Can you see any difference between No Prestige and Prestige III ?
I can - perk drop chance. With increasing Prestige lvl you slightly increase chances of dropping perks of higher tiers and levels, but thats all :////
I see no even minor difference betwen item, add-on, offering drop chances between Prestiges. Probably so it was intended, but I don't know..
Gaining Prestiges is pretty worthless, espesially as Survivors.
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I've noticed the quality of the bloodweb changes and sometimes cost more. I typically get 1-3 Very rare addons and 1 ultra rare addons every bloodweb.
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I think it just a luck, I have Prestige III Freddy and i cannot say he gets rare add-ons more frequent than my No Prestige Pig
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I think each killer has various RNG for the addons they use.
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Sounds weird, why some characters get more rare add-ons when other get less/
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Who knows, but as I got 40 more lvls to go on Spirit for all perks I shall proceed to keep track of addons and mention it to you later in this thread.
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The amount of rare addons on each killer doesnt dictate how many rare items are in each bloodweb, just the chances of getting THAT PARTICULAR rare item. This is why ebony moris are more common to pop up than ivory moris. If you compare 2 killers, one who has 2 red addons and 1 who only has 1 red addons...The amount of red addons total will be roughly the same on both, but of course the killer that only has 1 red addon will get that more often than either single one of the other killer's red addons.
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The only change in the bloodweb is about more Uncommon add-ons than before, the change is there but it SO SMALL that i makes no diference.
Every BW has 3 Purples and MAYBE 1 or 2 Ultras every now and then, and then the same number of Greens and yellows but I think the amount of Browns varies per web. Sometimes a Purple is a perk so you can miss out on a really good add-on.
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Prestige isn't supposed to give you any benefit. It was the same way for COD Modern Warfare 3. You lost all of your perks and guns and attachments and just got a prestige emblem next to your name.
That's why it's called Prestige. You do it quite literally for the prestige of it. As a bragging right, or a way of showing off you're experienced. That's it. It's not supposed to give you anything else and was never intended for that.
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Maybe the blood?
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Would be valid if it didn't literally tell you that you get slightly better things on your bloodweb when you prestige. I wouldn't mind prestiging giving you nothing if it didn't explicitly state that it does.
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Pretty sure what BHVR says about perks is a lie, been disproven by some twitch streamers b4. Even if it were like that, prestige is really only for the dedicated or the ones who like the aesthetic of human blood on their chest.
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The more I've prestiged a character, the more ultra/very rare add-ons have shown up often.
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im getting much better with 3
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Does not affect perk drop Chance. Only affect rarities of add-ons and items. It increases very slightly. Only worth it if you want bloody clothes and you play the game a ton.
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Prestige is just too look awesome with bloody clothes.
Every survivor should do it, what else are you using all that BP for?
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Studies have been done, screenshotting hundreds of bloodwebs at level 50 for different prestiges, and there was no significant difference.
Even the devs have said there's basically no difference.
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There is absolutely no difference in doing prestige, I havent prestiged my huntress and every level I get her op add ons
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Honestly, no.
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I don't notice because I don't really care, I just want my cuties all bloodied up
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Here is all the math on this particular topic. If you're doing it for a rarity advantage, it's not worth it.
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Claudie gets invisible tho