, many killer mains get very defensive and say that it's a legit strategy and survivors have to deal with it and get better. And yes, it is a legitimate strategy, no doubt. But the problem is that that's just bad game design, nothing more and nothing less.

    People on these forums want the killers to be rewarded for not camping, but I personally feel like the game could need both. Rewarding the killer for not camping, but also making camping less effective than it is now. Right now, especially on lower ranks, it's too good of a strategy for how little skill is required and how unfun it is to go against the strategy. And I know that people will argue that there have been punishments that were tried in the ptb and were abused by survivors. But I'm very sure that there are ways to not make these punishments for camping abusable by survivors.

  • RakimSockem
    RakimSockem Member Posts: 1,975

    Nah fam. This happens across the board (both the constant tunneling and camping from killers as well as the doing nothing and crouching from survivors)

  • ahandfulofrain
    ahandfulofrain Member Posts: 528

    Man... I wish I played against survivors like this instead of the ones drenched in sweat.

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    Okay let me address this. First, yeah, Legion with a pink mori.

    Second, not a single one of my issues had anything to do with game balance so what are you talking about? Killers aren't op, cept nurse and maybe spirit, most are actually woefully underpowered when it comes to dealing with experienced survivors.

    My issues all came from player behaviour and one instance of a terrible connection. The devs and balance can't be blamed for camping, tunneling, useless teammates and the game has a learning curve, that's fine. Most new players from the St dlc won't stay and that would be the case in any game, some will love it here and stay.

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    Yeah I know, this isn't really a complaint thread, just me documenting my walk on the other side.

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    Oh no...this is exactly what happened to me several times, except I was a Laurie. This is rank 1??

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    Lol I did actually find some survivors who did gens. I saved both of them from hook with borrowed time plays and eventually went down. I run kindred, one was clearly being chased by killer, the other two just sat with their fingers in the gens, not moving. I died. Sad part is in those two mins they still didn't finish the gens cos ruin.

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    Camping isn't a good strategy right now though unless your group decides to do nothing or run into the killers arms while you are being camped. The punishment is you get one hook and next to no points.

    The only reward comes from players being dumb and that isn't a Dev problem.

  • justarandy
    justarandy Member Posts: 1,711

    At least you got just new killer beeing garbage. I played with my GF, she is rank 20 because new. U can't imagine how many smurf killers we encountered. They brought into all meta perks maxed, strongest addons, often ebony moris and with high tier killers. They slaughtered all, and after downing me after a long chase they just slugged till bleed out or started mori everyone.

  • InquisitorLoki
    InquisitorLoki Member Posts: 3

    I'm a survivor main that rarely plays a killer unless it's for BP or a daily ritual. I usually play as the Legion, mostly because I like their outfits and their mori.

    I just want to start by saying that I fully expect people here to disagree with me or maybe even throw hate my way. I'll also likely forget to check back for comments. But I figured I'd just put my opinion down.

    My friend and I have been playing this game for a good bit, like just after Michael was released. We sometimes spent 17 hours a day on the game on our days off because we loved it. Now we hate it and basically don't care anymore. It feels like there's no point trying to survive anymore. If you're not being camped or tunnelled, you have to deal with ######### teammates. My friend and I fix gens, unhook people, and even go back for people when Endgame has been triggered. But we almost never see the same from our teammates.

    I won't say I'm a super skilled player. My looping skills are ######### but I'm decent at hiding and I'm pretty reliable when it comes to helping others. But it's gotten to the point where it feels like every update is geared towards helping killers and screwing over survivors. The game doesn't feel fun anymore. It's just something to do to pass the time. Hell, it's gotten to the point that when I do play a killer, I mostly just ######### off the whole match, pretending I'm gonna kill people just so the survivors have an easy match for once and don't have to die on the hook because of ######### teammates.

    The game is woefully geared towards killer players and survivors are getting more and more selfish. I've played several matches where survivors intentionally lead a killer to me or follow me around the map making as much noise as possibly to draw the killer to us and then they bail so I get stuck with the killer. It's a lot of BS these days and the BP isn't worth it.

    And as for killers, a lot of them aren't OP on their own but when you take some of their built-in abilities and stack other killer perks, it can quickly make certain killers OP and it makes it harder to survive. But it is what it is. I don't fault killers for trying to live their best lives. I do fault them for tunnelling and camping. I won't apologize for saying that those are incredibly annoying techniques that suck the fun right out of the game, especially when you FINALLY have a match where your team is trying to help. My friend and I have gotten to the point where we don't try if we see the match going to ######### because no one else is trying just so we don't get enough BP to rank up because then we might ger better matches. It's sad to say that technique has actually kind of worked. Ranks 14 & 15 seem to be a sweet spot. For us, anyway.

    I know everyone has their opinions. And I'm no saint. I've sent some hate mail to killers and other survivors and I'm not proud of that. Sometimes we all get too caught up in the heat of the moment and do things we shouldn't. But I've stopped with the hate mail because, at the end of the day, it is just a game and most of us just want to try and have some fun with it. Every game is going to have its trolls and people that abuse the system, as unfortunate as that is.

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day and manages to have some fun. Life is too short for all the bullshit, ya know?

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Yes, campers get no points and depip. And now, in lvl 16-20 almost all killers are campers. So, nobody will play this game. But yes, devs can't do nothing because is an strategy, but it'll kill this game

  • Jus4Fun
    Jus4Fun Member Posts: 1

    I could easily explain that for some players. I used to play on a regular basis. And always got between rank 1-3. But, now I do not play regularly. I still randomly play here and there. But I own to many games across PS4, Switch, Xbox and PC. So I no longer dedicate that much time to DBD (I don't only play one game.). I still love the game! Just, I have many other games to play as well. So after rank resets and depending how long I haven't played, I have come back being Rank 20-12. I don't play as often at all. So I have all tier 3 perks on my survivors and killers. And plenty of ebony mori's collected. But, I am not a ass. So I don't use them, because I know many are new. I also do not tunnel or camp. Less they are trying to be toxic. Then I won't play so nice,lol. But mainly, I just want to have fun when I do decide to play some rounds.

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    I agree, camping and tunnelling is an awful experience and it really does suck, which is why as a killer main I strive to do neither. Obviously sometimes a survivor will just keep running into me and I won't just ignore them if it happens so they die pretty quickly because of bad luck/hiding teammates/obliviousness to surroundings but I won't tunnel off the hook or focus them if I run into several.

    That being said I think you've very wrong if you think the game is geared towards killers. Yes, killers a much more powerful than survivors in most cases unless your survivor is a pro at looping but that's the point, there are 4 survivors so on average if you get tunnelled or camped it can feel like it's geared towards killers but anybody with experience against even competent survivor teams can tell you that it's difficult and we don't have the advantage you think we do.

  • PrissyCoyote
    PrissyCoyote Member Posts: 10

    I play both survivor and killer. I noticed when I learned how to play killer and got good at it, I became a better survivor which in turn made me better at killer. It helps to learn and remember what each killer is like and where things usually spawn on all maps.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2019

    This town ain't big enough for the both of us.

    *Inaudible whispers*

    Wait what? It actually is big enough for both of us? Well shucks. Welcome to the crew!

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    It does. One thing that really needs addressing though I'm completely lost on how to do it fairly is the learning curve when first starting out. When you first start killing against other rank 20 survivors you will have a ball, it's very easy to 4k almost every game because killers thrive on survivor mistakes and they make them every few seconds. Failed skill checks, doing nothing at all, bad save attempts, attempts to get off the hook themselves for no good reason, unable to loop, getting lost...the list is endless.

    As a killer you can make a lot of mistakes yourself but as long as you chase a new survivor they will go down pretty quickly. All the failed skill checks and bad play makes it easy to get a kill and once you have one it snowballs. On top of that, new survivors are lost and not doing anything for long periods of time so you are almost guaranteed an extra ten or so minutes to do what you need to.

    What this results in is new survivor players going through hell but once they get better they can control the game much much better, and while killers are stronger than individual survivors a group of 4 good survivors will make life hell on an equally skilled killer especially with communication which is the key factor. Killers meanwhile have a whale of a time starting out but as you climb it starts to get harder and harder, you also hit pockets where rank 1-6 survivors are teaming up with a rank 17 friend and absolutely destroying your experience. The higher you get the harder it is to get a single kill and gens pop like crazy, endgame starts in about 6 minutes on average and every second counts and unless you're playing a very strong killer, basically Nurse or Spirit it's all out of your control. If both you and the survivors play perfectly, they win, you need them to make mistakes and the experience just gets worse and worse. It's like a loop, the survivors mirror the killer, start out in misery but higher ranks are pleasant while killers start out destroying and higher ranks become hell.

    I don't know how this would be fixed to average it out for both groups and may be impossible but it's my experience so far. The worst part is that a lot (not all) survivor groups will blame the killer for any perceived slight such as if they think you're tunnelling without realising one of their group was just wrong place wrong time a lot, or if you use noed and as a group of 4 generally echo each other in the endgame chat while the killer stands alone and is basically there to be abused. It's why I try to be cordial no matter what happens in game.

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    It's like that's the point of my entire thread or something, who knew?

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    The same as every other "killer main here" that tries survivor. To complain that they're still in low rank killer territory because they either dont play survivor, or just arent any good.

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    Was actually more of a humorous look through the eyes of the enemy, a fun documentation of my experience so far and a fun conversations starter. Pity you're too busy taking it so seriously to notice most people on the thread are just having fun.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Pity you assume I actually took it that seriously and assumed what I'm thinking or noticed. I saw. I'm just sick of seeing "now I see why" when it's because you dont play the role. Ofc you get campers in low ranks.

    How about you just do you and let me do me. Considering you responding to me added NOTHING to the conversation, it only served as a purpose for you to try to make me seem like an idiot and/or make you feel better because you, for once, had a witty remark.

    Bye hon. Dont take things too seriously maybe. <3

  • SenatorAcadia
    SenatorAcadia Member Posts: 72

    Meh. The game is fun imo. I'd rather have survivors play poorly than be jerks.

    If people all knew that flapping your arms on the hook means the killer is nearby then things would be way better imo

  • Nonfunctional
    Nonfunctional Member Posts: 70

    SWF don't need a buff and you can't buff survivors without buffing SWF so (hold on, a little math here...) Nope, no Survivor buffs for you.

  • OGOzSnowChimp
    OGOzSnowChimp Member Posts: 247

    The killer knocking you on the hook wasn't a Trapper by chance?

  • InquisitorLoki
    InquisitorLoki Member Posts: 3

    I will agree that when there's a good team, it seems less like the killers have an advantage. I will also say that there are a lot of killers that are easy to counter (not the players of the killers but the actual killers, not trying to insult anyone's gameplay) but there are some that are more difficult to work against. It's hard not to get the feeling that the game is geared nore towards killers.

    However, I think the main issue is with other survivors. When someone is new, you can generally tell and I'm not gonna hate on someone just trying to get a feel for the game. It's the survivors that seem determined to ruin things for others or just don't care about their teammates that ruin things. I just don't understand the logic of sacrificing your teammates when the point is to work together.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I mean if you get camped it's not your fault that your team mates are bad. The thing is it's just important to make the game as fun as possible for all players. And camping right now is a serious issue. I know it's not the most efficient strategy, but it can be good against solo teams and in particular low ranks. And I think it is important to make sure that everyone enjoys the game. It's not an issue of balancing but one of design quality.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited August 2019

    Survivor main here with 1000 hours in survivor. I play a little killer here and there but I don't enjoy playing killer (or rather staying in the lobby for 10 minutes waiting for a match), so I mostly play survivor.

    I do not find low level survivor ranks frustrating.

    I actually enjoy playing at the yellow ranks. When I get de-ranked into the beginner ranks during a reset it's even better. Sure, you'll get a bunch of incompetents as teammates a lot, but there are also decent players.

    More importantly, killers at these ranks aren't very good at the game yet. They are decent enough at the chase but their game sense isn't well-developed yet. So I can actually juke and stealth them pretty easy with my experience.

    In fact my problem is I rank up too fast and get back to green in a few hours, because I do too well in the yellow ranks. Ah well, that's how it is. I don't derank on purpose so when I get back to green the fights start getting more intense, until I get back up to purple and red. I'm not a very good player so by the time I get to purple I'm having a hell of a time surviving.

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    Was a Wraith, lol. I had a real angry Trapper too though, man camped me super hard after he finally downed me. In his defence, me and two other survivors were just tapping a gen in his face while he tried to swat us away.

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    Yeah, you added tons to the conversation. Cya, salt mine.

  • Richter_Cade
    Richter_Cade Member Posts: 91

    Nah man I would agree, the low ranks of survivor are bad, real bad, but not once have I felt any kind of stress or salt it's just funny. I'm having a very good time with all of this, I enjoy watching the Claudettes peacefully crouching in their natural habitat while I die on my first hook, in all honestly it just makes me smile.

    I made a clip to show just how my experience is going tonight, and I love it. It's my favourite clip, I was laughing the whole time.


  • _Vecio06_
    _Vecio06_ Member Posts: 2

    Ⓝⓞⓟⓔ I play on green rank (one time I Aldo player on purples) and Im constantly being camper and tunneled

  • SoloSurvivorMain
    SoloSurvivorMain Member Posts: 67

    Thats a horrid experience try bringing solo perks until like rank 12 or so maybe try swf so people will actually do somethinf

  • Spirez
    Spirez Member Posts: 674

    The only way to enjoy it more is to be in red ranks where survivors actually do something. But my god.... before red ranks it’s nothing but rage. I’m a killer main 60/40 but I’m mainly waiting till dedicated servers to try to make it 50/50 killer/survivor.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886

    The game is just not meant to be played competitively. It's an asymmetric game for starters, and the balance is just such that low rank survivors have hell while high rank killers must struggle.

    I think this is fine. The only real problem is when you have 4-man SWF commando squads working like clockwork to beat the killer, or survivor newbs at Rank 20 who have no idea what they're doing and getting owned left and right.

    In most situations the game is not too bad.

  • Mochan
    Mochan Member Posts: 2,886
    edited August 2019

    Part of the problem is that the Devs have shifted the game towards looping as the only strategy for Survivors, while completely nerfing Survivor Stealth in every possible way.

    That's why it feels so helpless if you are a stealth player.

    I am a stealth player myself but since the dumbass November patch (or was it Octover?) patch last year Stealth has become so bad that I finally decided to just learn to loop. And now I'm just brainlessly looping killer's asses off and they just whine all day on the forums about how unfair it is that Survivors can loop you for minutes on end.

    BHVR needs to get their heads together and fix the basic gameplay design for survivors. Looping as the centerpoint of the entire game is just poor game design.